What price do you pay for your political belief?

I will probably lose some/many/most (I don't really know because most people here don't show their opinion) friends for voting AfD. What do you do German anons? Do you vote AfD and remain silent or do you clearly say you vote AfD? I decided people can fuck off if they wanna break up with me because of my opinion. They only consume fake news and have no clue what is happening here. They probably think I am a Nazi now, but I am not and never will be. I just wanna live in a country with law & order, but seems like most Germans don't want this. I can't convince people who are not braindead lefties and I knew for years because the media propaganda here is too strong and their interest to dig deeper just not there. I tried this the last month but they are too blinded. It's fuckin sad what's happening here. Germany is divided again, probably more than it ever was. SAD. When civil war breaks out, most Germans will fight together with the IS army against the last conservative Germans. I will probably leave this country before this happens. There isn't much worth to fight for anymore. I hate this society but don't know where to go. Fuck everything, it's unbelievable how fast things got worse.

I voted for Trump.

I was sure that my Sanders voting wife was going to divorce me. When I saw she went to a lawyer, I went to one too.

She'd lose big time $$$ wise and I'd get the child custody. Her problem is she's only worked a couple of years before mooching off of me. No way could she afford to divorce me!

Its far more likely she'll just murder me in my sleep, turn my child into a whore for crack money, and hook up with some black drug dealer. Cuz America!

My girlfriend accepts that I vote AfD but I can't convince her to do the same, even when she understands all my arguments.

The media pumped the "if you vote for AfD you vote for a second holocaust" narrative so hard into people's heads that they can't resist against this. I bet there are many people who wanna vote AfD but they don't have the courage to do it because of the social consequences. And even I think to fuck it all and live my old life again. But I think I can't do this, because I have fuckin beliefs of right and wrong. And the only solution to save a little bit Germany in my opinion is voting for the AfD.


My leftie family knows I'm right-wing, but not FN. To be frank my family, especially my grandpa would probably not mind. He regrets colonialism and always says "oh, a nigger" when there's a nog on TV. Says he's a leftie but he's either an old-school leftie or says it to please granny

Shit here will maybe destroy the connection to my sister because she's completely blinded by the "help refugees or you are a bad human" narrative...

The price I pay for my beliefs is a small circle of friends, no female friends, no hope of getting a girlfriend and closing myself in my bedroom when I am not working; I go out quite a lot but going out with friends or at weekends to the club is nothing but disappointing.

Life is unfulfilling.

Just graduated from an extremely liberal northeastern university. Lost friends over Trump support. He has turned out to be more of an imbecile than I thought, but still, I'm a believer in accepting the consequences for such stances.

As always, maintaining neutrality (equivalent to silence, except in rare cases) in times of crisis is for irretrievable wusses.

>My girlfriend accepts that I vote AfD but I can't convince her to do the same

Same here. In fact, my girlfriend said she would vote "SPD just to piss off AfD." I told her that's a stupid reason to vote for any party. She said she was "no longer going to vote then." That's when I flipped my shit. She didn't bother reading a fucking brochure from any of the parties. She doesn't know jackshit about politics. She's the embodiment of the Der Spiegel reader who regurgitates "AfD is bad & nazi" without knowing why. She's constantly talking about "muh feminism," yet won't exercise her right to vote that women fought so much for. She really should have her voting rights revoked. I said all those things to her and she broke down and cried. Hopefully she's voting AfD now. God, I love her, but she's an absolute idiot sometimes.

If you're charismatic and intimate with her then you can redpill her. Just start slow. I can't see why anyone in their right mind would open with welcome arms refugees. You can be sympathetic to them if you're a normie, but to love them, you gotta be mad

Sounds not good. My girlfriend understands the corrupt system and the corrupt parties and would never vote the "old parties". She also thinks feminists are braindead. So I accept her political opinion not to vote for AfD, but if she would vote SPD I would probably break up with her.

I think I can't. For people like my sister you are a racist if you don't wanna unlimited refugees in Germany. Most people here think like this. I don't know, maybe Germans have a genetic disposition so they can only think in extreme ways. It's crazy.

yeaa, i just stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. i got a lot of "haha you're kidding right" "wait what really??" when i told people i vote afd. im always thinking that i can explain myself and give arguments but some people are reaaally dense. the programming is strong

but i actually found a couple of people who shared my beliefs and i swayed 3-4 people into voting afd

i also pay somone for a photo of him voting afd maxlel

I managed to get my own mother to vote Trump, even though she had voted Democrat her whole life.
If my White Nationalist side was exposed, I'd loose a good portion of my friends. My family and I are a strong enough unit to withstand just about every controversy. Might lose my job though. It'd depend on the circumstances. Would definitely have to go back to manual labor. No gf or wife, but knowing the liberal area that I live in, finding a gf/wife would be that much harder

I will return to the Rhineland with weapons to help my volk.

May I ask where you found them?

