Why does Sup Forums frantically backpedal when this image is posted?


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Nice thumbnail you edgelord fag

>posting fake statistics
>others needing to backpedal

I laughed.

we dont

>aggregating on state-level
Now do one with dis-aggregated data.

The most important thing a human being can do is ensure the passage of their genetic material into their offspring.

This is their prime directive as a living organism.

Smarter humans know the best way to achieve this is to avoid trouble and conflict, so to blindly obey the status quo, not risk imprisonment or death by questioning their superiors.

That is why you have IQ 120+ who vote democrat. In the back of their mind they know big brother is watching. You have to be a good little goy and agree to be blacked or risk loss of career opportunities, imprisonment, or even worse.

By going with the flow and subliminally agreeing to whatever horseshit (((they))) force down our throats, these people are ensuring their continued place in society and ability to reproduce.

Being a revolutionary who uncovers inconvenient truths isn't a very solid plan for passing on your genetic material.

Does that mean you don't respect the opinion of people less intelligent than you and think they shouldn't vote?
That's pretty racist.
Jokes aside, brain drain is a thing, and since big cities in the coastal states have the most colleges and universities, infrastructure, etc., more smart people flock to them.
Doesn't necessarily mean that smart people vote democrat and dumb people vote republican.
You're confusing correlation and causation.

tfw NJ is 2nd smartest in the US by IQ. Props CT

>CT master race
CT fag reporting this picture must be bullshit



the states with more niggers (and lower iq consequently) have all their white people actually show up and vote republican.

op btfo

Fuck Off you self absorbed smug faggot.

Lmao who cares. Isn't the reverse true anyways for those states.

It's a fake image retard

Here's the real one

Bull shit, Montana has the highest average iq in the nation

The map on the right is of 2004. Trump won three of the states in blue and Hillary won four of the states in red.

Blacker states with lower IQ kek

>be commiefornia
>have top universities bringing students from around the world
>have Silicon Valley bringing in college graduates from around the world
>have third lowest average IQ in the country


>have top universities bringing students from around the world
This is almost certainly a detriment now, judging from the state of their universities

Amish are the strongest race.

Glad you posted this. Was about to go there and screenshot it.

thats because only white people vote but those states are invaded by browns

Those are 2015 results from the because IQ study in US history. 10k people from each state for the biggest sample size ever.


Wow people in the south really are dumb white trash. Poor whites in the South should be wiped out


Because that is fake news. How would you get the IQ of all the spics and niggers in California? It is dangerous to even go in their breeding zones, and they are filled with 60-80 IQ shitskins.

>white trash

I refuse to believe that the average IQ of a New Yorker is 109

>Hawaii's average IQ is 106


How many of those low IQ states have a large nigger population?

It's just fake. Califag here. 90% of population here are 85 IQ shitskins.

There is no way on earth that that map is accurate

I was about to post it. Also aren't Democrats supposed to be for the working class or little guys? How many little guys have above average IQs?

>the highest IQ state is the most pro-Hillary

Makes sense.


North Dakota has an average IQ of 103, your image is fake.

I am am calling BS on Illinois and cal,

reading this felt like having a stroke

I'm sure people from those gang-ridden black and spic communities so wide spread in certain areas of California showed up and did their part for this survey.

>source the soda jerks
sounds legit
sage in options field

OP confirmed racist. All those southern states have a large black population with huge cities dominated by blacks. Most of the blue states contain extremely rich white people and as we all know democrats are largely rich people bitching from their ivory towers. No offense OP but Maryland and California have people with INSANELY high IQs in small areas but go north of D.C. talk to people outside of the ivory cities and the story speaks for itself. D.C. and Cali have very smart people and large populations in a small area. Outside of the cities the areas are dominated by republicans. See Northern California for more details. So I guess Maryland right-wingers are pretty smart than? Thanks OP. I love you too.

