A targeted individual (T.I.) is a person who has been put in a depopulation program known as Gangstalking

A targeted individual (T.I.) is a person who has been put in a depopulation program known as Gangstalking.

The program is funded by the Government, and the T.I. is monitored and harassed 24/7, inside and outside of their home. Most T.I.’s have no idea how they were put into this program or how to get out of it.

Targeting can happen to anyone in society. In the past primary targets of programs such as Cointelpro have been minorities.

Targeting however can happen to anyone. Individuals are often targeted for being outspoken, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, anti-war proponents, and other innocent individuals.

The majority of the targets are often not aware that they are being targeted in this way.

For those targets that are aware this is happening, they can be left feeling depressed, suicidal, confused, isolated and mentally unstable.

The objective of the campaign is the total destruction of the Target. This is hell on earth.

Why Are Targeted Individuals Targeted?


Other urls found in this thread:


>empowered individuals
>mfw there are new age retards who believe dumb shit in political parties and the military or whoever is doing this
Daily reminder that there are idiots everywhere. I know we have guys everywhere, please stop this if you hear about it.

I'm not sure how common that really is, i mean I don't doubt it sometimes happens, but there are also many insane people who think they are being targeted even if they aren't. Why aren't the T.I. organized, you could even let them taste their own medicine or get public awareness, if you can from a network and gather very good evidence and make it public.

Im sure this is a thing, but you have to literally be grinding an axe with a political party in person and really rocking the boat. Not random shitposters.

This sounds like complete bullshit. I mean it's possible I guess, but it's probably not true

I don't get why they target innocent people. That's bullshit!
But why though?

why though

Ignore them and they will just give up. Honestly the best way to make it stop is to pretend you don't know you are being watched.
For example speak to one of your watchers casually and give them too much information, pretend to be comfortable. If you speak on the phone to family or a close friend mention that you feel lonely.
To them you are useless unless you are afraid and paranoid 24/7.

>tfw target of gang stalking
>they monitor everything I do, including online.
>force them to watch hours of gay hypnosis porn, gore, and shitty youtube videos
>walk around house naked with the windows open masturbating
>dog shit all over yard so CIA niggers never have clean shoes
It really sucks you guys, I hate this :)

Twf important enough for irl villains to hate you.

>woman’s groups, (single) women
Might bring the suicide rates up to parity.

Neighborhood gang of midgets sneak out at night to ding ding ditch and toilet paper

> b b but I'm a targeted individual

Expressing any sort of awareness of this phenomena to anyone in authority will get you labeled schizophrenic and locked away.

Don't try it.

Scientologist do it to people

Look at this accuser blatantly filming while tailgating in the passing lane... claims to be run off road

infragard officer in a blue toyota truck attempt …: youtu.be/cIqv1B_XPbY

take your meds terry

>ITT: Schizophrenia







take your fucking haldol OP

Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm on some sort of government blacklist. Their loss.

Also, shareblue psychopaths do this same shit on places like Reddit, follow you around replying with garbage and basically making it impossible to have decent conversations if you've ever said anything positive about Trump. This is why we need right wing death squads.

Exactly, user. Exactly.

I know that our secret police does political surveillance, but i'm still having a hard time believing this T.I./Infagard stuff



I tried to open the videos here and got a "if playback doesn't being soon, restart your device" and the video wouldn't load. Am I a TI?

This, y'all niggers need to read the Clive Barker story where a man defeats a devil who wants to drive him insane by pretending that everything the devil is doing is perfectly normal.

I saw this one video of a woman sitting in her car in her driveway videotaping other cars going by. Every time a car went by she'd go on about all the various markers on it that prove it's a gang stalker car.
Also in the back seat apparently was her brother, who she cares for because he's mentally retarded. So as she was talking about all the undeniable proof of gangstalking there were literal retard noises going on in the background "Heeeurrrrrr ughgghhhhhhhgh raaaaaahhhhhahahgghgghgh".
I thought it was a pretty nice juxtaposition.

This thread has been reported to the center for mental disease control

This is actually some pretty cool shit. I'm getting flashbacks to watching the first season of Marble Hornets, the last thing to frighten me. It's an odd feeling. It seems obviously bullshit, but some part of me gets worried the universe's mask is about to slip off.

Where I can sign up to he a stalker? Sounds like an easy and fun job.

These types of people shareblue an gov do this to people who don't know how to fucking handle them. You are being to respectful to them if you continue to be targeted. Those faggots cannot handle the bantz.

