I'm genuinely curious, why do people still support communism, if every system under it has failed?

I'm genuinely curious, why do people still support communism, if every system under it has failed?

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Denial of reality.
It's the "No True Scotsman."
"Oh, it failed because it wasn't TRUE Communism."
It's a logical fallacy that people are completely unaware of or know but just don't care.

They believe in the false god of equality


Apparently real communism has never been tried, they think the USSR was "Socialist" because it was in the name. Same for the North Korea which is a "Republic"

Where did you find this image user?

Because there's always a renewable supply of children.

Your one is missing the i

Names don't determine what it really is, but most of these people don't realize this.

Marxist education systems

aids and fail.

You can always remember the future. Mark my words boy, screencap them and plaster them on the wallpaper of posterity for reference of all to see for I have seen the future and I have seen the countless LULZ:


People are just fucking useless

It seems my superiority has led to some controversy.

only when they dont vote. Or pay taxes. And not forget kidneys in black market.



Just find it kinda wierd seeing the greek communist party being meme'd on pol by an american.
The initials translate to
Κομμουνιστιkό Κόμμα Ελλάδος(Communist Party of Greece)

Because most people are mentally retarded. I wish it weren't so but it is.

I stopped supporting it when I realized I need to do more reading on the subject beyond the manifesto and can't in good faith pretend to support something I know little about.
>the manifesto is still super cool sounding though.

Also because there's no better option.
Oh wait...
fuck, nevermind, it's already "communism" apparently. That's the issue. Some lefties have new ideas but end up being lumped in with communism anyway. So, fuck new ideas, let's all just go with the one that has seniority and an appealing hook.

Why do people still support fascism if every system its been under has failed?

Superior at causing misery, destruction and delusion that is.

scales of economy. Commies fail at a bigger scale. And harder. And dying later wont sugarcoat it any way you look at it. It amps the fail at 11.

Many factors.

1. It simply a more extreme version of prevailing lefty PC and Open Borders trends in society, it is a safe extremism to get a little ideological hedonism from.

2. Fuck you Mum and Dad, I'm a rebel!

3. Super autistic? Here, why not read this 1000 page book on some obscure aspect of Marxist theory? Great, now you have the Super Secret Dialectical, Critical LVT thought that really separates you out from the reactionary and normie crowd! They just don't GET it, LOL, because they're not smart...like you.

4. Everything stable and all standards of any kind are just reactionary socially constructed hierarchies of oppression that reinforce the hegemony of capital and the racist patriarchy of Western finance imperialism... so I shouldn't have to wash or get a job MUM AND DAD, it's my skinny-fat body, I'll do what I want!

5. Oh sweet, here's a group of likeminded people who will reinforce 1-4 and keep me on track! Remember, IT'S NOT A CULT!

6. Good intentions gone awry. Hate war, government corruption, environmental destruction and so on? Hey, these kind and friendly commies say they are against these Bad Things too. Their stated good intentions must mean they are not only good, but that their whole system of thought and movement must also be right! FIGHT THA POWA!

7. All society should be freestuff and non-judgemental because I am a Rabbit. Gimme.

Because it was never about communism. It was about power.

For the simple reason that television is telling them to support it

never forget giving power to people who cannot clean their own ass even if someone else did it for them.

Some people never learn....

Good marketing. When the workers revolution didn't come the commies retreated into the Ivory tower and re branded everything under the banner of post modernism. Instead of dividing along the lines of workers vs. bourgeoisie they've taken to fracturing groups along other lines like gender and race or whatever other distinction is convenient. There is no fundamental principle here other than to obtain power;that's how they see the world and human interaction everything is just a power play. So when you hear them screaming about "equality" or "fairness" you can be certain that it's a ploy to get a leg up in a power struggle. It's attractive to people because it gives them an excuse to fail and a place to point their finger

It's elegance pleases intelligence. Still a fool's errand.

>I'm genuinely curious, why do people still support communism, if every system under it has failed?

the same reason morons still fall for the meme that is fascism useful idiots.

the ussr was so socialist the banned ALL workers union yeah pal.

i have a simply theory but as simply as it is so are the brains of the commies so i doubt we need a complicated one, basically:
>communism is for equality which means that everyone is equal
>this was about money
but in the eyes of the modern liberal it's:
>OMG my black, trans, gay, LGBTQYHDU, furry, green blue, non binary etc. friends are all EQUAL
and they also think that it's free money.

wew what happened there

Because they're idiots. And not just normal idiots, they're the ones that think they're frickin' geniuses who can solve the world's problems--even though they don't know jack about it.

Because Communism or Socialism (communism light: when Communist fall out of favor cause it killed so many) hasn't killed enough for intellectually soft and lazy people to question that they are the ones that would become slaves under such type of regime.
They don't understand that opportunists will always succeed no matter the system. In a communist regime, it is the honest and hard working that are penalized for their achievements. The hard working and honest people are protecting them from themselves.

Because communism sounds good on paper. Most modern day, western "communists" only know the bare minimum of what communism actually entails, and the bare minimum is "everyone is equal". They don't understand, nor do they even attempt to realize how ubiquitous everything would have to be in order for such a system to work properly.

Also, when one, centralized government controls everything, which is almost mandatory in a communist system, corruption is bound to happen and there are no systems in place to stop it from happening.