Why did Mussolini failed where Hitler succeeded ?

Why didn't Mussolini succeeded in making Italy an industrial and economic powherhouse, like Hitler did for Germany ?

He had total control of the country, and had much more time than Hitler. Why did he failed ? Italy's industry and military was extremely weak when war happened.

didn't have as much of a buildup as hitler did.
hitler knew what he wanted to do so he built for it.
Italy started late with the war geared economy.

Italians are inherently Italian.

Italians were nowhere near as angry as the Germans after WW1 and the depression.

It was not only that he didn't prepare for war, he had not a proper industrial basis. That's why even when Italy was on war economy, they still had very few output.

If the italian industry and army had been stronger, the italians could have defeated the british in north africa by themselves, giving the axis the middle east oil as well another axis of attack against the Soviet Union.

Northen Italy had the potential to be a industrial powerhouse (as it happened quickly after WW2)

Because Germany was already an industrial behemoth, all Hitler had to do was unfuck the financial and monetary system so it could place a gazillion orders and kickstart it back to pre-weimar levels. It was a sleeping giant after WW1, which needed awakening.

Italy was comparatively a developing nation, and in fact made great strides.


because Mussolini didn't have Hjalmar Schact to inflate a debt bubble and then invade two neighbouring countries to pillage their much stronger economies to pay it off

*southern Italians

Different race from the Romans. Only the Northern Italians even liked Mussolini the South hated him.

Hitler raped Italy and fucked Benito.

Pretty sure he told Hitler he needed a few more years to get ready for a war

Considering the state of the peninsula before fascism (nearly no industrialization outside of Milan-Genoa-Turin) Mussolini did overall a great job. Not an economical genius of course, 20 years of capitalism may have created more wealth, but wherever fascism arisen there was a progressive growth of communism, and its primary role was fighting it.
AFAIK the war was supposed to start later, giving Mussolini the time to prepare, but we know how it turned out.
Also, , remember the only industrialized regions in Italy were in the north cause of their proximity to Core Europe and Cavour being an angloboo and implementing Britain's economic models to his business (and Piedmont later on).
Good thing England won't be inherently English much longer.

Germany wasn't in a war economy untill 1942.

he did not have tot control of the country. There was still a monarchy and the church and many people were loyal to those so any contrast between the fascist state and those would have been of uncertain result, thus limiting mussolini's freedom.

Because he was wrong about race not mattering and southern Italians are lazy bums.

As if the Eternal Anglo can talk.

This, also we had less jews so less money and gold to confiscate like germany did


Italy was a young and disorganised nation at the time. If you look at the role of italy in the past 2-3 century (basically getting fucked by his neighbours) it's really no surprise that it only had minor military impact on ww2

Rommel noted that Italians fought well when armed with german weapons. Mussolini didn't focus on technology, why he didn't I don't know.

cause Italians are tards always have been

Because he was a useless facist.

Here in Bologna we beat up and spit on fascist.

Fascists in Italy today want out of EU and no immigration, can you imagine? We need both.