Two Sides, One Snowflake

With this NFL "Take The Knee" stuff the Trump and Hillary crowds have completely swapped roles. Now it's the Trump camp who are whining like triggered snowflakes that the other side isn't doing the proper virtue signaling.

Hillary snowflakes: "Black Lives Matter!"
Trump snowflakes: "US Flags Matter!"

Hillary snowflakes: "My tolerance feelings are hurt!"
Trump snowflakes: "My patriotism feelings are hurt!"

Hillary snowflakes: "Schools should be safe spaces!"
Trump snowflakes: "Stadiums should be safe spaces!"

Hillary snowflakes: "You will respect my diversity!"
Trump snowflakes: "You will respect my authoritah!"

Each side has simply swapped lizard brains. Today it's the Hillary supporters who are being more rational and articulate, and the Trump crowd who are behaving like jilted, narcissistic, hysterical girls. That the roles have swapped so instantaneously and so completely is shocking - and sad.

Other urls found in this thread:

I just see a bunch of rich, spoiled niggers and their handlers driving people who pay their salaries away. Most people don't give a fuck, but if you're going to force them to take a side, don't be surprised when they side against professional nigger collision.

>I just see a bunch of rich, spoiled niggers
That's perfectly fine, we all see whatever we see - but whatever we see is *projection* (and how much power the material has over us inside is measured by how reactive we are).

Unless one were to talk to each of the people kneeling and ask *them* what *their* intention was, all any of us can possibly see is ourselves - on display for us in the mirror of the world.

Nah, they're a bunch of spoiled niggers. How about instead of spending your salaries on hookers, blow, and chains, you donate more than the token virtue signal amount to the poor black communities you seem to care about so much. But they won't. Why? Because they're niggers.

>Nah, they're a bunch of spoiled niggers
But that certainty is exactly the same as the Hillary snowflakes being certain who supported Trump was a "fascist" and "white supremacist."

The point isn't that you're not allowed to see or feel whatever you wish. The point is how this time the Trump side is doing exactly what they spent forever complaining (and rightly so) about the Hillary side doing.

The thing that's most upsetting about this role reversal is I'd have hoped the Trump side, after so many months of being at the receiving end of the Hillary camp's snowflake hysteria, wouldn't immediately leap at the chance to behave just as hysterically.

The rights 'principled' stance on not using the lefts tactics is why the left has been winning for so long.

I think patriotic Americans who used to like the NFL felt that today was "a bridge too far." It's not hysterical, we're just moving on.

False equivalence.

I think it would be very dangerous for a politician to support kneeling during the national anthem.

I wouldn't call the left's narcissism and irrationality - and the horror they've created in our country - "winning."

Unless one simply wants to admit the only problem one had with Hillary and the Democrats wasn't anything they did, it was simply the envy of wanting to be the one doing it.

It's the same as being able to see how the two halves of a yin-yang are reflections of each other. The two sides are *exactly* the same - as long as one isn't trapped in one half.

say snowflake one more fucking time op

>t. tumblr faggot

One could also argue the other side, that it would be transformative for the country for a politician to reaffirm that what matters are the *principles* and *rights* we all have. And in order for any of us to have any we have to defend them when they're exercised by others.

The demand that all the governments' subjects show the proper subservience to the symbols of the state is exactly the behavior the right seems to be so upset about when DPRK does it (and that's another demonstration of how projection works - the right's upset with the Norks is simply the right's own tyranny, projected on Kim & the Koreans).

Kys cuck

It *is* a great word.


>Kys cuck
Just like the "I'm With Her" mob saying "kys nazi."

Empty, close-minded attack the messenger fallacies - appeals to emotion, not reason.

It's like the entire Hillary campaign, with a few words switched and wearing red instead of blue.

(Thank you for being a helpful example of the fundamental behavior and point.)


0/10 if you spelled it correct, you'll get more replies

Fuck off you obvious shill. No one here gives a fuck. No one here is "concerned". This issue only affects spoiled athletes being btfo by Trump. We don't give a fuck. Not standing during the anthem is disrespectful and now the athletes are being btfo by a real president but really no one here cares about football. And the football viewers are getting a big redpill that lefties are disrespectful irrational pieces of shit. Now fuck off

"Authoritah" is spelled correctly.

They are under demonic possession.

End of times are close.