My favorite part of this is crazy rabbit hole is the "street theater" where people act out scenes from your life in front of you on the street.

Crazy shit!


I'm a member of INFRAGARD :)

I'm sure it happens but the amount of people they could actually use this on would be so tiny that I know it's not a regular thing.
Seriously. How many people are alone enough for it to happen, and what about unknown connections? Like if I thought it was happening to me I'd secretly pay to have some HA watch for anyone watching me and when we caught one interrogate the fuck out of the person until we found out who they work for.
Why would anyone get involved in politics or anything that could potentially make you a target without some form of connections?

ITT: Schizophreniacs and LARPers.

The guy that shot up the Navy Yard in 2013 thought he was a victim of something similar, and the media never talked about it. Hmmmmm....

Get a glass of water and take your pills.


drink some water

I member that was like the exact week gta 5 released

There was a media blackout because mental illness is literally contagious

Raising mental illness awareness literally raises mental illness rates

Check this guy he claims to be a mk ultra victim

"Homeland" & The CIA - How Hollywood Glorifies Mi…: youtu.be/zwKaMdHXta0

Guys like op create serious problems in healthy infividuals from nothing like wine from water then make the problem worse for literal 100 views on YouTube

Yeah I get the same feeling going through those fucking elsagate threads. Honestly nothing has terrified me more than that shit, the idea that their is mass conditioning by shady actors taking advantage of parents' laziness and children's access to the internet and youtube. But some of those videos are so fucking shocking

wtf is this shit


No one has enough time in their day to assemble a squad to stalk you 24/7 do you know how stupid that sounds. No one cares about you at all enough to do that. Straight up, end game narcissism

Obama did it to Trump

The reason this is a delusion is because people who have it believe they're important and persecuted. It's called delusions of grandure.

The "gang" is the deulisional person projecting onto a group or cars (or helicopters and planes) and experiencing a kind of mental paridolia where they make those things into the shape of their delusion.

Basically what happened to the jews after Watson of IBM invented a computer to tabulate and keep up to date information on their whereabouts.

Link or your a lying faggot

Basically this.

Following over a decade of being relentlessly Zersetzunged, the original reason for my being on "The List"was revealed when I was being questioned for a murder by an overconfident copper.

Over a decade earlier, I had, in all innocence, mentioned something, in private conversation, about "getting rid of the Canada Geese", which some Deep State thickos here in dear old Blighty apparently decided was sufficient grounds to go full Stasi over my ass. The " Intelligence" (a misnomer if ever there was one) types apparently never even considered the possibility that I was merely referring to invasive avians, so, when the chance to cast themselves as heroic thwarters of an incipient second Shoah arose, they leapt on the opportunity with huge gusto.

tldr; Loxist/Deep State stasiesque stalking IS a thing!

Apparently, one of the ways you get on the list is by having paranoid schizophrenia.

Gangstalking is stupid. It doesn't exist and even if it did, who fucking cares? Some idiotic government agent is sending 10 white cars filled with dudes wearing blue t-shirts within 5 minutes of one another is supposed to intimidate you? LOL.

Just laugh, because someone somewhere is wasting money trying to come up with creative ways to send people wearing clothes that you find "triggering" to sit next do you on the bus.

How ironic would it be if their worst fears came came to pass because one of the very few people with the analytical skills needed to anticipate and prevent a worst case scenario had been systematically marginalised by those too proud to fess up to their error?

You know what would be great...

If we found one of these paranoid people on YouTube, then actually got several people to do weird subtle shot to invoke his fears even more lol

I could believe it's based on a reality, but also that the majority of people who think it's happening to them are drawing the wrong conclusion from excessive paranoia.

Yeah, I definitely think that an organisation like Scientology might pull this, but even antifa doesn't constantly gangstalk prominent white nationalists. People who fuck with the CIA or the US government generally have been stalked by the FBI, but I don't see why they would do that to random people.

Here's some legit gang stalking


I've had what I assume are random democrats call me out on antisemitism as an ad hom drawn from my recent post history, but I think that's just typical lefty behaviour. Expose the person as morally bad or crazy then move on. It's a typical journalist tactic and even an oppo research thing in politics, although politicians seem to avoid outing each other for some reason. Maybe they've all got so much dirt on each other that letting it out would get them all dirty.


