In the end best girl will somehow be painted as the bad guy in all of this

>in the end best girl will somehow be painted as the bad guy in all of this
Kill me.

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I told you that Chidori was Yukari from Persona 3, watch her pull the shit Yukari pulled in The Answer.

>best girl
Picture unrelated I hope

She truly is a 3DPD whore in 2D form. Why is she so selfish and dramatic? Why does she think she should be rewarded for being his naggy cunt that spent a few years with him?

these last 3-4 episodes have been an emotional rollercoaster. just about cried when kacchon saw all his old friends and found out they were basically vegetables.

Who gives a shit about Chidori


Less selfish than Whori-chan.

Uh, she literally tried to kill herself to give the other kids in the experiment back their senses. I wouldn't exactly call that selfish.

Best course of action is to just ignore the autists.
Chidori a cute.

you trying to make me cry, nigga?

Chidori is a selfish bitch, Maki is an arrogant bitch. Nico's the best even if she's a little pathetic and Sono's a goddess.

The moral of the story is that realistic girls like Maki and Chidori are horrible and fantasy girls like Nico and Sonozaki are better. 2D wins again.

>bring in completely innocent and unrelated people into her sick experiment for a chance to fix herself

Why is Chidori being such a drama queen just because potato doesn't want her? It is just a stupid crush.

If only Yuki can cry sounded like he was constipated. Otherwise, yeah, it was an emotional scene.

>Shitdorifags as dumb as their waifu
Sonozaki intentions were pure, she want to fix Katsuhira and the burden of the prior Kiznaivers is on her shoulder too.

She believe the Kizna System is the only thing that connects them and won't abandon it.

>She believe the Kizna System is the only thing that connects them and won't abandon it.
So she's a selfish retard?

She doesn't expect anyone else would like her smelly cunt back other than Katsuhira, now that Tenga is out on the open, she will jump on his dick soon.

30 episodes of dialogue in a plot heavy episode and Sup Forums still goes ballistic. You are all in love with her.

You should be familiar with Okada's game by now.

Her problem is not her own selfishness, if she was more constructive it would be okay to be a dick, it's that she ignores the reality of her own situation and is retarded.
She refuses to confess when given the chance, she just denies that she still likes him.
When offered help to confess she doesn't take it, she's forced by Nico eventually to watch herself get cucked and finally deal with rejection.
When she could just move on as Tenga makes an attempt to resolve their shared problem she then accuses him and others of being difficult to understand and simply refuses to understand them.

>characters I don't like are realistic and characters I like are fantasy

>it's that she ignores the reality of her own situation and is retarded
What are you supposed to do when you're stuck in some Okada show?

Chidori is fucking shit.

No, you are.

the end of this episode broke my heart

I want all the girl to have a happy ending, I also want sensei

The only people who do this are autists who literally don't understand human emotions so don't let it get to you

You can tell by the people who bash her using /r9k/ lingo nonstop

p.s. she was 2nd best girl

Did any of you notice that when Tenga gets tripped and smashes his head on the floor that Chidori reacts as if she felt the pain and then checks her arm to see why that is?

No different than when Autismo-kun feels blue hair girls pain even after the summer period is over.

Tenga x Chidori confirmed.

How can literal walking shits be considered best girl?



Gives me the chills every time.

Grow a pair, seriously.

>Tenga abruptly goes to Chidori thinking she'll poof and reject him without a problem

Chidori is fucking wild, man. Tenga will never get off that ride.

Chidori a miracle. A MIRACLE

how come everyone else became a vegetable but sonozaki, who is either at 19x sensory overload or no sensory input at all depending on whether or not she took her meds, managed to end up being a functional member of society

>functional member of society
She grew up in her own personal hugbox, probably that's how.

So is this actually worth watching or no? I figured I'd wait until late in the season to pick it up so I don't have to wait.

Do you like OKada romance with love polyhedrosn, teenage angst, entire episodes wasted on heavy-handed exposition dumping and monotnous, one-sided dialogue, and vacuous, pointless melodrama that goes nowhere?