Stay away from "people" like them, dont talk to them, dont be in contact with them, the demonic possession is contageous, i don't know how.

It is NOT a virus as we know it, it is something unearthly.
Earth is under a demonic alien attack.

Yes, players should be able to kneel. And people on and off the field should be able to do the nazi salute without repercussion.

>disrespectful irrational pieces of shit
You really should read about projection.

The rest of your post is simply a hysterical diatribe, referencing only yourself and your feelings - just like the Hillary nu-males.

While it's too well done to be intentional, that you're being just like the Hillary girls ("no one cares about you! Go away! etc etc etc) again demonstrates the original point.

i dont really give a shit who does or doesnt stand for the flag but bending to a black power movement because 1 out of every 1000 murdered nigs was killed by a white cop is retarded.

I agree. I feel it when I argue with a couple of my hardcore leftist fb friends. They are such zealots it's impossible to reason

The rights criticism of leftist virtue signalling is directed at the fact its used to distract from real motivations, its a facade.

>we want the internet protect the children!

Or their virtue signalling is taken to absurd ends like

>we should just gas white people and castrate men...because all white people miss slavery and all men are rapists

Sure, the right virtue signals too, about things like patriotism, subbort our troobs etc, but the main difference is those people trying to rally behind the troops or getting pissy about the anthem genuinly care about the issues and arent out to harm others to satisfy a victimhood complex or their own hateful prejudices.

Also, its freedom of speech not freedom from consequences sweetie

"Why do we hate liberals?"
"Because they use emotions over logic son"
"Why do you want gay marriage to be illegal?"
"Because it upsets me"

>if i pretend all right leaning people give a fuck about gay marriage, itll become true

Personally, I would agree with both of those positions. Collectively we'd need to have a discussion of what means what to whom (is kneeling disrespect? Is open carry intolerance?), and make a "deal" about what we accept and what we don't.

(Certainly the fascist salute was once the required way to "respect" the flag in America.)

>Using violence and government forces to subvert peoples' right to speak in a public venue is exactly the same as people boycotting (more likely just losing interest) a private entertainment enterprise because the suppliers of said entertainment are insufferable

I guess this is your brain on Clinton.

Yeah that's cute, except as a TEAM they have all chosen to act in a certain manner and so they can and should be judged as a team, as a group, and not as individuals.

Yes, it's not about reasoning anymore, the demonic possession just slowly turns everyone insane? or fanatic.

I have bothkind of friends, right and left and both of them just utter same stuff mirrored and usually starts getting aggressive.

Im afraid that even its science fictiong or biblical nonsense, it will turn into something very real and horrible, live global civil war. It allready is in Syria and it's begining in catalonia, venezuela, kurds and ukraine.

End of times.

>if you're bothered by something make the government do something about it
Libshits don't even realize how this defeats their own arguments.

Typical faggot: but, but, but you are just like them!

The text shows you're getting the point. That's great. My goal here isn't to change what anybody likes or not, it's to end raging unintentional hypocrisy (I'm not a big fan of intentional hypocrisy, i.e. "lying" as Hillary so famously does, either).

The picture is cleverly ambiguous, since the saying on the shirt could be either positively or pejoratively translated as similar too "The Resistance."

I must have missed the violent masked gangs running around the stadium attacking people for kneeling.

This may come as a surprise, but restating the point isn't an argument.

You also missed a few days either in logic or in reading comprehension.

And while your effort is vapid, the attacks against the players choosing to kneel are absolutely violent. There are efforts, openly stated, intending to cause millions and millions of dollars worth of damage - far more than Soros' little Antifa riots could hope to inflict.

Were someone to take your job or your mom's basement or whatever away from you for posting here, you would almost certainly feel violated. So the attacks against the players are unquestionably economic violence.

And now we're back to the discussion mentioned earlier of what we collectively decide constitutes acceptable protest and acceptable response.

you can do that for anything tho

Gondor snowflakes: Human lives matter!
Mordor snowflakes: Orc lives matter!

Communist snowflakes: Communist lives matter
Fascist snowflakes: Fascist lives matter

Jedi: Jedi lives matter!
Sith: Sith lives matter!

