how does it feel knowing that asia is leaps and bounds ahead of western countries in terms of technological acceptance? religion and ignorance is stagnating western society.
How does it feel knowing that asia is leaps and bounds ahead of western countries in terms of technological acceptance...
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Tops pidora :-DDD
cities are fucking awful places.
>neon + led = development
top fucking kek, you chinese canadian faggot
We need more lebensraum. Australia will be New China, Canada New India.
The street of headaches
Our cities would look more like that if niggers didn't inhabit them. Imagine a 100% white city.
>neon lights=super advanced technology
>they're still driving shitty gas guzzling cars
>they still have to go outside instead of just having amazon deliver everything to their doors like I do
>they still have to wagecuck because their country doesn't have a great welfare system like mine
>they still eat dogs
*clears throat*
Name a single instance.
>glowing sings in the few biggest cities and rest is hundreds of years behind of europe in tech and majorly religious
Went to China recently and every car (in Beijing at least) was electric.
Also went to America recently, 5.7l dodge rams everywhere and literally no reason for any that I saw.
Food was way better in China too. Just wish their toilets didn't have glass walls but then American cubicles have massive shitty gaps.
I'd pick China over America. So would my American wife
Also, your Amazon is annoyingly slow.
If I order a bottle of whiskey at 10pm, it arrives the next day.
In America I can't even go to a supermarket to get any alcohol...
Yeah fuck America.
Looks like the internet w/ no ad blockers. ..
Not a country m8. All the pretty lights in the world doesn't change the fact that your parents/grandparents grew up taking a shit in their rice paddy as the first order of business for the day. That and the general lack of decent, Christian values...get on our level.
China is a disgusting shit hole. Pretty much same level as India on third world status.
nigger detected
looks dystopic, even if fascinating
Blade Runner wasn't supposed to be an instructional video
Right in the feels. Damn.
In what ways?
>Japan is one of the most racist and xenophobic countries on Earth
>Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos are all India-tier shitholes
>China (excluding Hong-Kong) is a mostly agrarian communist hellhole
>Korea is half pop music and hentai, half starvation
Oriental Asian countries are shit
if they are so civilized and advanced why is anime child porn legal in japan
Sup Forums btfo
Western society is no longer white, in fact whites will be completely extinct in 50 years.
Chinks are proud and homogenous, so I welcome their future! Whites won't be around, so it doesn't matter for me. The Chinese will be economically dictating over brown low-IQ subhumation nations.
>religion and ignorance is stagnating western society.
thats rich coming from a soulless gook
I think it equals development, but I have autism for lights.
This is what happens when you combine neon and LEDs.
>Japan is one of the most racist and xenophobic countries on Earth
This is a good thing, user. Do you really want to share your nation with subhumans? Do you really want to share in equal citizenship with niggers?
Did you go to rural china?
So why are none of you living over there? Actions speak louder than words. Funny how everything you post that is good about Asia is entirely borrowed from white culture though.
>religion and ignorance is stagnating western society.
Western Europe is the most irreligious place on Earth. What the FUCK are you talking about?
its not even actually religion thats the problem . its industry leaders and families who have had a shit load of money for generations
new things represent uncertainty. they want to maintain the status quo. fight solar power because "muh nuclear/coal/natural gas power plant". fight the electric car because "muh oil"
they just make shit up and stupid people agree with the talking heads on the channel they like. even liberals are guilty of it. ethanol was pushed by al gore and he invested in companies who would make it and he made money even though it was a boondoggle. or supporting artificial sweeteners and bashing sugar despite the fact sugar wont make you get as fat as artificial sweeteners gram for gram and your mitochondria need sugar.
liberals run most of the companies who sell diet food / organic and they demand every one be healthy while organic fruits/vegitables have more pesticides on it than normal ones because there is zero regulations on that shit. even pesticides that were outlawed for normal food production can be used on "organic" crops legally
Asians still believe rhino horn can cure cancer, the number 4 will kill you, and you can win at gambling by "accumulating luck".
Meanwhile we're the only ones who can push advancements in computer chip manufacturing.
For starters, they're not infested with shitskins.
>sad chubby brit on bennies makes up a story
sounds like you and your body pillow watched some travel documentaries. did she giggle when you said, "I think some Americans in this documentary are even fatter than me! hehehe"?
Found the 80 IQ rural/surban retard.
asians are also the less moral, least original,
least manly, most fugly people on earth
Honestly? I don't mind. It's kind of warming, in a way, knowing that gooks will inherit the planet when whitey is gone. The way whitey treats groids, shitskins and other assorted third world trash will seem like heaven when the slant-eyes get to them.
Found the poor urban hipster. How is life as a human sardine?
I say this all the time. In some ways, when the Mexicans and Chinks succeed in taking over my country, it may ultimately be for the best. The Mexicans love welfare and will hate the blacks for using it. The Chinks love sending their kids to college and hate the blacks for doing nothing and getting accepted in. They might work together to actually deport them and the Muslims and not be held back by the white guilt.
On the left, I see a depressing reality comprised of a materialistic society devoid of family, tradition, honor and community. On the right, I see a cherrypicked photo of urban slums, caused by the lifestyle choices of people in the first picture. But honestly I wouldn't expect you to understand; you elected substitute French teacher for PM.
>China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years
>The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily that it by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America
How do I eat an electric lightbulb while dodging a 1000 pajeets and niggers trying to mug me? That or a busted sofa. Just admit city people are leeches.
I just hope the Chinks start the genetics race
thats a really nice microwave
If you'd bother to leave the city and spend as little as a week in a rural area, you'd quickly learn that tech isn't exclusive to cities.
You're so assblasted over that post, calm down fat tits.
Extreme ultraviolet lithography machine.
Sorry your country lacks the technology to make them.
Sorry Carl Zeiss is no longer needed/relevant in chip manufacturing - we mirrors now.
You don't want to live near these led lights, I assure.