Yeah our own government tried to hack the systems.



NO systems were touched


>She won had the hackers from the NSA been successful
Here's your (you)

They say the systems are not even on the internet


I see Putin bots and their useful alt right idiots are sliding this.

muh Russia

Yeah, it was always my understanding that this shit wasn't on any kind of network, and to hack it you'd have to physically plug into it on site. Are they saying that's what happened?

KYS kremlobot

What systems? Which States?
It's not the voting machines because they are not connected to the Internet.

>sliding a slide thread

You're on the losing side of history

Liberals call anything a hack. They hack their sandwiches at lunch. They're clueless faggots that like using words that make them sound more important.

Leftists: Russians hacked and influenced our election in Trump's favor. There's no evidence of this but I feel it happened!
Also Leftists: Illegal immigrants and voter fraud are not influencing elections in our country! There's irrefutable evidence for it but I'll ignore it!

Can you not fucking read? Most weren't breached ans some were you fucking retard

Extra mayo on turkey club.. Life hack!

Show me a recount that isn't in Trump's favour and I'll show you how concerned I am.

Everyone in IT 10 years ago
>Electronic voting is bad, it can be hacked
>Nuh uh, you're being paranoid

Forget your fork! Make one by rubber-banding toothpicks onto a butter knife! Life hack!

>Everyone in IT 10 years ago
>Electronic voting is bad, it can be hacked

Every IT worth more than a Geek Squad part-timer wasn't concerned with "haxxoring." They were concerned with the blatant risks of billionaire globalists controlling closed proprietary software and a voting system deliberately designed to be un-auditable.

Tampering happens at the beancounters, not the beans.

how many poops have passed through her butthole

'Hackers' could literally be anyone probing their IP address for any reason. There's no reason to believe it was organized, and certainly not organized by another country.

Besides, votes aren't calculated over the internet. "Their systems" would not include voting machines themselves. So all told this is all hype, and they're leaving it vague so people can read what they want out of it.


Hacking or anyway interfering with American elections is absolutely impossible you conspiracy theorist lol

Anyone claiming that there's a chance an election could ever be tampered with just needs to buckle up and accept the peaceful transition of power through democratic means, and DEFINITELY not fund violent protests while telling their supports to resist those in power

also leftists: running a smear campaign on a candidate is not influencing elections in our country!