30 billion could end world hunger

But whites decide to spend hundreds times that money on war.

Let that sink in.

And some say we live in a post racial global society...

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For how long? I feel like they'd eat it pretty quick.


Grow your own fucking food nigger

Sup Forumstards will never stop replying to this thread

There's 1 billion hungry people worldwide according to the UN

How the fuck are we going to feed them all each on a budget of $30 a year


every time. they feel compelled to answer because it's such a retardedly easy bait

I would like some sauce on that cost being just 30 billion

you are right, we should rethink where we throw our money

Its like exercise. You have to do it over and over again til your answer is perfect.

> 30 billion could end world hunger

developed countries transfer this amount of money in aid to third world countries ANNUALLY

As long as African governments mismanage their economies no amount of money will stop world hunger.

If African governments would spend as much on hunger prevention as they do on maintaining fleets of mercedes and waging war, hunger in Africa would be finished.

>But whites decide to spend hundreds times that money on war.
No, that's the international banking cartel. You act like working class people have a say in where these kikes choose to toss their bombs. We can't even get a vote TO VOTE about debating about whether we should go to war or keep the current wars going.

If you replaced all Africans 1 for 1 with whites, it would also end hunger in Africa.
Because we're not retarded and Africa has more than enough farm land to feed it's population.
It's just that tyre subhuman dirt scratching subsistence farmers and 80% of them can't see beyond 1 year, no matter how much our charities desperately try to train them.


Anyone can do it at this point

I suggest living where the food is and understanding basic ecology. I'm not your meal ticket


30 billion will not end world hunger
it will only make food more expensive

The US gives $31 Billion annually in non military developmental aid. Why is world hunger not solved?

Probably because that number is bullshit.

For a day of course, and the next ones would be even more expensive to feed.

The US government does about 65 billion in aid.
Our charities donate more than all others world wide. We have an army of volunteers, mostly religious.
Americans are the most charitable people on earth and our people donate more to charitable causes than the rest of the world combined.

I have personally volunteered many of days in the past and donated regularly to a few charities.

At this point, I want us to mandate sterilization for everyone under 95 IQ that is on the receiving end.
Stupid just breeds more stupid.

The real question is:
"How much does it cost to get rid of posting this debunked meme?"

Reminder that the US gave thousands of tons of food aid to Zimbabwe and they proceeded to hoard it under the guise that it is "unsafe" because it is "potentially a GMO product.

March of 2016 Zimbabwe said it needed aid because up to 4 million were facing starvation.

by September they were hoarding the aid the US provided.

>send food aid
>niggers eat and have 12 more children
>problem is now worse than ever before

>Fuck white people!
>Feed us, white people!
That's why we don't.

AAPL has almost 10x that amount in offshore cash that they're not repatriating to avoid taxes (but Tim Cook is all about equality, fairness, and the common man/woman/it). Those greedy fucks at Apple would rather save their cash in offshore accounts than spend 10% of it to end world hunger? What bastards!

Saw a headline that FB donated $1M to Mexico earthquake victims. Wow, FB, $1M, way to put yourself out.

>for a day
Really makes you think, huh?
Even if you could use these 30 to somehow create a thing that would try to supply food for the masses, what exactly would you fucking build?

How much aid have these nations given? $30 Billion... ppffts $70 Billion by the top 3.

The US, unsurprisingly, comes top when looking at total spend. Last year, it gave over $30 billion either as bilateral aid or through international organizations such as the World Bank or UN.


>Trying to teach Goyim stuff

Who is really the idiot in this thread?

I'm pretty sure that we need way less than 30 billion dollars worth of bullets to end world hunger

30 billion today 60 billion tomorrow 120 billion after that... when would it stop?

How do you end world hunger if humans keep multiplying?

Fucking Christ. We're the hardest working country too. So all the tax money they take out of my paycheck gets sent to all these third world shitholes. wonder how many gibs im feeding a day.


Wouldn't it cost less just to send the military to end their suffering?

Had this thread like a week ago

Insta sage

Wouldn't they need to eat the next day too?

Sterilizations should come mandatory with food aid. This is not an extreme statement.

A bullet's pretty sterile.


There is no other way

>need $30 billion to feed Africa
>give $30 billion to Africa
>ten years later
>need $60 billion to feed Africa

Show me the math or you are a faggot op.

The solution is to colonize the black countries and civilize them. It's for their own good.