>Seemingly no correlation between black population and IQ.
>Nearly every state does not follow implied pattern

>B-b-but black people

>105 average IQ
>not even 25% ethnic European
I don't think so, Tim.

>tfw Connecticut Master Race

>IQ and race aren't correlated
>I mean IQ isn't a proper measure for intelligence
>Also IQ tests are racist


NH would have been red if not for [MASKED].
source: resident

I was witness to an overwhelming, disgusting amount of voter fraud yet I needed to remain silent. Your choice whether to believe me or not.

I suspect many similar occurrences took place in other states, too.

>source is "thesodajerks"

Top fucking kek

Wow I wonder why Wisconsin's is so high :^)

Gee I wonder why they didn't include the Trump map with PA, Mich., and Wisc. :^)

Wow I wonder why they didn't include Clinton's NC or NM wins. :^)

Golly I can't fathom why this image macro lacks sources :^)

Gee Willickers I wonder if IQ is really the scale we want to measure geographical areas on when we could look south and see numbers much lower. :^(

>iq is higher in blue states
>its smarter to vote democrat
>its smart to trust a large government to be efficient and effective
>implying this isn't the propaganda of the eternal merchant

Where did the OP go?

This might be a dumb question but how are those southern states such red states with a black population that high?


>implying that libcucks are still allowed to actually impregnate their womyn

Voter turnout


Montana has no blacks or Hispanics.

Montana whites are drooling retards compared to New York City whites.

Whites in Manhattan are master race.

America's IQ there seems about right.

average IQ of California 101, ya fucking right, do you have a source on that?

Whites vote as an ethnic bloc in southern states where as they don't in blue states. I think in MS 90%+ of white men and women voted for Trump

>Niggers committing to something and following through.

Fake and gay and sage.

>IQ based off liberal arts
180 here, voted trump

Uh no. The average "white" new yawker is some fat shitter unibrow italian or an inbred Brooklyn kike.

Average Montanan is a blonde germanic rancher or forester.

Your "smart" hwhites in NYC are a tiny micro population compared to the overwhelming hordes of dipshit jersey wearing guidos and wiggers.

Jesus Christ. Spoken like someone of truly inferior ability and knowledge.

I live in Manhattan. There are no wiggers or guidos here. Quite the opposite. Brooklyn has the most expensive real estate in America.

White Percentage with Bachelors Degree:

Montana: 20%
NYC: 47%

Don't make me fucking laugh. Also, German Prods are one of the lowest IQ groups in America

t. kike nigger mulatto.

No. Just white master race. In a place where whites are actually growing. Not dying off lol or some shitty nowhere town,

That's pretty impressive, but you still don't have a future, down the line. I guess you don't have to worry about it though.

>Y'all telling me that I need to get out and vote, huh. Why?
>Ain't nobody black running but crack-kers, so, why I got to register?
>I'm thinking of better shit to do with my time
>- Andre 3000


you know that people vote for Hillary because they're pussies right?

Elite whites seem to have a future. It's the rural whites (like German Protestants) that are in big trouble.

Ah, I get it. You're an assmad deluded new yawk "white."

>highest taxes imaginable
>mountains of college and cc debt
>most expensive rent and real estate
>Jewish landlords and lenders
>surrounded by kikes and niggers
>worship money like a jew


Dude, I make 40k a year and live like a king and own my land. My neighbor, who has no degree, is a combat vet with an arsenal, a farm, 4 girls, numerous trucks he fixes, and infinite knowledge of the land.

Let's face it, you live like a slave in a tranny hipster yuppy nightmare. Enjoy paying those nog bux!

This map reeks of kikery.

>Texas- Mexican heavy red state- 8 points below average
>California, Mexican heavy blue state- 1 point above, BLUE
>Illinois- blackest state in the union- 4 points above average, BLUE
>Hawaii- highest concentrations of natives- 8 points above average

Need I go on? Obvious garbage.


Don't you hate it when liberals blame the poorness/dumbness of Southern Republican states on rednecks when there's a much simpler explanation?