On AfD meetings or in real life?

normal life. friends of friends and stuff

It's difficult for me to call people friends when they don't know my true character. How do you have fun with them when you always have to pretend somebody else?

So maybe we meet some day.

We will be Victorious or die in the Fight, dont leave us, The Vaterland needs you more than ever before!

Wenns sein muss wird das Freikorps wieder ins leben gerufen

I don't know if we have the same political ideas. I don't want national socialism in Germany. I just want a country with law & order which is proud of it's culture and history. I'm not a racist, I'm just against madness like bringing million of barbarians into our country.

I think if somebody can destroy the AfD, it will be the fight between conservatives against the national socialists/racists. I hope this doesn't happen and we can just make Germany great again. And with this I don't mean 33-45.

I guess the japanese model would be good

Not saying open what I think, don't want to lose my job.
Thus said, I try to redpill friends and colleagues by forwarding official statistics and such.
Actually easier to speak with most foreign colleagues as they would mostly vote AfD if they could.

Junge, komm in die Schweiz. Ich sehe alles genau wie du und bin auch hierher ausgewandert vor einem Jahr. Hier sind alle national-konservativ. "Zweifelhafte" gestalten siehst du hier null. Im Zug kannst du durchschlafen, ohne Angst zu haben, dass danach deine Sachen weg sind .

Habe ich auch schon überlegt aber weiß nicht ob ich mir das auf Dauer leisten kann...

Außerdem liest man immer wieder dass die Schweizer keinen Bock auf (noch mehr) Deutsche haben? Stimmt das?

Nein, die die das erzählen sind auch jene Mehrheit die nicht AFD wählen. Die Schweizer mögen Menschen die ihnen gleichgesinnt sind, und das sind eben konservative Menschen. Schwyzerdütsch verstehst du nach 3 Monaten ohne Probleme und damit sind die total zufrieden. Wegen dem finanziellen musst du dir keine sorgen machen, im Gegenteil, man lebt hier mit den selben Jobs viel besser.

Die ganzen Ammenmärchen erzählt man dir, weil Deutschland aktiv propaganda gegen CH macht damit die Fachkräfte nicht abhauen. Google sagt dir, dass du das 1.8 fache verdienen musst um den gleichen Lebensstandard zu haben. Schau nach einem Job mit 20% mehr und du hat das selbe leben, nur ohne Kriminalität, 95% germanischen Menschen und wesentlich besseren Nahrungsmitteln

I vote afd and when iam asked i just say i voted fdp. I was only honest to my parents about it.

I think you dont understand me, my friend.
Im 100% with you about the whole Nazi-Thing.
it doesnt help and will never help.
but we cant let (((THEM))) win, its my, your and our country, its worth fighting for.

Hört sich verdammt gut an. Ich werde mich mal informieren. Kannst Du ne bestimmte Region empfehlen?

>but we cant let (((THEM))) win, its my, your and our country, its worth fighting for.

I have no problem with Jews and don't believe in the world jew conspiracy.

Look at our media and politicians. These are no Jews, these are just fuckin degenerates.

Naja ich wohne Deutschland-nah, da hast du noch viel mehr Vorteile... Du hast dort erstmal einige deutsche auf CH Seite, dann kannst du in DE einkaufen (bis 300€ ohne Zoll) und bei allem was teurer ist kriegst du die 19% MwSt zurück. Sprich die lebst günstiger als in DE mit Schweizer Gehalt. Die mieten hier sind teuer aber noch weit entfernt von dem was du an steuern sparst. Hier bleiben dir 80%, in DE ja bekanntlich knapp mehr als die Hälfte. Und Bodensee ist echt geil. Auch die Natur ist besser. Du wirst nach ein paar Monaten mit Zero-regrets merken dass einfach alles besser ist.

Deutsche Nachrichten siehst du im Fernsehen, dann siehst du auf die andere Seite des Sees und denkst dir "haha".

Gucke gerade nach Immobilien. Die Preise sind ja ziemlich human. Da bin ich der Lügenpresse wohl aufgesessen. Habe echt gedacht dass man als Deutscher in der Schweiz nicht willkommen ist. Hört sich aber nach einer guten Willkommenskultur an, lol.

Ja ich hatte die selbe Angst dank aktiver propaganda. Es kommen hier eben oft deutsche Sozis und in der Schweiz herrscht Anstand und Ordnung, die beiden Worte beschreiben es ganz gut. Das Land ist zudem liberaler als DE, du kannst hier machen was du willst, du darfst alleine durch den Bodensee schwimmen wie du lustig bist, ABER verstoße hier nicht gegen geltendes Recht, z.b. Hund an die Leine

Why? Because muh jews? Should've actually listened to Trump talking before the election.

Top. Danke für die Informationen.

Immer wieder gerne, in DE sind wir nichtmehr willkommen

Liberal im Sinne von persönlicher Freiheit! Refugees not welcome

Ja, dachte ich mir.