Why is Sam Hyde a Jew who makes fun of Jews? Is he /ourkike/?

Why is Sam Hyde a Jew who makes fun of Jews? Is he /ourkike/?

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He's everyone's kike
My life got significantly better when I realized he was saying everything Crowder was saying in a more enjoyable ways.

New path for this thread we state our favorite Sam Hyde vids...
Im tied between MOMS and Rental Car Reviews

what are the shills up to this time?

nah m8 im on HTG as well and it has too much momentum to get slid


Sam Hyde is a talent, but I don't trust him and I think he's addicted to black masculinity.

Let's talk about sam's black masculinity addiction.


New Hyde Wars when?


Gotta fund them (((projects))), he set up $5/month if you want the real deal hydewars. I think he will post hydewars lite clips on the channel still

How charismatic are the people involved?
Do they seem like they're really going places and talented or just a bunch of 2kewl4skewl dumb burnout losers like the Loiter Squad gang

fucking larper deleted his post, what a twat

ZOG deleted his post.

how's it going sam


Sadly I think he works for Mossad

he set up a fucking paywall, $5 a month to hear his 10 minute cheap juvenile rants that he uploads about once every fortnight, definitely worth your money goy!

>$5 a month
I spend more on mobile games that entertain me while I shit.
Fucking jew

Thanks for your input Charles!

FYI, he prefers dainty white dongs in his mouth. Please correct your records.

>Please correct your records
Hmm, this is interesting.

Don't worry sammy, nobody cares about that trap you fucked.
What i do care baout however is you shipping those fucking books out and making some reprints you fucking ingrate

Go to bed Sam

sam hyde beats around the bush a lot and won't outright call out the jew.



yeah but come on i know there were plenty of jews who were nazis it wasnt uncommon

it's also pretty ironic considering he's extensively mocked this kind of shitty behaviour in KSTV, shitty people who make some shitty lazy ass content asking for monetary handouts, i don't know if this is some intense performance art he's performing but regardless, MDE fans who actually pay for that shit are no different from the kickstarter stooges who paid for some whore's trip to Africa

Shitty phone videos are Sam's area of expertise

I like the Super Money one. Always cracks me up

also if you're looking for a merch artist or something similar im good at what i do
[email protected]

Wtf is "black masculinity"?

M9 what about his Twitter stand up where he reeled off uncomfortable truths and stats on homosexuality?
Or paradigm shift 2070?
There's so much good stuff.im genuinely pissed off that world peace being cancelled has fucked them up content wise. Mde wasn't supposed to die!

>where he reeled off uncomfortable truths and stats on homosexuality?

Only a repressed homo like Sam could come up with something like that.

It didn't die, it was murdered

hey, even niggers hate their own when it gets personal

I was talking to him a couple of weeks ago, he seems to have gone full 14/88, was talking about doing shows with TRS.

post all your sam reaction images and gifs



I'm not Sam, but it's very flattering that ppl associate me with a powerful bull like him.

I'm not Sam, but it's very flattering that ppl associate me with him as he is a powerful bull.

lmao I don't think powerful bulls get facefucked by trannies

new hydewars suck anyway

I fucked Sam's mouth. AMA


I love Sam, but I just don't understand why he puts paywalls on his vids and sais he can't afford health insurance, yet he's buying pac man arcade machines and spending thousands on donating to alt-right causes online.


Dollface isn't in Canada rn
There's an image out there, look for it yourself, bunch of us knew about that shit since we started seeing the cum hat picture and put the pieces together years ago.

I suspect that these guys are ZOG agents hustling us pathetic white men.

Pick 0.

No, Gilad is /ourkike/.


Sam likes black men rappers. Sam likes black masculinity barks. Is this a red flag? Should this arouse suspicion for us??

Except he has explicitly done so many times, newfag.

famous last words

Sam Hyde blew me in a glory hole once. I knew it was him because I could feel his beard and he kept saying antisemitic remarks between mouthfuls.

No shit.

it is and they aren't

>between mouthfuls
you think mighty highly of yourself don't ya?

Ideas Man is great

Does yours leave a lot of gaps around the edges of the mouth? I'ts ok bby.

Mine is inside out kiddo
suck on that clit you little bitch

This one is highly underrated.

One I made

This one shows his sensitive side :`(

Your clit is probably so large that I would have a mouthful.

weak ass bants m8
go drown in VB

Oh yeah?