What was the fucking point to putting us in camps?

even if jews weren't gassed and only died of typhus or starvation, why put them in camps in the first place? what the fuck did some farm jew or yeshiva rabbi have to do with german war effort?
I can also get and agree with shooting jewish communist party members, but why round and lock up everyone else in a place where disease is rampant?
poles were also seen as a very low ranking race but at least they were allowed to remain in cities until the end of the war instead of getting banished. so why were non banker and non communist jews kicked out?

Other urls found in this thread:


germans were at war with international jew (US + UK + Jewish Russia) so wouldn't it make sense to lock up sympathsizers

why did americans lock up japanese?

Becuase jews are fucking asshole traitors who have absolutely no loyalty to their country. You are a parasite leeching off of the host country. Your only loyalty is to the Jew. That's why we put you in camps.

because pic related

are you saying picture related had a notion of political power and political infuence that made them relevant?

To prevent espionage and saboteurs

Yes, absolutely. Jews on every level are rotton for a country. Those are the same kinds of people who hoard supplies, ignore those in need, and clip coins.

You should have all been shot on sight.

because jews are subversive and ruin everything they get their hands on.

>poles were also seen as a very low ranking race but at least they were allowed to remain in cities until the end of the war instead of getting banished.
Poles were also sent to camps. Russians were put into camps before Jews as well. You weren't the first.

Don't forget that the Jews were taken even from irrelevant countries like mine.

A description of Weimar Berlin from that hotbed of Nazis on the Internet Salon :


You were using media and government influence to run the morality of that country into the ground while starting fucking communist revolutions. While the Red Army was genociding Christians amongst them ethnic Germans to the east.

Only an ex jew can be a good citizen outside of Israel. There are no good jews, there are jews actively trying to destroy you and supporters who will still see them as better allies than their goy neighbours simply for being jews.

Jews did not massively renounce their jewishness in the face of jewish betrayal, so off to the camp they had to go.


every major player in WW2 tried to segregate, monitor or outright concentrate populations deemed untrustworthy and potentially traitorous, USA put japs in to camps, as to play it safe - they were suspected of being able to conduct diversions, spying and general mayhem, germans were also closely monitored, brits did the same, with some germans, particularly in their colonies treated notoriously bad, japs did it to the westerners in their conquered east asian domain and the russians did it to fucking everyone at massive scale

with the jews literally tried to stole germany during the veimarch "republic" and with them successfully stolen russia by forming the USSR, the jews were considered a major threat, of course not every jew was internationalist traitorous bastard but with the war going on, it was deemed un prudent leaving them free to roam

so, in my opinion the act of germany was not really different than that of others and further more if they've actually won that war the genocides of the encamped undesirables would have happened on the allies side

>why put them in camps in the first place?
To make things.
People get put into camps to work. Internment and POW camps are pretty much the same thing. You were being treated as POWs.

1907 bolshevik jews failed to kill the russian tsar and fled to germany

1917 bolshevik jews killed the tsar and took over russia, murdering tens of millions

jew commies caused germany to lose ww1 with huge strikes (unions etc), they then installed a commie government.

by 1933 jews owned 7 from 8 german news papers, 80% of lawyers and judges etc, berlin was the filthiest depraved city in the world, jews infiltrated and fucked everything, hitler fixed that temporarily.

let the rabbi tell you

You have you're land we have our deal Jew? you can keep Israel if you just let us have ours and stop being so fucking hypocritical

>"jews ruin everything they touch"

Think about that for a bit and get back to me.

why where jews kicked out of countries so many times?

why are you always victims?

maybe its things that you do, not things others do

It's fun to see you struggling - that's all

Because a unified jewry went to war with Germany in 1936 and jewish loyalty lies in their race not "political affiliation".
And as a counter question; why did Hitler alle jews Even of high rank in the army? And what had muh poor innocent jews done to help Germany?
Why did yanks put all japs in camps when they har far less chance of illoyality unlike jews.

