A Question for Any English

What is the current role of English nobility? When you meet someone who maybe be the son or daughter of a Baron or Viscount, is it any different than meeting a regular person?

Also, even in medieval times, did the nobles really lead their territory, or did they just use it to make money off taxes?

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many of the royal family join the military. people like prince charles go around country to country for diplomatic reasons. I am not sure how you would adress them though, probably like you would talk to your boss

Honestly I'm pretty interested myself. I'm scum class, so I would just be forced aside so they can get to their castles.

I think he was referring to top-tier aristocrats, not the royals.

What about lesser nobility? Such as Barons, Viscounts, and Earls? From a lot of what I've read and seen, even back in the 16th century they didn't exercise authority over their regions. It seems that they haven't been actual land owning lords since the 12th century, or even earlier before England unified.

I was, but I still appreciate his answer

ah sorry lad, I haven't heard of viscounts or barons here but earls usually have a lot of land, pretty sure they just colect up all the money and show their faces every once in a while to look like they do something. I the past they used to have to raise men and lead them to war but not anymore.

What the hell is a viscount

Tasty mint biscuit.

Between a duke and a baron.

A Viscount ranks between a Baron and an Earl. It is french for "Vice-Count" but the English adopted the title and never translated it.

My male relative of African decent.

In all seriousness modern nobility spend most of their time investing their money and cosying up the the Tories. Those that are old enough still have their seats in the House of Lords, but those that are too young lost those.

>can't google for 5 min. do my work for me

Okay faggot, here's a fun one, what are those symbols, regelia on the Royals? She Philip, that cuck sucker is sporting the Cross of Malta, the "iron cross". Want to know who else did that?


The English bloodline Windsor is one of the ruling globalist families. They're the ones who rule Britain on behalf of the order of Malta and operate its foremost order, The order of St. Johns of Jerusalem

In Canada all of the governor generals sport those sun radial red cross badges, including our parliament is a mirror of that in Britain. For you see the British Empire never died, it simply faded into the shadows while the establishment remained essentially the same.

Who operates the Order of Malta? Rome

>pic related, the order's superior
>also the order is now under the thumb of the Jesuit Pope, Francis

They are lizzies

First, I did do research, I just wanted the perspective of an average Englishman and their personal interactions with the aristocracy.

Second, I would like a citation on your info. Where did you find this info?

Its literally out in the open OP. If you google the Knights of Malta, search for the Queen, her family, Canadian parliament it becomes obvious the repetition of symbols.

The Cross of Malta is also one step below that of Templar Knight in the Masonic orders. The orders all seem to share many commonalities.

Its also been said a nickname for the CIA is "the company". A name the Jesuits use themselves for their order. If you research the Jesuits you will find they had started invading every corner of the earth starting 500 years ago.


The order is every where really, here we have Knight of Malta, Nelson Mandela.

Went to a CoE primary school, so was made to go to church. I was young so I'm struggling to remember but, they had books and a few bits of cloth etc with that on. Just bibles and shit?

The Templar's never really did disappear.

How they came to power is still a complete mystery to me.

While the use of symbols is clear, it doesn't necessarily mean there is a hidden order controlling the world. The cross could very easily just be a symbol of the Christian cross. Today. the Order of Malta is essentially just a charity group. Similar to the Knights of Columbus. I'm not trying to prove you wrong or anything, I just would like some more evidence than just some pictures with people wearing similar emblems.

Guess who was trained at a Jesuit institution in the US, the Clintons. Trump himself was photographed with a ton of Apollo symbolism in his Trump tower, also more Mythrias religion.

The order has had some form of global economic control for centuries now, their purpose still remains utterly obscure. Also goes without saying

>memetic warefare
>new Left(Clinton) vs Right(Trump) is just more fabricated Hegelian social programming
>its so fucking fake, all of it in MSM, alt-conspiracy

Pic related, Queen in Canada, the Prime Minister sits side left of them, occupying a lower hierarchical role, The Canadian supreme court faces front directly before her Majesty.

There's something weird about Canada, so many of the provinces have these open agents in them, ie the governor generals.

A company I worked for had a Lord on the board of directors.
The other directors became complete arselickers whenever he turned up.

English nobility is the most depraved thing in the world. It's a bunch of rich people and kikes who bought their titles.

How is it a mystery? They invented banks.

Y a-t-il encore des nobles en France, ou avez-vous simplement des "noms"? (c'est à dire. Maximilen de Béthune)

Knights of Malta insist on sovereignty amid papal takeover


The Saturday meeting is no rubber-stamp formality: It's evidence of the order's sovereign status under international law, which is recognized by the more than 100 countries that have diplomatic relations with the Knights of Malta and essentially consider it a state.

