We post the real main characters of their respective series

We post the real main characters of their respective series



Best character



Did you say real you can get more real than tomoko.






Why did Araki focus so much on Polnareff anyways?




I never got this. Did he want to be called Yakomaru or Squealer? If I remember correctly, there was a scene where he seemed to be proud of the name Yakomaru too.

he realized Jotaro was boring

Good question, his stand is even more plain and uncreative than Star Platinum. He's fast and has a sword. Whoop de fucking do. Hermit Purple's immense potential and Joseph's deteriorated brilliance were the real victims here, the only time he really saw him use it in a fucking awesome way during a fight instead of just as a support ability was against the Empress, when he made a detailed map pointing out the location of a useful item and totally wrecking her shit. If he were fifty years younger with HP and full hamon mastery he probably could've soloed part 3.

He was pretending to like the name Yakomaru because kami-sama gave it to him. Can't have them getting suspicious of him before his carrying out his plans.




>Hermit Purple's immense potential and Joseph's deteriorated brilliance were the real victims here

this, especially the latter. I understand that Joseph needed to be in the sidelines to give the new MC a chance to shine, but that doesn't mean he needs to become some scrub jobber. And Jotaro was still boring as fuck.

Part 3 has been the weakest so far

It's actually ridiculous how much focus Bruno got over Giorno, it was pretty much Bruno's Bizarre Adventure with Giorno only existing to show up and get the win via bullshit. It's like Araki realized Giorno was bland and unlikable as fuck.