According to the red cross, as many poles died in the camps as Jews.

oh, right. because it's clear from the fact the germans lost the war and retardedly turned jews immune to criticism that killing a bunch of pleb jews was such a smart policy

you imbeciles never get it right and always kill the wrong fucking jews. this is because your wondrous leaders are idiots prone to populistic actions, and since rotschilds are beyond their grasp, they have to settle with targeting irrelevants
killing jews simply because you think they're disgusting or immoral might be a great way to boost morale, and will do absolutely nothing to jewish elites. the jews that run the planet's markets don't consider me any more important or deserving of protection than any dumbass goy like you, and have been using us as an expandable scapegoat to keep you pacified by venting steam for centuries. how did that work in preserving white interests so far?

Because any jew is a rampant communist, therefore a potential threat.

Also read the Wannsee script. They wanted to send the jews away east, so they could improve their own race through natural selection.

how bout you open your borders and then come back and ask

you always kick out a bunch of jews out, your public opinion and happiness rises, and somehow jewish tricks remain. why do you think that happens?

come to terms with it already dumbass. you're always targeting level 1 jews that aren't relevant to anything because you're stupid and need a scapegoat. and ultrajews happily provide us as an offering to you since we're not rich enough to be important to them

You only have so much food. Your supply lines are cut off. Who do you feed first?
1.citizens? 2.The Army? 3. A bunch of people who you locked in a camp because you couldn't root out the spy's among them?

The American's locked away the Germans, The Italian's, and the Japanese at the same time.

>you imbeciles never get it right and always kill the wrong fucking jews.

While your culture keeps producing them. The "wrong" jews are not a separate strain, they are a direct result of your culture. They naturally arise from it.

Also at the end of the day, they are jewish and we are goy and that determines your alliance. We are natural enemies, separatism or genocide is the only stable outcome.

by all means, ration food
give it all to soldiers and your officers, fine, understanble
but why not let the jew leave the ghetto and later camp to possibly forage some edible roots or tree bark for himself?

They thought they were doing the world a favor with extermination. I don't agree, as most wealthy Jews who were subverting Europe escaped the Nazis.

Some Jewish dentist or small business owner today has nothing to do with what elite Jews are doing.

Checked still don't like you but checked

Not true. Groups that were placed in camps were treated very different than POW's. They were segregated completely and POW's were treated better. The groups there har to work to get free, POW's not. All of the 4 diaries i read by Norwegians in the camps write this (all publishedin 45/6).
Jews were also segregated from other prisoners so they could not influence anyone. On some accounts treated better and some accounts of worse.

There's plenty of reason they were kicked out. Sometimes for crimes (or odd practices) and sometimes for no good reasons at all, as documented by those said countries leaders. Reasons range drastically too. Plenty of countries brought in Jews so that they could lend out money, as this was outlawed for Christians, and once the lending was done they refused to pay the interest and simply kick the Jews out. Good examples are in southern Europe, particularly Spain, where the Churches were built with Jewish lent money.

Look into Mosley he had a sound plan for integrating Jews and attempting to get them to see sense. As well as putting them on an equal playing field.

He wanted to kill of elite and communist Jews though, of that I'm sure.

Similarly the Italian facists did not persecute Jews.

In Germany public sentiment was all for getting rid of Jewry due to ww1 betrayals.

Well same reason US did to Japanese and Brits did to Germans etc, possible subversion. They were just work camps, prob produced some war products etc. Besides no all jews were sent to camps you know, the ones that were prob earned it in some way if only just on suspicion or minor infractions

Because you were going to be shipped to Madagascar you dumb jewposter. But then the Americans bombed the supply routes and everyone starved.

>not removing enemy communists from your society by force
also, SAGE

>why put them in camps in the first place?

The same reason the japs were put in camps, because you couldn't be trusted.

i do not hate everyday jews who live and work like us cattle, but it is your job to kill those among you that cause you the problems

bruv it was all a setup don't you see? Do you want me to tell you the whole truth of the world?