There is no white future for them if there aren't enough whites around for them to find others and have babies.

New Hampshire was very close and one of those states where they had their election buses of multi-voting niggers working overtime going town to town.

Ok, Cletus. You got me.

>when you average $250K per year, you don't need credit card debt
>student loan debt - hahahaha.
>fastest appreciating and most valuable real estate on Earth
>Jewish landlords do sucks, I'll give you that
>Not as much Jews here as you'd think
> incredibly beautiful women

This image is completely fake. How are those "dumb" regions doing so well in SATs and the "smart" regions doing so bad? Also, isn't California the state where math will soon not be required from non-STEM students, sounds like a state full of retards.

No good deed shall go unpunished, and that's what the Democratic Party gets for supporting egalitarianism and universal suffrage to give idiots political clout, public education that enables them to read political rants and bullshit on the internet, programs to feed and house such people, and provide them with medical care to keep them alive long enough to fuck with elections for at least 60 years in their lives.

This map is also bullshit.

In some of the dark blue states only 10-20% of kids actually take the SAT. Also, there aren't many minorities.

If there is no future for a white population in general, there is no future for whites in general, even the elite. If you haven't noticed, shitskins tend to destroy the areas they populate. Your future sons and daughters are guaranteed to either be killed or raped by a shitskin unless they cocoon themselves off from the rest of the world in true elite fashion, and then the problem for you will become inbreeding. We're fucked. Whites sold out other whites for money, and we did ourselves in basically.

How can they even pretend to know what the true average IQ is? Only a tiny percentage of people take IQ tests. You would have to extrapolate quite a bit and assume the small sample size really does represent the whole population.

I have a PhD in biochemistry and I don't think I have taken an IQ test since I was placed in the "gifted" program of my grade school like 20+ years ago.

Only the smartest kids take the SAT in the Midwest, the rest take the ACT.

We had the sense to GTFO of the city

It's not that high, the nigs offset the kikes

>Also, there aren't many minorities.

lol, of course, and? If not having minorities in the state makes them more likely to score high in SATs isn't that the same case for IQ?

>only 10-20% of kids actually take the SAT

pretty good sample

Percent of students taking SAT:

North Dakota 4%
New York 85%

It's a fuckng joke. The dark blue states have low percentages taking the test and no minorities


Obviously you live on the upper east side, and you've never left your apartment in Yorkville.

Again, if having "no minorities" makes their SATs higher why won't it make their IQs higher?

>image with no credible source
>all red states are filled with niggers and spics

Sorry fuckface, but thesodajerks.com is not a credible source.

Look Guido, it just gets better and better.

>more jews than Tel Aviv
>most lib city next to San Fran
>roasties sucking miles of cock
>don't marry till 40 if ever
>delusional narcissist due to living in tranny hellscape
>actually makes $150k after taxes
>make that $70k after Jew rent
>make that $20k after NYC prices
>we smartest now!

Just accept it. My state has a higher IQ even after most of the grads leave and your whites go to NYC to work for Jews and die.

wich is your state? user actually posted the IQ results here:

Instead of justifying just get the fucking results and compare.

Montana. Significantly higher IQ regardless of brain drain.

getting sick of these dumb shilltards

Grew up in a city, live in a city, IQ must be somewhere above average for most whites, average for asians. I can tell you that I'll definitely vote Repub next election, but I won't tell anyone. A lot of smart friends will vote democrat because they actually buy the bullshit and have never lived in shitty neighborhoods, so they think blacks have a chance. That's the real eye opener.

source, not of the claim, but of the methodology of determining IQ. not many people take IQ tests, so what is their sample size and how does it reflect the demographic make up of large areas of land with diverse communities throughout them?

People in NJ are surprisingly smart, they're just surrounded by shirt idiots. The retards at the shore and the spics and niggers from Newark to JC and such definitely lower the reputation of this place. And I'm not even from here, grew up in CA. Some based, intelligent people out here.