What are progressives progressing to?

What are progressives progressing to?

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their freedom for high standard of living.

>Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

Hell is their endgame

You mean being a sexless virgin


Guarantee the fat nigger is in the wheelchair because of his weight

sure, after mohammed removes their genitals.


To the grave.


should i date only asians?

Communist tyranny after they've destroyed their nation, their race and themselves

Death. The only thing we progress towards.


i'd like to tame that asian strange


Other than complete degeneracy? I don't know. I hope at some point they all grow up and realize how ridiculous this has all been. I haven't much hope though.



el comunismo libertario

The Decline of societies.

I would demand back every god damn dollar I ever spent at that university if I walked into a class and saw that dog shit.

>berg on the left chalk board

no, unless you're an asian.

Individualism, which leads to spurts of quick gratification with long fields of emptiness in between.

The alternative of collectivism gives a sense of higher purpose, being part of a greater whole, and meaning.

Collectivism progresses society, but doesn't always accept the quirks of an individual, especially when 'progressives' break from that collectivist spirit.

El oxymoron


The end of progress is death.

i bet they fuck chads left and right and just feel guilty that they're whores.

single motherhood and black babies

The communist dream of a negreo-eurasian mixed blooded people totally reliant on the state

>disable, obese, poc in front

aka kalergi plan



>4:15 time to go to sleep

top lel

Stage 4


Their puppet masters (((goal))). It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Stupid ass gook broads. Also note the jig broad on the right. Hilarious. Middle America actually gives a fuck about this (they don't). All the best.


Peak degeneracy

And ya dont have to give up hope
And ya dont have to give up dope
Dont have to change ya ways
Just be what you are my friends

If you asked them they'd probably say they're moving towards "true individualism" or something like that. Of course, the only way to protect "true individualism" in the real world is to keep making the government bigger which is completely antithetical to their stated goal. So it always just ends in (((communism))).

Kojeve's "Hegelian" global historical synthesis of capitalism and communism. The funny thing is, you're helping the cause too, everyone is.

>"The universal and homogeneous state is `good' only because it is the last (because neither war nor revolution are conceivable in it: mere `dissatisfaction' is not enough, it also takes weapons!)

>In the final state there naturally are no more `human beings' in our sense of an historical human being.The `healthy' automata are 'satisfied'(sports,art,eroticism,etc), and the `sick' ones get locked up. As for those who are not satisfied with their 'purposeless activity'(art etc), they are the philosophers(who can attain wisdom if they 'contemplate' enough).By doing so they become 'gods'.


WEForum 2017:

here you go, my man:

The problem is that even in trying to explain what they want you run into contradiction after contradiction.

They want everyone to be equal. Seems fair right? They don't want equal opportunity though, they want equal outcome. Which is ridiculous, but even then, most of them are anarcho-communists, so how would equal outcome happen in a system with no system?

Also, they view the world through a weird lense. In America, for example, white people have all the power and blacks and other minorities (including asians, jews, etc. who have more money than the average white guy) are oppressed by white people. They have a weird character arch with themselves, in a sense, because they see themselves as heroes, as the next WWII vets, when really they're not.

They're the result of a lack of religion. Humans have a natural need to seek God out, and when they deny themselves of that, they end up seeking their own distorted version of God. For them, it's "the revolution", or sometimes it's militant atheism. Regardless, they feel a lack of purpose in life because they deny God's purpose for them.

In essence, they are progressing towards a child's view of reality. When you're a 4 year old, you think "Well obviously bad people are bad and good people are good. And of course, I'm one of the good people". As you get older and you learn more about sin and stuff, you begin to realize that everybody is bad to a degree, and nobody is perfect. They never had that realization. They think the world should be "fair" and everyone should have enough to do what they want to do when they want to do it. Most of them don't have jobs, and they'll tell you it's because "That's supporting the system!", but it's because they don't want to have to go to work.

I mean, the mass education for state interests has been going on since Fichte, a Freemason (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Gottlieb_Fichte#Berlin) who said this:

>The new education must consist essentially in this, that it completely destroys freedom of will in the soil which it undertakes to cultivate, and produces on the contrary strict necessity in the decisions of the will, the opposite being impossible. Such a will can henceforth be relied on with confidence and certainty.

>If you want to influence him at all, you must do more than merely talk to him ; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than you wish him to will.

So basically you have about 200 years of generations indoctrinated into this system, and creating and participating in the work of institutions, from financial to academic to industrial and mundane, not knowing that they're pod people, and that every single "rebellious" thought they have has already been put there by the system itself. That's the great thing with the Fichtean ("Hegelian") system, the antithesis is still part of the system just like the thesis, and there is no escape.

All the infrastructure for a global panopticon is already here, you're seeing how China does their Sesame thing, you know how it works in dystopian fiction.

So don't hope for a pendulum swinging the other way, it's very close to the center now, and when it stops, it will be boot, face, forever.


Whoa, Justin Trudeau grew facial hair and is having a baby? Cool.

HA. saved! I love that show


You mean Fidel Castro's son.

They look like they're from The Twilight Zone. Like that mask episode or something.

An early grave

> Captcha: hawk freeway

Progressing toward Death and Hell


Communist totalitarian state



>That many firefighters
>Struggling to hold the weight

This actually makes me feel angry



Lolol these rejects look like street trash, so dirty.

Ostensibly a world where virtually everyone can be whatever they want, provided we can keep the Dark Occult globalists (as opposed to other globlists) and the idiot Blood Nazi's (that's the people y'all work for) out of the way.


An early grave



In other words: Maoism

A gulag.


>What are progressives progressing to?
Type 2 diabetes and AIDS

That pole is so perfectly aligned


To the gas chambers or into the sights of right wing death squads.

Atheists are cool except when criticizing islam

progressing towards extinction



>no Whites
>only (((Alt-Whites))) within the structure of the oligarchy and their loyal servants bred specifically to serve
>a prison planet where the world is one big China and your only way out is through death
BONUS QUESTION: which group is next after Whites?



They think they are progressing to a world where everyone will be equal. But what many do not realize is that in order to achieve equality they have to implement an Orwellian nightmare state that will abuse all its powers. The ones who do realize this seek to be the ones in power so they can control everybody else. The ones who do not realize what they are actually creating push for things like increased gun control. Progressives realize that the world and our government are messed up, but for some reason they think that giving the government more power is the solution, not the problem.

Anyone have a longer version of this?

I think Muslims are next after whites if the Liberals are successful. They will try and destroy religion completely because many people are more loyal to their religion than to the state.

sauce? i like this but i don't wanna get my hopes up



My life exactly.


God that was my life, why did I marry a woman and start a family in a town thats 98% white . I could be FPSing drunk and be pissing in soda bottles



they're commies whether they know it or not, so in other words they're progressing to suicide

Day jiggle gets me hard

Their own doom. Hopefully they don't pull the rest of us down with them

>I need feminism because men are attracted to me
>where have all the good men gone?