Whats your opinion on education in the United States?

Whats your opinion on education in the United States?

books are for faggots just like anime.

It is shit and treats people like they are little children until they graduate. I am thankfully in University no way but I still have to take a bunch of useless bullshit classes even though I am a physics major.

Dude I just press the lever,
I don't program the machine.

Pretty much this

it's shit

I think it should be based around getting you a job. Not teaching you algebra shakespeare.

The teachers' union needs to be abolished.

>One of three most important things you learn in US public education
>Teachers are shit at teaching it and it takes them two years to do so

different everywhere. cant judge the quality of education everywhere based off a shitty elementary school in detroit.

Heart in the right place m8, but the math should be taught commonly like it is up to a point, for example, we don't need precalculus taught an hs level, the entirety of hs should be a vocational school approach where the students take individual courses like collage

It's not important. My parents are 60 years old and they never learned it or used it. They make 50k a year.

Most teachers are women. Consequetially, it's absolutely retarded, nonsense and braindamage with cancer tier (((education))).

Or we could let retards fail and let the people who can actually learn accelerate and learn all they can while in school.

60% of HS graduates can't solve this.

I mean what's there to opine on? Government "educates" you for 12 years, and then spits out a person that isn't worth 7.25/hr to anyone.

Think about that, in 12 years you can go from not knowing where hippocampus is to being a brain surgeon. You can go from not knowing how to turn on a computer, to being able to write code in 8 different languages. etc. etc.

idk i just jacked off in class everyday until i dropped out, only got caught a few times

I imagine the rest of it is a lot like my own college town.
>Big state university that you'll need a 4.0 to transfer into if enough rich foreigners bought their way into the same program you're shooting for.
>in the same town as a laughably fucking bad school system
>also a community college that high schools here "prepare" kids for (read: we push them through the system as fast as possible so the cc can fix our fuckup)

I'm not a fan of it at any level. People rant and rave about how WONDERFUL our colleges are. They're wonderful for research and for giving rich cunts a party life while they're studying. The state schools are meant to help develop the areas they're built in, but most of the kids who go to them are foreigners who either go back home or move to a metropolitan area.
I'd love to see a German system as far as college goes. Society pays your tuition, but you're going to major in something that society NEEDS or pay your own way.


Wow that’s some great proof newfag

Full of violent niggers who attack students and staff

It's some fucked up shit. They tell everyone to go to college including women. So by the time they are done wasting thousands of money and gathering loans they can finish school at in their mid 20's already on their way to the wall. It pushes every sub 90 iq white nigger to go to college so they can indoctrinate them.

Pretty shitty. They don't treat the students like they are capable of thought. The students don't actually learn anything, it's almost all memorization and the material has been so utterly watered down to the point where an actual chimp could probably pass with at least a B. They tell everyone that you can go to college and that will definitely get you a job no matter what, and if you don't go, then you are a failure. Uni is usually better, but it doesn't live up to what they tell you.

isnt that bad actually. i think people over exaggerate. you have a lot of freedom to take whatever classes you desire usually. like currently i taks 4 band classes a journalism class and the other 3 classes are common core classes

It's a dumb education system but atleast it produces innovators and real engineers. Indian Education System makes suicidal robots with little to no practical knowledge, trade skills, employability or soft skills. They claim to know it all but they only know what has been invented/found by other men. I think our education system is the prime reason why Indians aren't doing better than just being IT nuts and code monkeys copying from StackOverflow

Proof of what? Calling people newfag doesn't make you cool either.