Ants: Ant lives matter
Wasps: Wasp lives matter


If I were to take time at work while being paid to make a political statement that cost my employer money I would absolutely expect to be fired. They weren't doing this on their own time, they did it at work.

but having an argument is taking a side and only a fucking retard would take a side, according to you and OP

everyone be sure to be saging

>imaginary damage threatened is the same as and can even be compared to actual damage!

this is your brain on liberalism

>muh horseshoe theory

Only a retarded leftist with no understanding of the world could be so irrational as to think that everything and everyone are equal and that there's no difference between the two

Maybe this comes as a surprise but making up bullshit doesn't constitute a sound argument either

Yes! That's an ESSENTIAL recognition! There are ways in which any two things are the same. It's only when we believe and remember that's possible that we can then find what those things might be.

Right now America suffers from the deadly problem of having both halves be adeptly righteous at seeing how we are different from "the other" (as we project ourselves onto them, so we're really only seeing ourselves).

The only, only, only thing that can save America and humanity is if we can learn to be as adeptly righteous at seeing how we are *the same* as the other.

Both of those are simultaneously true, always. Like a glass that's half full of water. It's half full. It's also half empty. And those are both true, and the existence of one does not negate the existence of the other. (For bonus points, seeing the glass with this "AND" perception is not better than the older "OR" perception - thinking that is the old "OR" perception sneaking back in to recreate itself, draped in shiny new "AND" robes).

It's by putting as much (or more, since we're out of balance) effort into bringing our country together, to talking to the people "opposing" us and finding what they believe, and why, what they would want from us and us from them, and coming to agreements about what we can't do and what we promise as partners we will, that we can save American and humanity from destruction.

And we can only begin that discovery if we open our eyes and recognize there are ways we are also, we *must* be the same, not simply different.

Thanks again for your great observation.

That's definitely a more nuanced discussion, one that I think is important. **Note how having that discussion as you are beginning is entirely different than the hysterical snowflake response of simply throwing a tantrum.** That's the crucial change.

As a point of law, it's not quite as clear for the NFL as one might think. There are obstacles to the "it's their job" argument (one of which is what *are* the specific behaviors mandated by any particular athlete's contract, plus the CBA) - which get more sticky in the way the US Government uses the NFL as a recruiting arm (making this the *government* forcing the players to stand). I'd say were it to go to trial it would go in favor of being allowed to kneel, but trials are unpredictable things.

The goal isn't to within this little thread to resolve the entire issue, it's to show how to stop the collective hysterical whining (wherever we find it) and actually begin to have a real discussion to eventually come to a partnership agreement. This would then be the template for healing the divisions in America in all the other places.

You've demonstrated this difference admirably. Thank you.

It's not to me, but it's obviously a surprise to you.

Thanks to everyone who participated itt!

Wow you're really smart? Being in the middle and not taking a side? So intelligent. I wish I was smart enough to sit on the fence and feel superior.

This bait is just too good to pass up.

I'm going back for seconds.

I too wish you good luck in someday being that smart.

You'll get there faster if you stop feeling superior.

>niggers/libs, "it's just a piece a cloth, don't be so triggered"
>fly Confederate flag
>niggers/libs flip the fuck out

gears are turning

I genuinely don't think anyone on Sup Forums gives a remote fuck about the national anthem or American flags.

I just really want to see boomers and neo-cons get angry at niggers.

yeah the thing about this though is that people can choose to support, or not, whatever
they wish, with the resources that they have. if someone took my job because i was actively
engaging in inflammatory political activism instead of doing my job as it was outlined for
me, i could expect that i'd receive backlash or be fired. that's common sense. but actually i see the
logic here that causes people to be ok with support communism. because this way of
thinking and action takes the power away from the employer and gives it to the employee. it's socialist thought in its purest form, and it stems
from entitlement and not appreciating the people whose work let you have that position in life.
it's disrespectful at its core.

i had an acquaintance that i no longer talking to that claimed he was under influence of satan.
and that his soul was inside of himself, that came after taking a lot of drugs he said.
these people are damaged mentally.

Exactly. Each side is triggered by one flag, and not triggered by the other. They're the same (as well as opposites in the flag that triggers them).

Though that's sort of a generalization of a subset behavior, the broadest position of the kneeling players' side is the right for citizens to protest their government.

(Given the racial disparity in which players choose to kneel, the courts would probably find their behavior protected under the Civil Rights Act, too)

Let them kneel down. Hell, let them boycott all their games. I just want to see the backlash and the NFL fall.

