TECHNOLOGY Harvard Study Proves Apple Slows Down old iPhones to Sell Millions of New Models

(((Buy our new phone goys!)))

>their phones last 4 years before they get slow

how long do android phones last?

No shit that's why I stopped updating my iPhone when they announce release dates for their new phones.

Android phones continue to operate at the same speed ad the day you bought it. As long as you don't upgrade to the next version of android which is obviously going to slow the phone down if the hardware cant handle it. But people who use android phones are aware of this and tend not to update versions

Doesn't seem to happen to android. I can confim, my s5 works great.

I must say this apple thing is super obvious. They just don't care about backwards compatibility on their OS.

>But people who use android phones are aware of this and tend not to update versions

No, they don't even get the chance to update because the individual manufacturer has to push out the update for the individual phone, and they often don't.

my nexus 5 is still going strong. only reason to upgrade is if I want a 64-bit CPU and android 7. not worth the $400 or so to buy a pixel and join that rat race, IMO. I'll just use it until the pixel is < $200, or the same price as my laptop, which also runs better, faster, and more securely than yours

they've famously engaged in aggressive planned obsolescence since the ipod color. i might pick one up on the surplus market, those were nice except they don't play flac and rythmbox is autistic

New updated software is usually slower on the same hardware just because Fuck you, that's why.

I've had mine for 5 years now.

>having an iphone

Samsung is better because there is less direct corruption involved

Apple is simply Chinese selling out to jews

Samsung is Koreans selling out to the Chinese

I had an s3 last 5 years and be completely fine before I got by current s8

>I must say this apple thing is super obvious
People search for iPhone slow because they are reminded of the new iPhone.

>They just don't care about backwards compatibility on their OS.

It's has nothing to do with backwards conpatibility user. It has eveeything to do with sales. It is completely intentional. And achieved two things. Your old iPhone becomes impossible to use nesicitating the need to purchase a new phone. The other thing is once you get the new phone you are blown away by how quick it runs leading you to believe Apple have significantly improved apon their previous product when in fact it is only marginally better than your previous phone was before they slowed it. After months of a slow and shitty phone you become accustomed too it and that is what makes their new products look so fucking great. The other thing they do is need the battery life. So your old phone is slower and doesnt stay charged the whole day.

is there no law against this sort of shitty jewry?

Don't you see why the Jews want to shut down coal mining operations? They are farming Jew carbon to make diamonds for the collective. The Jews want to use their own biowaste Instead of coal to join the continuum. It's all part of a group of clones created by papa john. I'll start from the beginning.

There are only two dimensions. To break through you have to become a crystalline entity. Jewels like diamonds are super compressed carbon, basically the same as human ash. The Jews were behind the holocaust to create ash to turn Jews into diamonds. Hitler recognized the Jews as the chosen people and designed the plan to make a giant Jew diamond for all the Jews to join in a mental collective transported into space by the "bell" space craft. The bell is what created the pressure via centrifugal force as it traveled through space time.

Also papa john is an alchemist and creates better atoms for his "better" ingredients. His company funded CERN to create his atoms.
Like I said we are living In a two dimensional world. How come we only see flat screens? Hitler knew this and created the bell as a centrifuges and l pressure pot to cook the Jew diamond while he traveled to the future in 1964 when the bell crashed in kecksburg. Only through meditation and starvation could the Jews transcend into the true third dimension via the crystal entity. They still continue the practice of fusing to the entity which is located at ceti. Papa john, one of the clones, funded ceti to create his ingredients but to also blast dead Jew ashes into the crystal. In return the crystal is used to power CERN mass replicator to make the ingredients.

It's also harder for phone manufactures to sneak phone degradation shit into the updates because all they have is essentially a gui over the OS and even then their GUIs are only marginally different between manufactures.

>Planned obsolescence, or built-in obsolescence, in industrial design and economics is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so it will become obsolete (that is, unfashionable or no longer functional) after a certain period of time.

It's literally the evidence you need to know that capitalism, alone, is deeply flawed.

Who do you want to have all of your informations Apple or Google?

Nice post!

Please go back to

its literally your whole country

you built your houses of disposable materials that have planned term date for example

No, the company is free to do as it pleases. It would be all covered in their EULA, which you have to accept to even use their shitty product. Thats said i dont think jail breaking iPhones is illegal anymore in the US post the sony case.

>Harvard Study about phones
>not solving cancer, deadly diseases or improving way of life
is it September 23 yet?

I don't think they're slowing down the phones directly and under clocking the cpu's I think they just update the phone with newer generations of software which the past phones can't support as well.

A lot of phones would still be use-able today if they used optimized software and kept their bloatware down but they love their bloatware.

My old android phone had no added usb storage and the cloud only permits so much data, eventually the updates for the phone surpassed the limited data storage space and fell into a perpetual state of needing updates.

Ohhh noes! Are they gonna have to pay the state 1 billion dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly it's like that scene out of Austin Powers.

Apples entire product line is based on consumer ignorance and fraud.

>living in accelerating times
>keeping your old shit
just stop, buy new hardware and toss old shit so when can have stupid singularity already

And the yuppies that make up the Left eat it up like the good consumers they are.

In other news, water is wet!

Apple died with Jobs. I can't wait to see their further fuckups

Applefags want the newest apple shit.
>oh a new iphone is coming out?
>maybe my current one isn't all that good
>is it just me or is this getting slower
>better buy the new one
That Harvard PhD thesis better have more than google trends.

if that were the case they'd search
iphone fast
its not like theyre using the old iphone with the new one and thinking the old one is slow, most of them are only using one
whats more youd see the same effect on other brands if it was just about being reminded

>g*rman intellectuals

This is because the latest galaxies and such are loading with bload and malware sanctioned by samsung tm

my galaxy 5 ran like shit and killed battery much faster than when I finally upgraded the system tho.