99% of this is garbage. However, I have a friend that just ended three years of non-governmental organized stalking. They got a hold of his lost cell phone and were able to infiltrate all of my dumbass friend's social media, etc. to send falsified messages and stir his shit. They deleted the messages to clear their tracks but the record of the entries were still in a log with IP addresses. I did IP lookups for all of them and when I gave him the map of entries from all up and down the West coast with dates he immediately said, "Holy fuck. I know who it is" because the ringleader was involved in musical project that was touring. The scumbags were not very advanced but to my dumbass friend (who would never take my advice) they were wizards.

BTW OP is a niggerfaggot, but if I had someone with a real problem like this again in the future, are there any anons left here that can help with this kind of stuff if it's over my head? This one was easy once I got a hold of it but it could have been worse.

This right here is why denying it ever happens is preposterous. That sounds way too fucking fun.

i'm surprised someone hasn't actually targeted reviewbrah yet. i guess he's far to respected for anyone to want to fuck with him

gangstalking isn't a thing. mental illness, narcissism and paranoia are.

This makes sense, I've had really offbeat and negative posts directed to me before and it's really easy to spot when you have multiple people responding to you out of an entire thread saying things outside of how the board usually acts lmao

>video tape them
this guy did
7:07 in start watching. They admit theyre working for the government and being paid.
at the end, its the typical how they act

another guy talking about them youtube.com/watch?v=xOLNNyyoJxA
sounds about what he'd hear

i asked questions! want to know what and shit i did ask?

Also after reading the thread I'm almost certain that this exists. Either as a result of leftist mind control or actual government ops. I've had people responding to me on reddit and editing the titles of my posts trying to gaslight me.

Remember to always respond logically and without worry and maybe be conscious about the air quality around you and anything you consume that can be shipped to you and tampered with.

Also while I'm on it don't forget to get rid of any radioactive smoke detectors you might have. :v)

I used to work at a property that had a woman who thought she was the target of gang stalking. She was also a hypochondriac and went through phases of different allergies. She was kind, but paranoid. Her house was super clean and she displayed signs of OCD. I have a feeling it's a form of paranoia. Once you've been in someone's house you can tell if they're nuts.

>gangstalking isn't a thing. mental illness, narcissism and paranoia are.

So, East Germans were just paranoid about Zersetzung, and the ex-Stasi types have not simply carried on subverting Western Civ. under the guise of "Anti-Fascists".

listen to this shit

I have now consumed over 15 minute of this man's content. His claims are very different than the woman I knew. She was very creative, but also lived a life of solitude, and was consumed by troubled thoughts. I cannot speak to any knowledge of any programs or of any other claims up until this evening. I felt bad for the woman, she had a tender nature, but lacked people to share herself with. She had aged to her late 30s and feared her life to be shattered.

no you stupid faggot. his brother is that ufo guy from the 70s if you watch enough so i by pass some of thsi shit but also take it into account
billy meier

also youtube.com/watch?v=3a3ZPSq1hHY

>The government is gang stalking people it wants to silence using hundreds of staff stalkers per target per day instead of simply imprisoning, murdering, or just directly threatening them

really makes me think

here he talks about billy meier

and about government gangstalking

my only idea of it is i was told lincoln killed new paper reporters and shit atht didnt agree with him, in school

and another thing
half his old videos whichg told a lot got deleted
he talks about atht atoo. but his best video
well is still up. he was gangstalked so hard they broke into his place and got on his computer and delete dthe videos off his account and broke his camera

he shows his camera in videos
so, i see how he would be dealing with crap if his brother was billy meier if you looked up any of that. (fake) yu now probbaly but wtf. the guy made a video i agree with. so.
tarded opinion

>think I was being gang stalked once
>started to follow one of the people I assumed was following me
>followed them to their house
>stayed there all night sitting in my car watching them from across the street
>made sure that the stalker saw me the next day
>I pointed at his grade school child and smiled as he escorted him into the car
>followed them to the school
>parked across the street and made sure he saw me as he walked his kid into the school
>I stayed parked across from the school all day that day
>fast forward two weeks later
>gang stalking stopped
>nothing missing anymore from my home, no anonymous phone calls, no one making loud noises outside my home all hours of the day, never see the same faces twice again

You gotta be alpha when the government starts to target you. Let me know you’ll murder their henchmen’s kids if they try to make you part of their experiment.

Be a chad reverse stalker, not a virgin gang stalking victim.