Then this is the show for you. The Okada self-insert takes over the show about halfway through and rules it with an iron lesbian's fist for the absolute worst 2 episodes of the year, proving yet again what happens when production committees give Okada any degree of creative control.

because she was taking all of the sensation from the other kids, she was broken in the sense that she was constantly overwhelmed with 19x senses. the other kids had 0 senses, so they were the vegetables

>The Okada self-insert takes over the show about halfway through and rules it with an iron lesbian's fist for the absolute worst 2 episodes of the year,


it's ok but not really a must-watch or anything

Chidori a bitch


>most likable character is masochist orgasm guy
how this happen

because he has his shit together the most out of all of them, so to speak. he might be a kinky wierdo, but hes not a walking drama machine like chidori, a frozen hearted cunt like maki, or a hot headed idiot like tenga. nico and katsuhira have become better characters with each episode, so i dont really think theyre the problem children anymore

>most likable character is Nori-chan


do you think that we're supposed to hate the entirety of the cast? Cause it certainly feels that way.

No, we're supposed to empathize with them all except for maybe pic related.

And it's not that hard.

What did Katsuhira-kun do to make loli Nori-chan fall in love with him? From all the flashback scenes we got, they were never even together.

He's such a massive dick

your definitely supposed to play favorites/have mixed emotions about everyone. everyone has been unlikable/truly in the wrong at some point, almost like real life people are all the time. youre not supposed to make everyone great, youre supposed to get reactions from the audience one way or the other. i think okada did pretty well in making these archetypical characters less flat than they could have been

did you fucking watch this episode

Post more low-level researcher urushiiii

Literally every flashback we've seen has them holding hands outside of Noriko jumping

>people defending SHITdori

She's trash, and she has been from the start. Her suffering is deserved.

They all have flaws and all have relatable points.

I personally can't stand Chidori because I knew far too many people personally who behave like her and it's insufferable, but I can understand how someone with a different context might like her. I like Tenga because I think his heart's in the right place and he tries to keep things simple and straightforward, but I can understand how that can make him really unlikeable,

I only like him because he's voiced by Suwabe, not gonna lie.

And that's why he's the best.

I thought Sonozaki took all of the kid's pain? So what was up with this scene?

>people hating Chidori for the most asinine reasons

Ya all gonna regret this in the upcoming episodes. Nori-chan has blown her load, here comes Chidori.

All the characters are supposed to have a character trait that makes them obnoxious in some way. This was literally spelled out in the first couple episodes.

i don't need to actually watch this show to shitpost about it

>two-faced normie
he's not that bad... he just wanted to leave his fat kid past behind.

>Chidorifags think their masturbatory self-insert will end up with anything other than the Tenga-toy.
Enjoy your melodramatic kataomoi and selfish bitchery

I'm not talking about shipping you fag. I'm talking about flashbacks and character development/exposition in general.

>I watched the show with my eyes closed the post

Post Nicos
I have none

No. Only Nori-chan today.

How can Chidori even compete?


thats cute, but Nico's smile when she got everyone's email address was even cuter

so, chidori misread the situation with tenga because of her own self centeredness, right? i saw it as him trying to clear his own mind and move on, not help bring her any kind of closure. i doubt he thought that far ahead - he was just trying to get over it like nico did, right?

Rats, beaten to the punch. I need to organize my image folders better.

Chidori is not self centered. Sonozaki is the selfish one and is a massive slut.

>Teenage girl acting like a teenage girl
I'm shocked

>failed to protect their smiles

Yamada bullying Chidori gave me a semi-erection.

>Posting inferior Nico

She thought that he thinks his feelings are worthless and should just be dumped into the trash, which rubbed her the wrong way.

Chidori is not self-centered, she's compassionate and sensitive while Tenga is self-sacrificial and brash, hence the dispute.