>farm Jew

Lol oxymoron

Have to agree with this. Germans in camps within Britain were treated well and vice versa with few exceptions.

Shame about old Rudolf though, poor bastard.

>you always kick out a bunch of jews out,
this nigger gets it. This is very simple friend let me explain. It is always those in power vs those without, the haves vs the have nots, everything else in this world is always smoke and mirrors, bread and circus, divide and conquer. This is all orchestrated always has been

of course my "culture" keeps producing them dumbass. say what you want about jews but we're still living things and produce offsprings
point is, the typical jew clerk didn't do anything personally to deserve getting shipped to a camp and starve. neither did any japanese american for that matter, but at least the american mainland had enough food to keep more of them alive
how about you get arrested while touring in the USA because some distant relative of yours is peddling maijuana in back Amsterdam across the atlantic? because that's identical to what guilt by association with some abstact "jew" in wal street or the kremlin is

Schlomo I-
I grew up in a fairly Jewish neighborhood. The worst bullies at school were Jews. They were ruthless and methodical in their approach. It wasn't enough for them to simply swing fists and call names. They had this obsession. They would lock onto their target, always somebody weaker than them, who had done them absolutely no wrong, and defame them and hound them every chance they got. They would appeal to prejudices within the community and make outcasts of them. I'm saying this from a perspective of somebody who befriended the Jews though. I refused to laugh along with their relentless assault. He had never done anybody any wrong. He was a little slow, that was his only "crime".

It didn't end there though. Because even in adulthood I remember hanging out with one of those Jews and he boasted gleefully to me about some of the terrible things he had done to that kid. I didn't even bring the topic up because frankly having witnessed it, it disgusted me, even as a child. But we walked past the park where his famed attack occurred and his eyes just gleamed over with a sickening orgasmic joy. Like he had just smelt the perfume of a girl he used to like and went off like he was remembering a romantic encounter.

That boy he had helped bully so thoroughly. He killed himself, I found out recently.
That is you.
That is the Jew.

Because too many jews were commies and they would have sabotaged factories and railways.

The ones that suffer are the seldom the ones that earn it desu, and the ones that earn it seldom suffer

Jews were an easy target because even after thousands of years of community and family, they still didn't have the spine to fight and die instead of being herded like cattle.

Multiple times, not just by Germany.


what are you talking about? a fuckton of jews are farmers today and have been throughout the 20th century, just not before that

They didn't want you in the population then and we don't want you in our population now, Stop stealing our surnames to camouflage yourselves in our society and conveniently become "white " when around goyim then claim jewish heritage when you don't agree with anyone that isn't a jew. Its fucking disgusting. Pick one ethnicity and stick with it or go back to Isreal.

I could explain to you the true history of the world something few people ever discover in their lives, that puts the entire world into focus for the first time

then for what it's worth, I'm sorry. jews that drive others to do that should be hanged and I wouldn't say a word in protest because they actually DESERVE it

but I never harmed you friend or you for that matter and neither did my family. so why would you want to punish me instead of them?

>Oy vey we are always victims, just look at these kikes. Dont you feel sad?
You benefit from what other jews do against us. Like you little disgusting filth who got their ethnostate in an area you dont belong. All it cost was 2 big wars and 100+ million goyim dead. And only you human trash benefit from it.
Normally nobody would care about You, but your infiltration and destruction of out society, culture and history makes you the enemy number 1 for anyone with an iq above 100. The ones below only view your buffer-group, The mudslimes, så the enemy. Just like expected.
I wish Hitler did kill you off but instead we have a fake story to hide any goyim suffering so your ilk can rule us unquestioned. But you made a grave error; you surrounded yourself with dumb goyim while we who view you as an enemy are connecting and working in the shadows.

I respect you Israel Jews. You voluntarily concentration camped yourselves.

To concentrate them in one place in order to murder them.

Nice post summing up the jewish actions and the disgust goyim have for them. Things like these are the reasons. It reminds me of that jew who became a self-hating jew. When he gets the outside perspective of how jews behave towards others (only because they treat him the same way) he gets sick from them and their actions

A better question is why did Hitler have jewish generals and a jewish chauffeur?

