Why do conservetives so blindly follow anyone? How can a group of people be so fucking stupid Sup Forums?

Why do conservetives so blindly follow anyone? How can a group of people be so fucking stupid Sup Forums?

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Hunter S Thompson is a Satanic pedo

>Ad Hominem.

Not an argument, you right wing fuck

I don't care for the opinions of degenerate bald manlets

that guy was such a piece of shit, but retards seem to think he's cool

Democrats have started more wars.


>loot the country

He’d rather give the money to welfare nigs?


Every war since the 1900 has been started by a republican.

No homo

Of course he was.


HST was a cuck who couldn't handle the mere act of existing so he had to dull his senses with hard drugs and psychedelics. I am not going to lend credence to someone who can't get through a simple interview without doing lines of cocaine.

He is a hero to only the most depraved degenerates, and anyone who looks up to him is a loser.

t. former druggie

WW1, 1917 Mexican war, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam & intensification of Vietnam, Bosnian war, conflict in Sudan, Arab spring & Libya, OIR

All started by dems

People who worship HST are the aids that is rotting this country from the inside out.

At least we're trying to make it better. Why do the left keep supporting slavers and communists?

He was right. Trump is pushing war with north Korea for the sake of it. He's another puppet.

Hunter S Thompson is the original Sup Forumsack

Gonzo journalism is basically your entire methodology behind pissing of liberals

He's not completely wrong but you're retarded if you think that white males being the only voters would make things worse.

"I used to bash queers for fun and I hit my wife frequently. Also, I didn't visit my gay brother when he was dying of AIDS because I hate that faggot."
-Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist

>Blindly follows a "journalist" with no idea what he's talking about
>claims right wingers blindly follow people

What gives?


Hunter S. Thompson made snuff films with kidnapped children

Both sides are really fucking stupid.

The best people on either "side" will recognize the valid points from each, and will recognize how the shit gets twisted to manipulate the dumbass masses.

Repubs have only had 2 wars tho

The parties switched at 2012. Those were not real democrats.

>Recent american wars : War on Iraq , Afghanistan
That's it, really. This meme that America is some sort of global warmonger needs to go away.

Hunter S Thompson was a pretty cool guy desu. That said, you have to appreciate his rhetoric was deliberately and massively OTT.

He's right about trickle-down economics though - increased weath in the upper classes has a slower velocity than money going to the lower classes. Give a billionaire another few million, and he's not going to turn around and spend it right away. Give a bunch of people a couple of grand, and they'll jizz that straight back into the economy in no time.


The Democrats have been the exact same since Kennedy was killed.

That's a hodge-podge of realizations without context, and context without explanation. He could have said "Shit's fucked up and I don't know why" and been just as accurate.

'Trickle down' economics was never about breaks for the rich, it was about breaks for businesses - the places that employ people. It's only marxists and other idiots that think that is the same thing.