Did you expect her to casually tell him to go fuck himself when he's just fucking confessed and she feels guilty about ignoring him?

Honestly I have no idea what the conversation was about. I had no idea what Tenga's motivations were for going up to talk to Chidori, he thought being told something he already knew for a fact would make him feel better? But I guess I'm supposed to believe that it was just a front to bring closure to the situation, trying to fix the awkwardness between them? I don't get it.

If Tenga needs to do anything, it's apologize for being such a cunt towards Katsuhira. I don't know why he's going up to Chidori.

Tenga and Chidori are in a similar situation, they're both caught in a hopelessly unrequited love where their competition is unbeatable.

Chidori chooses to deal with this reality by just sitting, wallowing in her feelings and forever remaining a friendzoned beta-orbiter

Tenga chooses to deal with this reality by confessing, getting inevitably rejected and moving on with his life.

Chidori rejects Tenga's method because she recognizes that his situation mirrors her own, and that if she acknowledges Tenga's way of doing things, she'll be implicitly admitting that her way is wrong. She's unwilling to admit that her way is wrong. When she asked "will that make me feel better" she wasn't asking if rejecting Tenga would make her feel better. Okada skipped right past that because Okada is not a capable writer. Instead, Chidori was asking if her following Tenga's method (eg. confessing to Katsuhira and being rejected) would make her happy. She decided that it would not, and thus, that she would not accept what Tenga was trying to do.

It's just a very weak writer attempting to draw parallels between foil characters in a really inept fashion.

>feels guilty about ignoring him
Then she could have just not ignored him? If she feels guilty about it then why was Tenga the one who had to talk to her first?

Jaganico, Jaganico

The problem is, Tenga was using her to get rejected. To end the pain of unrequited love.

Chidori felt that only Tenga would benefit on the situation.

I don't know. Teenage hormones and shit.

He wants the ultimate confirmation that he's got no chances with her.

But he won't get it because he's an idiot.

So why not let him have cloussure? She would be a crying shitball if Kacchon was as cruel to her.

>So why not let him have cloussure?
Because she won't let herself have closure, so she refuses to acknowledge that closure is the way out.

Because Chidori is slower at these things user. Tenga doesn't fucking think before he acts.

And Chidori's still gathering her thoughts.

Yeah but it isn't as if she will stop getting NTR'd if she stays her path. It will still hurt. She will never get Kacchon and she will never be in his heart.

So, Nico is the only one who apologized and probably wants to move on from her unrequited love, And still become friends with the others hm.
She is dumb But way too cute And likeable ( best girl for me)

They should just fuck and get all shit out of their system.

People are understimating how awkward this is for Tenga. He knows she knows about his feelings so he probably tried to avoid her till now to prevent embarassment then decided to prevent that by asking the persion in question for a forceful rejection to return to the statos quo between them. On the matter he probably feels too guilty to even face Katsuhira and asking for forgiveness, it's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that he probably feels like he himself is shit for what he did in some way and that it would be better if he would have just left him alone and never showed up to him again.

the whole thing with tenga asking to be rejected immediately reminded me of cat and araragi and how she did the same thing, but successfully. she accepted that she couldnt win, took the blow to her heart, and moved on, even going as far as helping the two of them ever after. araragi did his part and decisively ended it there, which was obviously hard since hes so horny for her, but he did what he had to.

what tenga was asking for isnt normal, but it could have worked for out them both. im not surprised or upset she reacted like a typical teenager, but damn.

What do we put on the chart this week? Should I just wait for next episode for the arc to be over?

white hair & hospital gowns
tears for nori-chan's smile
kizna on the heart

Gaijin guys crying while observing an image of loli Sonozaki smiling with the text "We didn't protect her smile".

>Chidori is barely in the episode
>still getting this hate
Why do people hate her? I thought Sup Forumsnons identified with cucks.

She's a bitch that jump started the whole romantic subplot shit. Plus her character is just so boring when put against everyone else. Stereotypical childhood friend. Lame.