>benefit from what other jews do
>get literally pushed to a country surrounded by hostile arabs
>openly admits it and still calls me war profiteer

you retarded fuck are too far gone. after your politicians boycott our country and ban israelis, and still it won't be enough to keep your muslims happy, don't bother coming to us for help in dealing with them. go fuck yourself along with your cuck lib and rich banker jews, you're both pieces of shit that deserve each other

It wasn't murder

What is your solution then? Lets say you get to be Hitler, what do you do to save europe from destruction while not harming the so called innocent jews?

>Buhu we got all we wanted but still i complain. It's your fault goyim.
Wow talk about fitting the stereotype.
>causing constant wars around you and get mad when they defend themselves
Oy fucking vey. It's like american colonizers complaining that those evil indians are resisting them.
You make me sick.
>Buhu politicians hate us
Hey fucking real. How much money do goyim Nations send to your little outpost? Weapons? How about all the tech you stole and sell to all sides of a conflict?
The only good thing you did was to herd yourself in a small area. An area that used to mean a lot to us, But since you destroyed christianity, it matters nothing to us. Makes it that much easier to destroy. Can only hope Kim nukes your shithole. Like Saddam during the american invasion; he knew who to send scuds for; you and your saudi Brothers.
Fuck all you semites

The rabbi was the bankers cousin and the farm jew had communist connections. If the farm jew was free to do what he wanted he would have been used by international jewry to continue the exploitation of the German people.

look at this samefag
>I still don't like you but let me check a non-check

The point is simple, they took all their belongings, businesses and erased all debts owed to jewish lenders.

The same thing that happened in Spain in the 1490s. The spanish kings needed money for war, so they went to the jewish money lenders and made a deal. They get the money up front, then the jews can collect taxes to get the money they lent back.

Pretty sweet deal until tax time came, then they kicked the jews out and collected taxes themselves

Because you and your progeny are much more likely to do that sort of thing given the chance.
Same way africans are more likely to be violent. Doesn't mean everyone with African blood is violent but if there's a 20% chance anyone born will be then they're violent.

Perhaps in the U.S., but in Israel plenty of Jews were (or are) farmers. The Kibbutz farming system was the backbone of the country. Even in Rhodesia and South Africa, plenty of Jews were (and are) farmers. The very reason all Jews there supported Ian Smith and were against Mugabe. The very reason most didn't vote for the ANC and Mandela in the end (most voting for the liberal party and many for the NP Apartheid party). Outside of the U.S., plenty of Jews were used to, or at often times forced to, labor work.

You know shit. Einstein advancing the science of his country into the modern age is not patriotic? You are either extremely narrow minded or just larping like most of people here.

>Le Einstein meme.

>so wouldn't it make sense to lock up sympathsizers

would it make sense to make racial laws classifing all Jews as subhumans? Burning books of all jewish scientists and intellectuals regardless of their political views. erasing them from existance. It was more than just a war. It was a genocide you dummy.

Will you try to disprove the theory of relativity? I'm eagerly waiting this, this will be amusing.

And what about the developers of the nuclear weapons, who were mostly jewish, or all the jewish physicians like Jonas Salk who cured polio and shit?

>muh einstein
You mean a German born jew who betrayed his nation, left it for another country and helped them destroy his nation of birth? The same einstein who said openly he was a "jew first and foremost"
Kill yourself low-iq subhuman

Because Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 and orchestrated an international boycott for years leading up to WW2.

Hmm, wonder why Einstein decided to leave Germany.

First prove it, You dumb nigger. It has not been proven yet. Have you bothered to read any scientific papers dealing with theory?

It is the real life equivalent of a containment board, which jews have shown time and time again that they need. You should be thankful it was that tame because if the western world ever wakes up they’ll want to do much worse than a little work camp.