Sterilizations for Africans should be a goal of the alt right. It's not inhumane, in fact it's the opposite. I'm talking we need to push for a sensible policy that the only way we'll send aid to Africa is if the countries work to get their fertility rates down. Christcucks will object & are an enemy on this subject.


>buy food
>feel accomplished because we now get a few pictures of starving infants feeding
>one decade later
>even more people are starving because the farmers in those countries couldn't afford to keep their farms open because they can't compete with free
>continent enters a vicious cycle of dependency on foreign aid

If you spend 30 billion in Africa to stop ppl from starving, in one year they will be back at it. The African continent is full of resources. The problem is the people.

OP is a stupid fuck.
No amount of money will feed those who don't know how to feed themselves.
We already send money and food to poor countries, AND THEY ARE STILL STARVING.
Fuck off OP.

A couple of mil outta do it.

30 billion today, 60 billion tomorrow

Why would the US spend their monies to end world hunger? Makes no sense...
Why won't the hungry help themselves?
Your the UN OP...why don't YOU help them?

>But whites decide to spend hundreds times that money on war.
But blacks decide to keep killing and starving each other for free.

Let that sink in.

How many billion would end niggers? That's spending I could get behind.

Ok, wtf. The reason they are starving is because cucks like you give them money and food in the first place. They starv because they are too many. If they need to get resources from other continents to survive, they are too many. idiot

>end world hunger
>niggers breed more
>population grows
>demand for food increases
>hunger becomes a problem again

The problem isn't a lack of food or money.
The problem is a surplus of niggers.

And there is only one solution.

Hi Sup Forums
Please do not take the bait from /leftypol/ sickos eating their own shit
They only post these 1-post-by-this-ID threads to slide stuff
Kindly spit on their face, sage and report

This gets posted so often. Just hide this thread

once you start, that cost goes up and up and up. it wold eclipse military spending in under 10 years

and Sup Forumspoltars come here to act smugly about it, kek who's taken the b8 now?

And then?
Most of those "people" are unable to maintain food if we give it anyway.
They can't take care of themselves, so why should we invest in them just to prolong their, and by investing in them, our suffering?

Consider learning agriculture.

Why the fuck would we feed our enemies? Stop posting this dumb shit and start really thinking WHY we do and don't do things. Way the options: what is more beneficial, having every known advantage over an opponent or helping them win.

Thankfully Chinks are already colonizing Africa.
Being the soulless creatures they are, they are probably sterilizing the niggers en masse.

>hurr no military will mean everybody can eat

If you need me to explain further. red cross and such cancerous organizations gives the poor Africans water and food. So they can produce more children that will depend on red cross to feed them. This is nothing but evil. OP is clearly a faggot

Pretty sure purging the world of niggers and other trash tier subhumans would cost a lot less than 30 billion.

you're the faggot for taking OP's bait who has posted 10 more slide threads ever since
just sage and report the bloody thread

This is the most autistic thing ive ever seen

Cost to end student loan debt - 30k
Spending per year - 30k
It's simple.. just quit paying bills and save 100% of it and no more debt!

It's not that easy. You can't just say, here's some money, problem solved. There's the fact that when you just give countries money, it gets misappropriated, if you just give them food, it upends the local economy (hurts local food producers/importers/distributors, they disappear, and food independence is lost). You've got local/regional politics and wars involved, warlords outright steal it, etc. If you could just throw money at it, it would already be solved.

a bunch of well fed African niglets aren't going to keep America safe and comfy at night

bet that 30 bil won't even cover half of the costs, sort yourselfs out nigs

I don't even remember how many times i have seen this same exact thread by the same meme fag flag with 1 post ID OP.

Come on shills/bots get more creative, don't let me down so easy


Okay dollface, it's time for you to learn the truth. The worst thing you can do to a country that has issues such as a poor economic suture and poor farming is to give them money/aid. I know that sounds mean and silly in your mind but listen here; if you give out free food or free money why would in the native population bother in learning to grow their own farms and businesses? If somebody else is gonna play mommy and give you chicken tendies why would you go out and get a job to pay of your own tendies or even cook them? It would make the native population literally slaves to the US. Now is that what you want OP?

>It would make the native population literally slaves to the US
This is not the Americans fault. Red cross and other cancerous organizations fault.


Fuck off Bill

lord give me the strength to never tire, never sway nor turn away.

Literally describing socialism there

>pay UN money
>UN subverts other countries and gives you a free casus beli on whatever endeavor you so choose
>you force the countries in the UN to literally give you money
>complain about the money you give to the UN

Thank god americans are idiots, else we'd be doomed.