Yeah there's some truth here. I predicted this would happen too, I knew the Trumpists would turn into whiney faggots.

I don't care about Niggerball or bowing for the fucking anthem. Football is for beer-drinking low-IQ cocksucking pieces of shit who are nothing but cannon fodder and good little wage-slaves.

I don't care what they do or don't do on the field.

This is a pretty ludacris strawman OP

I was trying to show the hypocrisy of the left. They say the Confederate flag means hate but that the American flag is just a piece of cloth. The irony is amazing.

>I just want to see the backlash and the NFL fall
There's the interesting (to me) economic sub-plot in this that it's the NFL owners who, by completely ruining their product and turning it into a "New Coke" version of their sport, are absolutely desperate to find ANYONE to blame for the fuckup.

That they can blame their declining tv ratings - which were plummeting long before any of this was anything more than a mosquito bite on the elephant's ass of the NFL - is for the owners a godsend.

I wonder what kind of wonderfully horrifying money-losing torment the owners must be in: if the side with the players too much then the failure of the NFL entertainment product becomes the obvious fault of the owners, but if they scapegoat the players too much then the league opens itself up to destruction by collective bargaining and lawsuit.

Fun fun fun (more entertaining than the games, anyway).

Anyone else notice how we won the culture war? The left can't come up with any insults but to throw our own back at them, like "snowflake".

Lol fucking great

> Each side is triggered by one flag, and not triggered by the other.
But the same people are triggered by both flags.

I like the psychological aspect of it. Speculation of course but I believe the players have developed such a god complex from years of being adored that they believed they were infallible only to have their world's crushed by the reaction to this recent nonsense. They must feel the same as a kid whose mother always told him he was a handsome little boy only to find out he's really a hideous ogre.


Lefties hate flags apparently. The people upset now are upset about the lack of respect they feel show be shown to their nation and its traditions.

I know, I was agreeing with you. Both sides are trapped in their own projection, and reacting to themselves like an animal that sees itself in a mirror and snarls and fights with its reflection.

So, just to make clear, it's just as snowflake-y for the left to be narcissistic and hysterical about the Stars and Bars (moment to salute).

But if I criticize someone for a behavior, then I damn well better be not doing it myself. This is the problem with the narcissistic and hysterical "It's Old Glory!" side.

Since it wasn't clear the first time: I completely agree the left is being just as hysterical about a flag as the right is. But even that's progress, since instead of only two sides there's also the Union of "we're all being hypocrites together."

(moment to flip off that ratfuck Lincoln)

Thanks for thinking about it. I find the symmetry quite beautiful (after getting past the "JFHC not this crap again, we just went through this"). The symmetry also helps us solve the conundrum, since because the two sides are similar, whatever we would want the "other side" to do **we simply have to do the equivalent in our own side it will change "over there"**!

Talk about "spooky action at a distance."

On a personal note, since your speculations must also be projection (not wrong, we don't know, but we can know with certainty the projection part is true) I'm sorry for those crushing moments for you. I also deeply understand Icarus' fall. But it's that fall that brings Icarus to Earth...which as a mortal, fallible, imperfect human is the one place we can live.

Human fallibility is the place that even gods cannot go. We can.

p.s. Thank you for being compassionate.

It's amusing how so many posts wrongly assume I'm somehow connected with "the left".

That those mistakes succinctly embody the fundamental emotional-not-rational flake-ness of "I don't like them, so they're wrong!" makes the comedy of errors even more entertaining.

Leftists: TAKE A KNEE
Leftists: *Shoots up a church in Tenn.*

>But the same people are triggered by both flags.
Maybe this will help make it more clear:

Relatively ambivalent about one (present US)
Triggered by showing respect to the other (Confederate)

Relatively ambivalent about one (Confederate)
Triggered by *not* showing respect to the other (present US)

The "coefficient of respect" for the trigger gets inverted in the mirroring.

Left: terrified of conformity
Right: terrified of non-conformity

Both terrified - thus the irrationality.

The Supreme Court decision in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette is well worth reading.

"Only a persistent positive translation of the faith of a free society into the convictions and habits and action of a community is the ultimate reliance against unabated temptations to fetter the human spirit."

>Muh horseshoe theory

Fuck off you skeptic yt watching fag