White Man's Burden

This image was published in 1899.

Can you identify what it means?

I think it applies to today just as much as 1899 - and it will probably be relevant for a very long time.

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The comic is based on a poem by Rudyard Kipling, of all people.

If you don't understand what it means (although it should be quite obvious), I'll just tell you.

It means that white men, through colonialism, have taken on the burden of civilising all of the other races. You could say this is exactly what takes place in every Western nation today.

The only thing different today is that you can remove most of the Asians. Otherwise it is still accurate. Many people in the west feel guilty about living in a nice country and feel obligated for some stupid reason to help third world shitholes. If shit gets really bad I will go to East Asia and get myself an Asian qt.

>you can remove most of the Asians
Can you?

>Many people in the west feel guilty about living in a nice country and feel obligated for some stupid reason
You are right about that bit though. But think of it like this - it's like a transaction in a way. Whites are the arbiters of the world. With great power comes great responsibility. We do still effectively run the world. The most powerful nations on Earth are white nations - the US, UK, France, Germany. Sure, there's Japan, but they're under the thumb of the US. But being the arbiters means that we have an unfortunate burden of the other races.

Anyway, here is a nice WebM of a doggo to help cleanse your mind from the last one. And to illustrate the fact that Europeans treat their animals like civilised human beings, unlike many Asians.

Bump with more evidence of non-whites being subhuman.

Daily reminder that only European subhumans were the only culture who believed it was their divine right ton conquer, eradicate, and (((civilize))) other races. Whites opened Pandoras box, they reap the consequences of their actions

>only whites thought it was their divine right to rule the world
>as a consequence, whites rule the world
Feels good man.

why is "vice" a stone
whats wrong with having a vice

White societies are built upon the notion of avoiding vice and embracing virtue.

Subhumans haven't discovered this notion yet, which is why we have to teach it to them.


A working civilization
Wide-spread immorality

Choose one.

You're either a really bad troll or a

>which is why we have to teach it to them.
Huge mistake on our part.

The white man's burden by Kipling

Take up the White Man’s burden—

Send forth the best ye breed—

Go send your sons to exile

To serve your captives' need

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild—

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child

Take up the White Man’s burden

In patience to abide

To veil the threat of terror

And check the show of pride;

By open speech and simple

An hundred times made plain

To seek another’s profit

And work another’s gain

Take up the White Man’s burden—

And reap his old reward:

The blame of those ye better

The hate of those ye guard—

The cry of hosts ye humour

(Ah slowly) to the light:

"Why brought ye us from bondage,

“Our loved Egyptian night?”

Take up the White Man’s burden-

Have done with childish days-

The lightly proffered laurel,

The easy, ungrudged praise.

Comes now, to search your manhood

Through all the thankless years,

Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,

The judgment of your peers!

Colonization was a mistake, at least trying to civilize Africa, we have fucked the natural order of African population control

Don't forget who keeps shilling Asian girls on this board

Same thing today except the non-whites are fucking our women and outbreeding us

Good post

Also a good post

Probably. When we went to these lands and exploited their people, that was a good thing. The mistake we made was letting them have equal rights within our societies, when they are not equal human beings.

Yup, that's the one. Kipling was a colonialist through and through.

You are right about that. I think it will be a massive challenge of the future.

Or maybe it's just misguided whites.

Weathering the storm of resentment coming from the ignorant brown masses is a large part of the new white man's burden.

>Don't forget who keeps shilling Asian girls on this board

Cool psyop faggit.

Asian women have the strongest family values of any race (behind catholic polish women) and actually worship their ancestors. There's nothing more important to them than family.

but please, tell us more about having a strong family unit is totally a trick buy (((them))) and we should all 'go our own way'.

White man's burden mentality was a mistake
It's logic is the same as white man's guilt

*tips yarmulke

I think we need to form a strategic alliance with the Asians. They are the most like us - just look at Japan and South Korea, who modelled themselves on the US after the war, and China, who have done the same in the last few decades.

Also, hispanics - the whiter ones at least. Many of them now consider themselves white on the US census:

And you might say "they're obviously mudblood mestizos who just pretend they're white", but I would counter with this: 1) there are many hispanics who actually have a high European admixture, and 2) the fact that they want to identify as white, to oppose themselves to blacks, is surely a good thing. They clearly see more kinship with us than they do with blacks.

Of course there are proper Chicanos who are of a strong Amerindian admixture, and they hate us. I'm just talking about the mainly European-admixture hispanics.

there are still a few Original African trying to live like the old way with their small number, but African nation them selves cut their hunting ground, try to force feed till they vomit, gave them alcohol.

