Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Finnish Tsurunen was representative of dwarfs in upper house of Japanese parliament in 2002-2013, as a first member born in the western world

Fucking hard achievement considering how xenophobic japanese are. Surely Finland is an expection, considering how older people respect Mannerheim and Finnish people.

It seems like that he is quite conservative, and japanese like such politicians.

Other urls found in this thread:


>fucking hard achievement
Learn to speak english fucking mämmi nigger

Ebin :D

Joko Marutei Tsurunen on mainittu?

>Tsurunen toimi demokraattien edustajana Japanin parlamentin ylähuoneessa vuosina 2002–2013 sen ensimmäisenä länsimaalaissyntyisenä jäsenenä.

Ihan helvetin kova saavutus, kun miettii, että kuinka epäluuloisia japanilaiset ovat ulkomaalaisia kohtaan. Toki Suomi on eräänlainen poikkeus, vanhempi väestö tietää ja arvostaa Mannerheimia ja suomalaisia.

Ilmeisesti aika konservatiivinen poliitikko ja sellaisestahan japskit tykkää

Mitä kääpiö?

>representative of dwarfs
>hard achievement

hahaha putin is literelly a midget

>Representative of dwarfs in upper house of Japanese parliament *

*charity slam dunk competition

as real as those chloe pics

>Representative of dwarfs

By Moradin's beard you're a daft cunt, ain't cha?



>Japan drives the mongols back to the ocean several times just to have one in their parliament

Here's your (you)


Digits, ebin xDDD

Here's a video of him speaking in the House of Councillors

He's the original Ken-sama, with kimono and shitty accent and all

He is a leftist piece of shit who moved to Japan and left his Finnish wife and 3 kids behind. Now he's there promoting various foreign rights movements.

I would vote for this guy

>Now he's there promoting various foreign rights movements.
Kek, what a faggot.
Come home Martti. Stop this Jewishness, Japan for Japanese.


Stop speaking Chinese, you gook!