Arguably the camps were safer, before they started gassing the starving people because they couldn't afford the bullets, but really you wouldn't have wanted to have been living in Dresden at the time of the bombing. Or having to live through the Soviet advance through Germany.

Again they didn't know who was a spy or who was not.

Truly though the real failure of WW2 rests on all of us for failing to realize that Nation state make enemies for the people to hate so that they're driven by their hatred. Then again they accomplished great things with this motivation, and so have many.

I have no solution, but gas the Arabs for me, yeah?

>what was the fucking point to putting us in camps?

The civil war you tried to start, the Germans you murdered in Wiemar, the sabotage and partisanship you engaged in when Germany went to war.

If Jews hadn't tried to literally, actually, historical factually tried to start a bloody communist revolution in Germany after WWI, they probably wouldn't have been targeted for imprisonment during the next war.

You see, the mass murder of Russians during the Bolshevik revolution was still fresh in the minds of Europeans at the time. They could not allow Jews to slaughter the leadership of their country as well, which you would have done if given the chance.

It's a pity that the holocaust didn't actually happen. A couple hundred thousand dead jews, gypsies, and faggots from typhus and starvation was not nearly enough.

Huh, i never seen this copy pasta. It also sounds like BS

Why did the Americans put the Japanese in camps?

Probably there was reason to believe that they'd aid their countrymen.

Yeah geez, he left for USA before Hitler came to power and never returned. I can come up with 20 reasons a jew would betray his nation and benefit it's enemies.
It har nothing to do with Hitler as proven by him never moving back after the war. A true "patriot"

Because many partisan resistance groups especially on the eastern front were led by jews.

FIRST realize that WWII was arranged by Jews in order to devastate Europe and promote the Zionist agenda. What is Adolf Hitler's y-DNA haplogroup? What was William Patrick Hitler blackmailing him with? Why did Hitler let the British go at Dunkirk? Why did Stalin allow the Germans to build up troops on the border?




WHY would a bunch of Jewish Zionists move the Jewish population of Poland from the cities where they might have been bombed out to holiday camps in the countryside that nobody would ever bother to rain fire on?

Because the agenda was to kill ARYANS, not Jews. The point of the camps was to insulate and protect Jews, and then give organized Jewry something to complain about (see 'muh holocaust') as a way to add a tremulous violin solo to the Zionist propaganda line.


>Hmm, wonder why Einstein decided to leave Germany.

Hmm, wonder why the Germans wanted the Jews to leave Germany.

The same reason the Germans put the Jews in camps

Plus the American public is like a hive of bees. If you plan to fuck America you plan to lose

Einstein is the most overrated physicist in all of history, he plagiarised most of his work and every other contemporary physicist thought he was a an obnoxious prick who didn't deserve his fame and reputation.

>Arbeit macht frei

The same reason Roosevelt put the Japanese in camps.

>First prove it, You dumb nigger. It has not been proven yet. Have you bothered to read any scientific papers dealing with theory?

I actually did you cunt. It's not only proven it's applied in practice. But arguing with you would be the same as arguing with flat earther.

Because you are to big danger for superior white boiz from Germany.

Why were jews in Germany? Should've never came to Europe.

Half of killed jews was Poles. Why Hitler cant wait a few more years? We ll solve this problem via Israel or Magadaskar.

The point was to kull the dull

They fundamentally don't assimilate into non jewish nationalist societies, because to assimilate means your national allegiance overrides all others ... religious and ethnic, which would mean you stop being jewish at all.

Non assimilation is an offence from a Nationalist point of view, even a civic nationalist. That's why a good jew in Europe is as fundamentally impossible as a good Arab Muslim in Israel.

At some point you will have to implement something like the Sinai solution for your Arabs to survive and thrive. While we'll have to kick all out our jews and their pet darkies to do the same.

Free labor, dumbfuck.
Interning enemy nationals and forcing them to work has a long history.
The plight of you disgusting kikes is nothing special and is a natural consequence of you crony scumbags being schizo assholes.

Why did americans put japanese in camps?