Why am I supposed to hate Israel?

I am onboard with whites having an ethnostate and protecting a future for white children, as well as kicking out communists. I agree with most of the far-right's views.

But I don't get why I'm supposed to hate jews so bloody much? I don't particularly like them; but I don't hate them anymore than niggers, spics, muslims, chinks, or any other non-white races.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a jew-lover, I just think the utter hatred of the jews from NatSoc's is a bit overblown. Why do they get singled out from the rest?

If we want an ethnostate, shouldn't we praise Israel and model our ethnostate from theirs?

Because they ruined our white ethnostates first.

Well, I guess you're right - some of their politicians really fucked the west over. But is that really enough to write off a whole race of people as our worst enemy? Couldn't we agree China has fucked the west over a lot more?

They own the majority of Americas debt, they are overpopulating and invading us, they fuck up the environment, I could go on for paragraphs why the soul-less gooks are the worst race on the planet.

Not to mention the chinks are bloody communists

Trips of truth

self bump

It's just stupid little kids on mom's computer larping as nazis. They'll grow out of it.


There's more than just larpers. The far-right is growing. I think the jews need to be dealt with, in the same way as the other minorities in North America/Europe

We should kick them out. There's no reason Hollywood, Washington, and Wall Street should all be run by jews.

But I don't think we should hate the state of Israel for basically doing what we are trying to accomplish.


self bumping for a reasonable discussion



they are what is stopping you having what you want


Jewish occultism like Loxism, Sabbateanism, and Zionism are all hellbent on that Kalergi plan.

A lot of Jews are unknowing of these plans but the ones in the porn and entertainment industry are very aware.

nice get

What if we were able to sever the head of the snake? Eliminate the ones who are trying to destroy us, and let the normies live in Israel and eat falafel. I don't have anything against the regular jews who just want to raise a family and provide for their kids


really nice to see a hot girl without ugly fucking tattoos

Sabbateanism was denounced by the entirety of the jewish masses so much that it drove any hint of jewish mysticism underground for a while. Zionism is not jewish mysticism.

Anti-jew redpills? Lets start with a very big and very old one...

It's missing their biggest transgression - the murder of Jesus

got any more?

>Why am I supposed to hate Israel?
