Are there any Europeans/Anglos on Sup Forums planning on moving to the US if the RAISE act passes

Are there any Europeans/Anglos on Sup Forums planning on moving to the US if the RAISE act passes.

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Nope. The usa is still a 3rd world country.

If Europe becomes too dangerous for Europeans, then the US could become soon a safe zone for Europeans

>moving to the US

it's like moving to mordor

Can someone translate this for me? I can't read Turkish.

If sth like that happens the 4rd Reich will save the rest. Promised. Just wait for Sunday.

Serious question
I thought Donald Drump would help to facilitate the processus of legal immigration for Europeans ... but I think we were wrong do we? WHAT THE FUCK

So, when are you gonna start? Anytime soon?
After 70 years one starts to think...

>US could become soon a safe zone for Europeans

56% white

I would move because i'm an European mongrel without an identity. I would also like to move because i can afford myself an house with land there.

RAISE act? Fucking hell m8. I'm choking to move to Texas. Guns, freedom, pick up trucks., oil. yeahhhh

Don't move to Texas, it's filled with spics now and has become a degenerate cesspool. Move to New England or the Northwest.

You'd be shocked how many Europeans have tried to apply for citizenship.

The Southwest/California and the South is where all the nonwhites are at. Areas like New England, Northwest and Midwest/Pennsylvania are almost fully white.

Texas is a shithole. We have a mass influx of Californians, spics, Poos and Mudslimes. Go to Southern Texas and it's like your in Mexico.

Texans on Sup Forums always defend spics too which is the even funnier part. How did the most badass state become the most cucked in less than 50 years?

Yea trading muslims for violent spics and niggers sounds safe to me

Not all of America is filled with Niggers and Spics you know



>Nope. The usa is still a 3rd world country.

This 2bh








He was supposed to make a quota system where 60% of our immigration would come from Europe yeah.

He broke his promise and decided to adopt a Pierre Trudeau style immigration system with the RAISE Act.



>RAISE act
>act made to reduce immigration

Yup, good look moving to the US when Trump makes it harder for everyone to get a visa.

Why would we leave our ancestral homeland for a rootless mongrel nation?

Why would I move to a majorly non-white shithole?

Been there a few times through work/travel. Various states. If I could, I would relocate to a comfy country town in a heartbeat. Hot or cold state, dont care. I like open spaces, and community a thing long lost on this Island. Except a few far flung places. Englands fucked though. Shame. I'm old enough to remember it before.
A pickup, cabin, dog and reliable work. Im a happy man. Im 6' in shape, worked military and construction my whole life, obviously white, blue/green eyed too. Sponser me cunts!

Shit like this pisses me off so much. What was this guy even doing? Nothing, niggers just like starting shit


The RAISE act is his proposal from the CPAC. He has creative control over the bill.

Cities aren't what the majority of America is, New England and the Midwest are almost fully white.

Influx of Marxists from California. Austin is no different from Berkeley.


sorry, but if you are a 5 foot brown clubfooted dwarf who crossed the desert you are welcome, whites need not aply MAGA














This is what confuses me about why US white nationalists are obsessed with the US. We don't have a common language, culture, history, or ethnicity.

Do we even count as a country?



Stay where you are

Pro tip, look up demographic statistics and move accordingly. Also fuck you Hans


Hopefully I can escape usa.



RAISE ACT long time coming, why lyndon johson wasnt burned to changing immigration to hate white english speakers is insane

guys shouolda been tortured to death

Texans on pol ARE spics


He can move to New England


Raise almost requires you to have a job offer for about 70k dolars per year. Considering american youth is being paid 24$k on average, you can imagine whites will still be on decline on the USA.



>common language
Fucking English
American Culture
American History

Still some hope for my mitten state


if I saw this id stomp that nigger bitch to death


Texans have always been spics.




fuk u niggaz

he should have pulled the trigger much sooner. But because of Obama, Holder, and BLM, they can't do that or they end up in on suspension, then in court for a year, finally get acquitted, and then their town burns down due to black idiots rioting.

I hope he managed to kill the other one too

fucking niggers owe others trillions of welfare tax money stolen plus interest

we used to have a race (northwestern europeans)
We used to have a country
Now were a mongrel nation set to become Brazil 2.0.
We were known for our Anti race mixing, Anti-non white immigration principals and that made us great.
Many "proud Americans" today are shitskin mongrels , spics, niggers who are civic nationalists
It's the same demographic that are "proud brazilians"

id stomp thsi ngiger to death too

absolutely not, think id rather kill myself before moving to a third world shithole :)


I honestly think the RAISE act will be one of our last chances to prevent this. With that in place, most of our immigrants will come from European/Anglo Nations.

Relax mate, you're always welcome here.

great ad for conceal carry kill all these fucking niggers

shows hard core racism of niggers

How would it help the white race, a globally endangered species, to move them to a civic nationalist half white country. We should be 100% focused on policies that raise the domestic white birthrate. If we fix that, we've cured cancer

Id pull eyes out of those niggers and shoot em all

id stmop thsi nigger to death too

>germany calling another nation a third world country
Toppest of keks

I woulda pulled trigger 5 times before that nigger took 1 step towar me

It would increase the white demographic, do you want us to continue bringing in more spics or do you want us to take in Europeans? We could become 80% white in a few generations. Plus Slavs are raising their birth rates to higher levels.

Well... you're really not wrong.

nigger should burn

>Meanwhile in America

>((White)) Women Copying the Negress by outfit, behavior and some physical features

Non-white will never vote limited Welfare cheap labor ((Republican))

Only 50+ old White women Vote Republican

Most young white women vote dem

And 10 to 20 percent white women have non-white babie

Guess which Generation more race-mixing than Others?

A Fucking millennial And gen z

Non of European who has comon sense gonna move to ((America)) a 56% Slum country

Once again shitskins fucking ruin everything for all of us.

conceal carry!

burn that nigger too