Even Stephen Curry knows whites eat bland trash

Even Stephen Curry knows whites eat bland trash

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>niggers complain about white people and their food
>niggers love kfc

why are niggers so dumb?

Some people like to taste the food they're eating because it actually tastes good. Seasoning is used to enhance the flavour of food, not to drown it out.


I don't know who that is

Their entire identity consists of

>the struggle
>"""spicy""" food
>rap music
>hating whitey

When you don't buy your meats from D'Sneed's Niggers Feeds and Seeds all you need to season is salt and light pepper.

High quality food needs minimal seasoning. Poor quality foods need excessive seasoning to mask the flavor of shit

Does he know that niggers are low IQ parasites that are just dead weight?

He's trying to be racist, but sucks so bad at it....

He's implying all white people cant cook lmao, it only applies to white college bitches more than anything. So he btfos his own demographic for the most part;)


Haha fucking this.

Can someone explain

these niggers don't have a fucking clue about history

Do people seriously believe this meme?

Europeans fought wars over spices for fucks sake

spices are inherently racist due to its colonialist roots from all the rape, genocide, and destruction in pursuit of spice.

is this a transboy?



I've seen black girls put salt in their ramen, its not about seasoning they just love tons of salt and most have high blood pressure

Niggers and Crooked Hillary put hot sauce on everything.

Doesn't this monkey have something basketball related to do? No other reason why he is getting paid insane amounts of money.

Go steal some chicken

culturally appropriating poo culture

>Its ALWAYS a half breed.

Oh we'll spice things up alright.


nigga is light skinned his opinion is irrelevant. he like 25% white

Is this why blacks have such high rates of heart disease?

"Bland" food sure is some trade off considering we're responsible for civilization as we know it.

White bread dipped in distilled water.

to be fair, that's probably more than white americans have

He's probably more like 25% black. He's an identity-less fraud.


Curry was invented by whites.

The mongrel identity crisis on display. Here's your answer when people ask why it matters if you race mix.

>Niggers and other 3rd world shitskins eat shit foods
>They literally have to season them to make them edible.
>Whites eat good food and we enjoy the natural flavors
>We don't have to nuke our tastebuds to get the food down

Who would like to try some Authentic African Bushmeat?


Salt and tabasco sauce.

to be fair, kys

yeah there's no hope




Isn't black soul food just stolen white Southern cuisine?


>most chefs are white or are coming from white countries
>niggers are trying to nitpick things white people do
>most niggers eat KFC or McDick because they're poor
>niggers try to portray whites as well mannered and orderly
I don't get this meme.


>white people invented gourmet cuisine
>africans have been eating tubers and raw chimpanzee meat for millennia

And these floating pairs of eyeballs have the gall to say white people don't season their food?


yeah and half-assed

yeah but you'd be called a racist just the same for telling them to go eat some fried chicken and watermelon




ahah white people am I right!

>haha you don't the drown your food in so much spices you shit blood for a week.

Do they think all white people eat bland food because a good cut of meat and some fresh vegetables don't need much to taste fucking awsome and is honestly ruined with too much?

Cause that feels like the reason.

I don't get this white people food meme.

Take this garbage anywhere else. We have enough of this shit every fucking day. I wish you faggots would get banned for it.

It's funny bc niggers have cholesterol and heart problems derived from eating bad foods.


srsly, if this is the shit these guys latch onto, we should just feel sorry for them

I wonder who invented that wire wisk?

Do these niggers realize white people colonized the world for spice?





No beef jerky beats a bit of Biltong

how does water add flavor


Sean Evans on hot ones is the king of hot sauce, and he has a few other whiteys that blast blacks weekly on their show about eating spicy wings. Its great

Steph Curry fakes his nigger accent.

None of these nigger memes make the slightest bit of sense

This must be the dumbest nigger meme to date.

Yeah, but a nigger's idea of seasoning is crack, Olde English malt liquor and food stamps.l

Checked. Also, niggers use water that was prominently touched by them to give it that special flavor they love so much - AIDS.





it's never wise to listen to a nigger.

>whites love mayo maymay

nogs have never been to south america


Ok, I chuckled on this one

Where did this retarded notion that whites don't spice their food? Did these people ever eat italian food? Spanish? French? They all use copious amounts of different spices and flavours in their cuisines.

I know, I know,
but I doubt those niggers are all Sup Forumsacks memeing in disguise.


>since the 14th century

Most whites don't eat pig feet and chicken anuses.

His parents are white

White people took over India to get pepper.
White people shipped millions of African slaves to the New World for sugar.
White people genocided Bandanese islanders for ginger.
White people destroyed the Arab trade system for cloves.

Zatarain's, McCormick, Chachere's, Lawry's, Mrs. Dash, Badia, Emeril's were ALL made by white people.

Curry, masala, and szechuan wouldn't exist if white people hadn't brought over chili peppers.

White people circumnavigated the planet, destabilized every non-European civilization, and conquered most of the known world because they wanted some spices.

So... what are you trying to achieve with your mockery?

Or are you merely a jester performing satire at the amusement for his superior?

We have science, art, exploration, conquest, and innovation.


>small area of northern Europe
>Area pictured is at least 50% of Europe


Remember - insults like this, "mayo," "Becky" etc. are the absolute pinnacle of criticism niggers can give to white people.
>Your food is mild
>You give your kids boring names
And not once do they consider the possibility of irony when they are feeding their children named Laprecious and Danjeruz ramen and Kool aid via a program created, funded and maintained by white people.


i tried a thing

god I love these white people food memes

Post the full version.