German green politician post Nazi style FB post


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alles EINZELFÄLLE, berge davon

someone is scared of loosing his job

Pedophiles are going down baby.

>die Akzeptanz von Asylbewerbern zu erhalten

Top fucking kek, he's literally just calling this out because he's afraid of people not wanting any more rapefugees

Translation for Americakun pls

jazz, das rite.
acceptance of asylum seekers is primary.

came for the digies, care to translate you muslim scum?

can u provide a link or something?
just checked cant find anything.

translate ree

If you use something we can copypasta, we can translate it with Google translate or something fuck.

he basically says that migrants who commit sexual crimes are a problem and that they have to get it under control fast to "avoid more victims and keep the acceptance of migrants"

well, that‘s a tad too late.

too late, just came back from voting afd


How the fuck is a party like this able to stay alive when everything about their past is even on video?

>votes AfD
>post ends in 88
Anzeige ist raus

'Display is out'... see? Just copy the fb post in German and post it. Not alot of work, you don't have to type it out or be an expert translator. Just copy and paste the fb post.

what did he mean by this

well that translation may be right in some cases, here it isn‘t. in this context „Anzeige ist raus“ means reported to the authorities.
Basically Germans and Swiss (not sure about Austrians) brake the law if using a swastica for political reasons (Switzerland) or basically anything (Germany).

>Display is out

Idioms are obviously hard to translate, but Google translate usually can give you a general gist more than a short summation. My point is this is an English board, but I don't mind using Google translate when the user feels it necessary. Copy and paste isn't hard.

Lol, give me your best translation then hans. I assume it means 'showing up' or something similar.

sadly this is correct thanks for using a translator anyway, that does show interest.

I'm done with you German speakers. Imam learn Austrian instead.

already translated it for you
anzeigen can mean to show things, which is why Anzeige was translated to Display in the first place. But in this case it means that I'm suing someone

>die Akzeptanz
Funniest germanization of an English word I've seen yet

try swiss german for beginners

>>die Akzeptanz von Asylbewerbern zu erhalten

>The number of rapes and rapes in the public in tübingen has risen sharply this year. I ask all those who can help to clarify this case, report to the police.

>The truth is that, in my knowledge of one exception, the suspects were not German citizens and, most likely, Asylum seekers. We need to get this under control and soon. To Prevent further victims and to obtain the acceptance of asylum seekers.

>PS: in contrast to the history of the central station, the description here is very credible.


I'm an American. I took two years of Spanish and already forgot everything. It was a joke from Obama talking about the 'Austrian' language. My last name is low German,
or Plattdütsch. I do have interest in Germanic languages on a 'feels' level, but I can only translate my name into Danish or Swedish, and they disagree. Problem is it's a dying language.

Is this good?........rape
In the night to Saturday around 1.35 clock after the police in the Old Botanical Garden in Tübingen should have come to a rape.
A 20-year-old told the official that a dark-skinned man had approached her in the park on a cigarette. After declining, he is supposed to be asked for oral sex and then raped in a bush.

When the young woman noticed other people in the Old Botanical Garden, she drew attention to herself. Passers-by called the police that the man had fled in an unknown direction. The woman described him this way: about 1.80 meters tall, black skin color, bright T-shirt. He should have broken German. An intensive search in the vicinity ran in the night without result.

The woman could provide detailed information about the offense and the offender, which would now be checked, according to the police. The police has started investigation.

I learnt a little Spanish but don‘t get to use it very much. 6.5 years of french, I understand the frogs but won‘t speak it.. Plattdütsch is sadly more and more extinct, I live near the Allemannen. both sides of the rhine sound alike, the people moving to south Germany from say Frankfurt don‘t understand the locals.
it‘s a shame what happenned in the Elsass, Paris forbid the use of Elsässisch and kids got beaten by their teachers if they spoke it at school.

Hillbillies then. I think he's talking to a black soldier about picking cotton and being a nigger. Though all in good fun I guess.