? men and women are very diffeent, like not the same.
so how the fuck am i supposed to know, what tf that means
>His are different than the woman I knew.
im not going to be able to reply with an answer but i did state my stance

I gangstalk. It's a fun hobby. There's no deep conspiracy, basically you just look for someone who's being gangstalked, and you join in. If you don't find anyone being gangstalked, you just try a little subtle GSing a random person, and see if it catches on with the local GS community. Anyway, you just do the stuff like they're describing. Eventually, we happen to have a good group of GSers around a fun TI, just by luck one day, and we all hound him to an isolated area and deny GSing loudly and aggressively, then we, you know, kill him and take him to pieces, and everyone gets something home to cook, and we have a nice potluck dinner in his house and go through his things and talk about all the fun we had with him.

I think it's just an instinct, you know. Got to thin the herd.

I have stalked several shitposters from Sup Forums

Boy oh boy, if I wasn't on a list before, I probably sure am now.

Leafs are wierd

Holy kek if that's not sticking hand in hornets nest I dunno what is

The guy filming is the stalker imo

thats a theory listen to yours
you fucking probably blow gabenewell off all day cuse your some stupid faggot who thinks you can make money ona computer doing nothing while all games sucks dicks

haldol is a very bad medication and i dont recommend it for anybody

day of the rake

why is it that every person i've ever encountered online who claimed to be a target of gangstalking was an unmedicated schizophrenic?



If it was me, I would just do random crazy shit all day, making them think I'm nuts. Then, when they start to give up on stalking me, I would start stalking them. Actually, this sounds fun

Schizophrenics are the most fun to GS, and stealing their meds or fucking with them so they can't get to the pharmacy or think their shrink is in on it makes it that much better.

Besides, you know, it's helpful to society. Clear out the dead wood.

We had some nut job come into our ER claiming this shit. I pointed out to him, if this company that pays people to stalk others for 24/7 were real, it could not be a secret as it would be the largest employer on earth.

yea just ignore
>this video
from the guy who is youtube.com/watch?v=fwqM6AATNnI
this guys brother, the ufo guy

this video he made calls all them out

He's one of them!!
Hospitals are Temples of the Occult - Eustace Mul…: youtu.be/BvdBR_aR8PI

Give us a break, studies show Canada has the highest rate of schizoids of any country on earth

>be me
>be gangstalked
>walking under bridge near river
>night, young people partying
>walk past young couple getting into dude's car
>he starts in on me about money
>his girlfriend looks scared
>"C'mon, leave him alone..."
>half-drunk kid doubles down, thinks it's high school bully time
>"Hey look, I have the latest iPhone as well"
>he bends over into his car as I casually walk by trying to ignore them.
>as he comes back out of the car, I punch him as hard as I can in the left temple with the large Schlage key I am holding in my fist.
>his body stiffens, eyes roll up, pulls his arms up to his chest and arches backward onto ground.
>girl screams, but lost in traffic above
>she backs up
>I sprint to her as fast as I can, amazed at the adrenaline and how fast it's made me.
>jump at her with my hands out
>grab throat, drive her backwards onto broken asphalt
>my knuckles bloody and torn
>she goes fetal, same eyes and O-mouth as bfriend
>big gouge in the back of her head with pieces of concrete stuck in it
>walk back to car, take breath, blood rushing my ears
>I did it!
>grab bfriend's wallet, phone
>check pulse
>force myself to stay for count of thirty to verify he's not breathing
>adjust my backpack, walk away, coming down from adrenaline
>stupidly throw watch, cellphone into river only 50 feet from scene
The cops didn't even look in the river. Girl survived, brain dead. Chalked up as forcible robbery.
Now when gang-stalked I troll them because I know I can kill.
It's important to do it, to know you really can kill without compunction or hesitation.

ha you sure showed em!

Mason families do this to us all the time. They network behind our backs, even pretending to be our friends. 10-20% of the population are scab families like this, in all classes. The teachers and the bullies were working together. Watch out for that chess board!

I'm pretty sure that the agent assigned to monitoring me is sexually attracted to me. I'd be willing to throw Sup Forums away tomorrow if he came on to me.

>trying to rub off your skitzo paranoia mental illness onto unsuspecting onlookers.

cctv cameras are not tracking how many steps you take everyday user.

How the fuck is this thread still here?

That's the creepiest shit ever.

Imagine being so self-absorbed into thinking the government is out to get you and will spend resources on some faggot that browses Sup Forums every day

>A targeted individual (T.I.) is a person

This isn't an actual term that intelligence agencies use and you are the worst LARPer which is why you can hide your flag but not the tough time you had in high school.