So lemme get this straight... Netflix can allow child porn now?

So lemme get this straight... Netflix can allow child porn now?

These are 11 year olds...

Other urls found in this thread:

I think even japs don't display this on TV

11 year old vaginas don't look like that.

>am I funny yet guys?

My guess is having it displayed through a mirror and anthropomorphize it separates it enough to be considered passable.

Kek you got me

Prove it

We need an inquisition

tHeSe ArE 11 yEaR oLdS


South Park explicitly shows penises of the main characters (mostly Cartman) and they’re all in 4th grade. Neck yourself you retard

South Park is ALSO degenerate garbage.

if you think that's pornographic then i have bad news user...

Watch the trailer faggot. They make these degenerate things to come out as a good thing, and I am not here defending South Park. I find those scenes reprehensible but this is an ENTIRE show of cp

This is not child porn, it's entertainment.

Just because something doesn't subscribe to the bullshit asexual morals doesn't mean it's pornography.
By that analogy, movies like Sin City are also pornography.

They don't give it dialogue though, that's the main difference. Cartman's sick was never a main character


7 year old vaginas dont even look like that

This is CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. You absoluete retard. Sin city is of age adults... This is 11 year old kids performing sex acts

I was about to type this.

i am almost 100% certain that both penises and puke have been characters at one point

how do you even breathe without getting an aneurysm?

>showing a tiny penis of a boy is the same as a girls vagina that pedo men want to fuck

>This is not child porn, it's entertainment.
It may not be cp, but it certainly isn't entertainment. 100% this show will be worse than sausage party.

That is 4 episodes if that od the entire series
This is a show that promotes sexual degeneracy of children, programming them at a young age to get knocked up. This ENTIRE SHOW IS LIKE THIS

>western """""""""""""""""""animation""""""""""""""""""

Meanwhile in Japan...

Garrisons dick bebe's clothed tits, oprah's crotch. But a bare phallic or breast of a child has never been given a close up shot and dialogue.


the comments are going well. what will youtube do when a big money video poster had unfriendly content? will they remove?

Beat me too it

>Implying pedo men dont wanna fuck boys
it is exactly the same

look at them noses

>because they showed a close up of a fuckable hole on cartman ever
Oh wait

>you see, love is love goyim


also you are right
neckbeards on this site fap to their loli animus close the tab and get triggered at american tv shows

Isn't this just straight up illegal actually?

>installs water cooler in own house

I thought you faggots were overreacting to literally nothing when I saw posts about this a few days ago.
This is fucked up. Isn't animated children nudez illegal in several countries?

This is the west, not Japan. Take your degenerate culture somewhere else. Multiculturalism is a jewish doctrine

>a bump on a crudely-made paper cut out character is the same as explicit, detailed sex ed with 10 year olds

they do when they've been slutting around.

My thread isn't shit asshole

I'm more appalled at how shitty the art is in this show. Every western animated series looks like shit, like they spent 15 minutes doodling on some napkins and called it a day. Why are animators in the west so lazy and untalented?

I had one from Alhambra, cost 8 a month for a shit ton of pure water, both hot and cold instantly.

Never in my life would I have thought that there would come a show on Netflix about puberty, this is why the worlds suposently ending Isn't it? I think its a good thing.

I used to think Maya Rudolph was cute. But then she got fat. Also at the time I didn't know she was (((tribe))).


I was shitposting in shit threads and forgot to remove it.
Imagine an entire generation of children growing up watching stuff like this. No wonder we can be any """gender""" we want to now.

they do, but its either censored or just thongs.

oyyyyyy veyyyyy

It is, so I'm interested to see what the fall out will be of Netflix publishing explicity animation of kiddie genitals. "It's just a prank bro"

>upon remarking, his nose grew 3 times the size that moment

Hot until she started twirling her tongue around like a fleshy windmill.

Weimar degeneracy is getting worse by the day. I like it.......because it means the next mass deportation and/or extermination of Jews is close.

Thanks user, keep up the good fight. I myself find this disgusting and leftitsts will be lynched on the day of the rope



This promotes breeding with sexually active females.

This does the opposite.

How hard is that to grasp?

Supposing that actually did happen they could just go to Israel


cool pic of jesus. He needs a gun for killing degeneracy

Confirmed for knowledge on the subject of underage girls.

can i join you guys

I heard that the jock and her get into a sex scene in the third episode and its super graphic and he doesnt know how to put a condom on so she leaves him and then has a period and cries

They are allowing everything to be in television.
even powerpuff girls couldn't escape from it

That's abhorrent, she seems like she'd be sticky.

>drawn/animated characters have an age


Yeah. It's like Netflix replaced all the people who initially made it excellent with a boardroom full of leftist retards, and they ran amok with every possible social justice travesty they could until the very last dollar was spent.

Basically, given this is Netflix, the probability of this trash being made by an actual paedophile is quite high. This is what normies think anime is like, btw.


Sorry, but that is the price of freedom you have to pay for the rest of us!

you'd know achmed wouldn't you

Good. Israel is virtually harmless compared to the International Jew. Let them have their sand nigger squabbles in peace.

they're the ones who framed that narrative, coming of age doesn't mean adult

See flag, can't argue



that fucking schnauzer holy shit

Wait a minute, that writing style
Is it? It can't be...



It's very simple.


Fuck it. I did it.
And on the "description" for why I flagged I just wrote "Fuck this degeneracy".

I dont even care if they will strike my account at this point.

I masturbate to the most horrible drawn western rule34 porn, but THAT looks fucking disgusting.


Why do they draw eyes like observatory roofs


Templates make the work go faster and cost less.

probably animated by some women

Is anybody fucking surprised though? The "ids da juice :DDD" meme isn't just a fucking meme people spout to be funny. People mock it as if the notion is ridiculous, yet Sup Forums keeps on being fucking right.

Missed one
>da juice
Discard these people and their worthless opinions the second you read this or "J00s" or any variation. They are worthless to the cause and probably deserve to hang for treason on the day of the rope anyway

Fuck off retard.

Bingo! BTW get off my lawn, you degenerate Hippy

That's... w-what the fuck did I just watch ? It's not even the degeneracy or anything that bother me but god it just seems so fucking BAD. Wtf... what is the audience for this shit ?

'cos it's computer templated crap m8. Sup Forums could knock an episode of this out in about a day if we split scenes.

It's not even charmingly cheap, like Beavis & Butthead or Daria. It's knocked out with the minimum of effort, like the new trend in comics that try (and fail) to disguise the fact that all of the drawing is done by Daz3d/Poser.

Another dead giveaway that SJWs are behind it all. They can't draw for shit, hate cartoons and comics, but somehow still feel like they should like them, so churn out in-essence props for their instagram wall.


Oh the talent!

I'm just grossed out by the art style.

They did that to cement the notion that sex is gross and only niggers should be having it.

I wish you won bro.

so without even needing to check but at least 80% of the producers and writers are ((them)) right?

It's netflix. Everything they've ever made is degenerate jewry.