Pope takes over Knights of Malta after condom dispute
Festing, a 67-year-old British aristocrat, met Tuesday with Francis and said he would resign after he lost an internal power struggle that started with a scandal over condoms. Festing sacked the Knights' foreign minister, Albrecht von Boeselager, over the condom scandal.
But the Vatican intervened on Boeselager's behalf and announced this week that the pope had accepted Festing's resignation and would name a papal delegate to run the order.

The Knights of Malta is an ancient chivalric order that runs hospitals and clinics around the world. It counts 13,500 Knights, Dames and chaplains, 80,000 permanent volunteers and 25,000 employees, most of them medical personnel who lend first aid in war zones, natural disasters and conflict areas.

The Knights are questioning the pope's right to name a delegate to govern the order, since its sovereign constitution clearly sets out the process for selecting interim leadership and the election of a new grand master.


Bad arugment, the same idea could be applied inversely. Why would all of these powerful figures sport the regalia's of Rome. Typically the elites only interact in a social economic dynamic, meaning they follow the procession of power.

And can I guess: You think it's the Jews?

That is correct, more correct however is that Rome tried to control the ancient trade routes into Eurasian.

What I mean is how did an order subservient to the Bloodlines of Europe become subverted? Why and how did the Jesuits take power from them and institute their own order. None of this is clear at all.

Some theories include

>the mystery schools have always sought to subvert the ruling power
>guiding hand in major civilizations
>druids, atonists, descendants of the ancient lineages of Ancient Egyptian Priests

>pic related

Canadian Parliament, also notice like Churchs the pointed towards facing up.

Why do they do this? Because it mirrors Egyptian obelisks, such as real one sitting in the heart of St. Peter's Rome, not sure if the one in Washington is real or not.

les bogdanov ont marrié des filles nobles je crois

Jesuits have used the"insert enemy of man" meme long before annon. In fact the Jesuits have a long and known hatred of the Jewish people.


(Archive doesn't work on the page)

Rome's Jews enjoyed a little boost in freedom when Napoleon occupied the city (1805–1814) and after the ghetto walls were torn down in 1848. But it was only after Italian unification in 1870 — when a secular government replaced the religious rule of the Vatican — that the ghetto's inhabitants were granted full rights and citizenship. When Rome became the country's capital, the city — ashamed of its shoddy Jewish quarter — destroyed the old ghetto and modernized the district, giving it the street plan we see today.

Then came the rise of fascism. Even though Mussolini wasn't rabidly anti-Semitic, he instituted a slew of anti-Jewish laws as he allied himself more strongly with Hitler. When Mussolini was deposed and the Nazis occupied Rome late in the war, the ghetto community was suddenly in even greater danger. Of the 13,000 ghetto dwellers, 2,000 were sent off to concentration camps. Only a handful came back.

A measure of healing and reconciliation came with Pope John Paul II, who took a special interest in fostering relations with the Jewish community. It was John Paul II who finally acknowledged that the Church should have intervened more forcefully to defend the Jews during the Holocaust. In his last letter, John Paul II thanked Rome's emeritus rabbi for allowing him to initiate this Catholic–Jewish rapprochement he felt was so long overdue.

Pic related, former superior of the Order of Malta with Pope Francis

Non, il y a encore des titres ("duc de", "baron" etc.). Ce sont des accessoires du noms qui sont transmis à l'héritier et qui peuvent figurer sur les documents officiels.

Could you provide more details?

While I absolutely find this topic interesting, I still just see a lot of coincidences. I don't think buildings (such as the Canadian parliament) are trying to replicate obelisks in any way. It's man's natural inclination to want to build tall things.

This all seems like English class in high school. When the curtains were blue, the teacher had to explain how their blueness is a sign of depression in the author, or a symbol of the darkness in the scene. When in reality, the author just thought blue curtains would look cool.

Again, I'm not trying to disprove you, I'm just trying to learn. It is interesting how much the power of Rome has seemed to decline over the past 100-300 years, but I have a feeling they didn't just let go of the power either. So this topic really is making me consider where there power could have gone.

popular emissions on the nobility today by liberals



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So, most existing nobility outside of extended royal holdings - those that actually hold estates - are not socially 'above' what a rich family can achieve in the eyes of the populace. But they certainly have prestige and the ability to move in higher circles, and be deserving of better treatment or favour (not unlike a surgeon or QC would get special preference).

You have to remember though that alot of the mystique is gone for good, along with power, and the assumption of wealth. Truely inherits titles are rarer still - as you probably found out most are 'gifts', with no lineages.

The 2 or 3 I've spent time with (kids when I was young) were all decent, moral and grounded.

Historically it was more about tenancy, land ownerships, rights of property, and townships that nobles had right too, rather than tax collection.