You feel sad that we fucked these hunter gather tribes, from self population control, and turned them into degenerates who use to do work to live, but now we throw them money to feed them.

>They are the most like us - just look at Japan and South Korea,
Those are literally the only acceptable asians. Chinese are sociopathic insectoids who should all be gassed. see

I was the one who posted that WebM, check the ID.

The Chinese are obviously taking more time to Westernise than the Japs and the South Koreans did, but don't pretend that they are unique in having subhuman practices.

In a modern version of this picture each non-whites would have a knife in their hand, the white men would have their back full of bleeding stab wounds while carrying the burden, and some distant white women would be booing them.

Gah wtf is these peoples problem

>Can you identify what it means?

white people are whiny bitches

wow he killed an animal


I mean, india and china were better off before we arrived, but otherwise this is accurate as fuck

>The Chinese are obviously taking more time to Westernise
It's not about taking 'more time' it's that they, on a fucking genetic level, are anti-western. they're insects.

>White Hispanic

It will always apply, even when the last of us are hunted down and the world stops advancing, it will have been our fault





Literally how? If the Indians hate our culture so much then why do they love cricket? And why are the Indians and the Chinese learning how to use Western technology at such a rapid rate?

They're all genetically different from us, Mr. Tyrone DeMarcus Lopez.

unnecessarily cruel to frog.

>it will probably be relevant for a long time

As long as there are nig nogs.


Regrettably, I have to share a flag with you

Finders keepers losers weepers.

At least you don't have to share a race

That was one of the more disturbing things I've seen on the internet.

You are funny!

Dogs are awful animals anyway and it's really no different from slaughtering chickens. The Chinese are just like any of you white people we deserve respect they only kill the dog for food is not that different

I regret watching that


That's not true Chinese just have a different idea about the food

as if white people didn't steal mathematics from arabs. as if most people "civilization" (egyptians, in part romans, middle easternrs, etc) didn't happened by much of the working force of blacks (slavery).

Any race supremacist is inferior thats why they need to force other individuals to collaborate in their build up by force or by fooling them. The true strongest are those individuals that collaborate by choice not by some ideology, everything else falls someday.

Kys Muhammad


Im not muslims im atheist

nice bait Nguyen


I hate dogs, but I hate whatever disgusting subhuman did that to a dog so much more.

The White Man's Burden is a progressive liberal philosophy.

It's the idea that it is the duty of the civilized or wealthy to improve the lives of the rest of the world has a very long history. It started with the Spanish's colonization strategy, and the justification for the enslavement and torture of the Natives, with their claims that it was all necessary to Christianize the population and save their souls.

This justification was also used for the enslavement and trafficking of Africans. Without the white man, the African would not learn how to read the Bible, and thus their soul would not be saved.

Later, as secularism increased, this reasoning morphed into a socio-economic one. Blacks needed to be educated and trained, in segregated or menial circumstances, before their population could ever be integrated with the white man. The black's inability to raise himself up, despite all the help that whites gave him, was to be pitied.

And now, in the modern day, it's become affirmative action, and redistribution, and social justice. The white man doesn't have a 'burden' anymore, because nobody believes in honor or duty for its own sake anymore, but instead they have 'privilege'. Now it is the whites who are in danger of being sent to 'Hell' - metaphorical or otherwise - for some failure to improve the lives of the downtrodden. Vast amounts of wealth must be donated to erase the original sin of Whiteness, and finally undo the sins of one's ancestors.

But the fact is that Blacks and Natives were enslaved by the exact same kind of people who now screech about how evil those past generations were. They want nothing more than to be in control of slaves. White, black, brown. Doesn't matter. They want to control you. Period.

The White Man has no burden. If another group of people is content to live in squalor, that's their business.

I'm gonna guess you're just one of (((Them))) trying to reverse psyop, or some faggot who can't get a date wit a white bitch. Probably the latter but who knows.

Chinese girls are disgusting and materialistic you white men should stay away from them it's a bad idea date them you get the bad ending

civilization wouldn't have been built without Chinese and African workers

Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville is an allegory for how all attempts at uplifting nonwhites from poverty have failed


yea because they really had welfare that immigrants were leaching off back then..right. I'm no sjw snowflake but this image is pretty stupid.

(((Arab mathematics)))

Yah, it truly is a shame. But it would have been even a bigger shame to let that natural resource paradise of a continent go to waste under those barely evolved apes. Like they say, God gives bread to the toothless.

We stole the numerals not the concepts you dishonest lout