Would it be possible to create a lethal virus that only affects niggers so as to eliminate their presence in North...

Would it be possible to create a lethal virus that only affects niggers so as to eliminate their presence in North America?

Literally yes, probably like today, probably already exists, but you shouldn't

If it isn't, I'm sure it soon will be. But China will create it first and kill Whites.

Not referring to AIDS here which I am reasonably confident is not a CIA conspiracy, but a lethal airborne CRISPR based virus that only affects specific genomes

Yes, it's called institutional racism

AIDS, crack cocaine, diabetes... We are trying god dammit.

Why don't you start the reverse-slavery meme?

In order to make things better, the white people need to help the poor black man get back to the home of his ancestors to make up for removing his ancestors from there.

are you fucks even trying?
do you know what the word instatutionalized means?

Yes, but it'd be too dangerous and it'd mutate way too fast and kill everyone

it's already ready. The thing is, we're trying to get it to work on latinos and arabs too....

Why whites? They like Russians, which are white

China loves white people lol

Just do away with welfare.

As long as they can vote they'll just put someone who panders to them in office.

a virus could mutate, or it could be captured and reprogrammed. it's best to just reform immigration and reduce numbers in the minority communities by raising standard of living since its the only proven method of reducing birth rates. or you could totally miss the chance to do that by larping as a nazi and advocating useless ideas that no one can take seriously.

Tag viruses. Israel already has them, but not specific to that target.

Yes. However, the best way to combat the nigger problem is to make abortion illegal, for all other reasons beside rape. Then, creating a funding program for free hysterectomy or vasectomy instead of abortion.

whitey btfo'd?

like some sort of NIGDIE virus?

>But China will create it first and kill Whites.

They already tried with the Black Death

Except it was bacteria of course

Bumping for sickle cell ALS

No, because that would require an intellect that the white race doesnt posses.

If it was, Jews would have already made one to kill whites. Unless the specific mechanism is only good for targeting niggers or white and Jew are too close to avoid overlap, it'll never happen.

everytime u go past KFC sneak some water with AIDS in it down the A/C vent

what is poverty?

poverty isn't enough to wipe out a race.

yes it's all completely possible if not already done. shit they explained it all in a national geographic like 6 months ago. I imagine every capable country (non black) is trying to work on a counter for it. cryspr or something is what it's called

Problem is it can mutate out of your control, and more likely become ineffective.

We tried it in Liberia. Turns out niggers can't civ.