Why do illegal immigrants or refugee-types have a god-given right to come to the United States and reap welfare...

Why do illegal immigrants or refugee-types have a god-given right to come to the United States and reap welfare, housing, and education?

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who the fuck are these mutants??

Zeta Reticulation's that control the jews

Because leftists are dumb faggots who love to be walked all over and drag everyone else down with them.

When do they take off the costumes and reveal they are lizards?

Oh jesus christ can we get a quick rundown over here for this soul? He needs a bog pill

can you give me a basic gestalt?

i'm gonna need a slow jog up on these guys

Inquiries should be pronounced "Hey Farnen" and Rights are a non-permanent spell.

see those leather jackets, made from jew skin

>Bogs are powerful beings from subspace
>can exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously
>control the Bilderberg Group from atop their Himalayan fortress
>Rule Tibet with an iron but fair fist
>1 in 25 people are related to the primeval Bogdanoff
>in contact with Lucifer himself
>know the true identity of The Stig

>No human is illegal
>American was built by slaves and immigrants
>We are a melting pot
>Immigrants contribute to economy
>Immigrants don't draw attention bu commiting heinous crimes

can you throw all non-whites into a big pot and melt them?

this man has got the quick run down he sought

althought you missed;

>even the Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

If anyone want sto know more i found htis

Rothschild's are jews though

such is the power of the Bogdanoffs

he said that I missed saying that even the Rothschild's bow to the bog. I said they control the jews so I didn't miss anything

truth be told, and as much as im pro-legal migration, everyone has a right by being born on this planet, to travel the lengths of its splendor.

however, you should do everything you can to male sure you are there without a problem, which is where i draw the line. get citizenship, permits, whatever you need to live in the area. there is no excuse for not having these things.

Celebrates are promoting this "compassion" bullshit while they are living in white neighborhoods and have 0 interaction with actual refugees, who rape and bomb European cities.



Jews and the rest of the .01%. if we didn't take in more brainless debt sponges the whole Ponzi scheme would collapse before the NWO could take full control.

They don't.
That's why nobody's buying it.
The media makes it look like it's widely accepted.
But they know.
I can't even describe to you how work talks have taken a turn to the worse, lately.
It's almost as comfy as Sup Forums desu.
Although there are still limits.
Soon enough it will breach the friends barrier.

>god-given right to come to the United States
Check my flag nigger, you think you're the only one?

I doubt it as you need a social security number for those things.

Why does the US tell other countries what to do, invades/bombs, and installs military bases?

I'll elaborate.
In my field of work, we work variable work weeks and have to worry about tax rates.
That's all fine, as this was conversations we'd have for the last 5 years I spent there.
But now people are grumpy, and just fucking question why they're paying taxes at all if it's just to pay for those refugees.

well Mexicans think the land in the Southwest is still theirs and was stolen from them in the Mexican-American war, so the American government has no right to stop them from entering. can't speak for other refugee types, they probably just blame America for their problems.

>Immigrants don't draw attention ny comitting crimes

They are the overlords.

>Being this ignorant.


Mexicans should all be slaughtered.

what are you talking about, Mexicans literally believe this

I'll take care of this infidel.

- 与外星人接触
- 灵魂般的能力
- 用铁,但公平的拳头控制法国
- 将投资火星上的第一个城市(博格丹格勒将成为第一个城市)
- 99%的DNA编辑研究设备在地球上
- 第一名设计师的婴儿很可能是Bogdanoff婴儿
- 古代印度经文告诉两位将在地球下降的天使,并带来一个启蒙的时代和前所未有的技术进步
- 他们在世界各地拥有Nanobot研发实验室
- 你现在可能有Bogdabots
- 波格丹诺夫与天使长迈克尔和加布里埃尔定期沟通,将神的话转交给东正教。你认为谁设立了教皇与东正教高层指挥(两千年来的第一次会议)的会议,并安排了东正教领导人在几天后第一次访问南极的历史,直到威尔克斯的博格达诺夫掩体土地?
国家委托他们的黄金储备与双胞胎。 Ft没有金子。诺克斯,只有Ft。 Bogdanoff
- 双胞胎约七十年代,从我们社会目前接受的基地人类的时空参考点
- 在现实中,它们是永恒的存在于从大爆炸到宇宙末端的所有时间和空间的永恒的生物。我们还不知道他们的最终计划。我们希望他们是仁慈的人


Because democrat votes.