Which one 1 of you fuckers did this?

Hitlers underpants sold for 5000 GBP. user who bought them get the fuck in here and explain yourself?


Wow, if they're legit, that's cheap af

Looks comfy.

>"Do you wear boxers or briefs user?"
>"Hitler's underpants"

Underpants may have DNA.. smart user could make own Hitler

He'd probably turn out being a migrant loving faggot in today's atmosphere.


Do it!

I own three books from his personal library....one has a perfect thumbprint on the bookplate. Also have a very small watercolour I got as a child with my 1st HC loot and some sterling service and table items from his private dining room.

You know a man achieved great things when people are willing to spend more on his underpants than on his wife's.

How many tendies can I get for 5000 Good Boy Points?


That's honestly cheap.

The underpants will show up at the next Alt-Right rally.

Chinese cloning laboratory along with 3 million in US 100s.

top kek

I'm the user who bought Hitler's underpants.

As a Jew, it was my duty to do this, to burn them, find a pair exactly like them, resell that identical pair at 10 times the original price paid, and collect more Holocaust reparation money.

All in all it was a good day.

i wonder if they still smell


A jude did this to make us look stupid

just how much sterling did Hitler have? I saw a large set of utensils from the berghof for sale at an auction last year

All Jews secretly adore Hitler. Without him they'd be nothing.

wait are those really eva brauns panties?

post pics

If not just gotta put em in the microwave for a few seconds. Works on girl panties

I want to sniff them

Everything was sterling. My stuff is from the Chancellery which is much dearer.


why do you care? it's my money and they will be worth more in the future

Not to alarm any of the more /x/ tier faggots on here, but the 'EB' embroidery at the top looks a lot like the Sup Forums logo.

Was Eva Braun the original /ourgirl/ ?

any pictures? A lot of Hitler's personal books are now in the US Archives in Washington DC