Since I got my first onahole I stopped being interested in porn

Since I got my first onahole I stopped being interested in porn.

Maybe sex dolls scare (((them))) because they treathen the multi billion dollar porn industry?

>You look for the bathroom and acidentally step into your buddies bedroom and see he humps a plastic robot every night for pleasure.
Post your face when

Doesn't men ignoring women allow them greater independence?
You would think those cunts would be thrilled.

Why is my buddy fucking sexdolls in my house?

"I'm close to joining the robots" - on a post about sex bots, not the smartest fucking cookie

It scares them because they have little value outside of their fuckable holes and they know it

>tfw sex robots will have higher intelligence than real women

>((they)) threaten the multi billion dollar porn industry
L0Lno, the billion-dollar porn industry will merely start marketing sexbots, retard.
Lrn2marketeering fgt pls

t. Never fucked a sexdoll

They are scared because their backup plans are walking away from them.

This "female independence" line is such a joke. It's 2017, do fucking whatever... whining whores

why make them like a real women? MAKE THEM LIKE AN ANIME GIRL!




>When the dolls look more natural

asa doll doesn't have acne or herpes sores. asa doll is virgin. asa doll only pay one time boom boom. asa doll > asa.

Sex dolls pussies are always weird looking, I don't know why, it's like they spent just 2 minutes to design it. It not like it was not the most important detail...

They need to be "open" for easy fucking since they don't move (yet)

>an emotionless robot who's sole purpose is to fuck the user is a moral issue because "How does she feel about it?"
We've reached the level of retardation where they could fight for toaster rights and I wouldn't be surprise

What is the estimated time frame for actual human like AI anyhow?

Onahole are not "open" though, and they're made in the same material. No, it's the shape that is weird/lazy designed. Couldn't they just copy some porn stars pussies?

Onaholes get loose in a month and break rip apart in 6.

A doll should last at least a couple years

t. /jp/ onagen

Aren't sex bots literally about giving men independence? Female opposition to then is about the fear of losing their female privilege once men no longer have to treat them like princesses

Sex dolls and artificial wombs are against God, because they are unnatural and nature is made by God.

Cookies belong in oven

This all the way. I hope this tech advances quickly. Not just for my pleasure, but for the awesome look of dejection when roasties are replaced.

>dat deterioration
H...How often do you use it user?


God loves sex dolls because they free man from the serpent.

>Couldn't they just copy some porn stars pussies?
They did, thats why they are open and lose.

Once or twice a day.

But I have a huge dick for Japanese standards

Well we already ate the apple and gained the knowledge. God can get fucked and there's no such thing as the devil, allah, or whatever

Twice a cant control yourself much?