Pope Accused of Heresy

Pope Accused of Heresy.
More than 60 priests accused Pope Francis of seven specific heresies.

Is this normal?


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When you are a fake pope, yes.

Fuck no, it is an issue that happens extremely rarely. The last case i believe dates back to 1300s. Anyway, everyone is aware this pope is a communist.

there hasn't been a pope since the second Vatican council

Nobody cares about squabbles in your cult.

Took them long enough

every pope is a good goy.

Catholics have this thing called "dogma". It basically means that once the canon law is decided upon, you can't really change it. By contradicting the canon the Pope fucked everything up. This is their way of censuring that behavior.


Of course, the one pope who kisses the feet of muslim dogs is a heretic.

>A bunch of dumb ass republicans in America don't like that the pope is telling them to be kind above everything else

No shit. Can the Pope be removed or is he there until death no matter what?

it kind of contradicts the gospel itself
St Mark 10,2

t. Faggot wanting validation for his lifestyle from something he never believed in

Burn the witch!

Kek. Pope is gonna get btfo. The favored next pope thats popular at the vatican is literally saying the refugees are muslim invaders bent on destroying christianity

No, you retard. If you make knee jerk decisions, your institution won't last.

we'll never have a new crusade with this faggot in charge. boot his ass out and get a new inquisition going.

the second the pope gives the OK to prosletize far right opinions in the church its over for leftism in europe. We will succeed and the catholic church hopefully will save us again

I don't live a Christian life, but I think religion is a great thing when people use it for good of humanity

>defends abortion and pedophilia
>puts muslims before Christians

This pope is a disgrace

>next pope

What's his nationality ?

That's already how commie pope got there. It is supposed to be till death. Last Pope is still the Pope this dude is Marxist Propaganda that was pushed.


he already isnt the real pope. he is like the obama of the papacy

It's about time to cleanse the Vatican.

Finally, someone is fighting back against this commie.

>Church of Paganism
>Accused of Heresy
A few thousand years late I'm afraid..



>Pope Francis leaves behind two Christian refugees in Greece, brings three Muslim families to Italy

Popes can abdicate and have in the past.

Reminder that Papa Benedicto is the true Pope.
The elite pedophiles managed to threaten him.

The real pope is still alive. He's a big fat phony.

>republican dumbasses
>good of humanity
Well oh my, I couldn't possibly imagine how good is defined in this case.


Daily reminder that if you are not SSPX and/or an adherent of the tridentine LATIN mass, you literally cannot consider yourself a Catholic

I think I'm gonna go Orthodox.

He's Austrian, a Cardinal named Christoph Schönborn.

Lol. Just be careful there is conflicting disinformation coming from every angle. When the truth is sorted out and revealed, all sorts of evil will try to conscript you. Many will claim they possess the truth. Don't jump to conclusions. If you are a man of faith, and have someone you look to for advice, and know they will sort through the evil, make note of them. Establish your assumptions now, the list of facts/people you know for certain are reliable. I choose to free myself of all dependence on humans. I don't completely trust any person, any news source, any friend, because anyone can be misled. If you believe true evil exists, than you know it has power, don't underestimate it. It relies upon people underestimating it.

More concretely, just like the rest of the power structure, if all goes well, and has gone well, many things will flip flop. To prevent heretical schisms from recruiting masses, this is and will happen below the surface. There will be controlled opposition, fake news, disinformation, false flags, false victories, and false losses.

I suggest you stick with what you know for certain and nothing more, and don't let any person or group gain your trust going forward. Seek the most vanilla truths, translate relevant documents yourself(with translate tools) and don't jump the gun. To realize the conspiracy, required self awareness, and a sort of elevation from the situation. When you resolve the cognitive dissonance, the conflicting beliefs and unknowns, it's important you do it properly. For psychology and religious reasons. Simply don't jump the gun, and don't believe anyone you can't trust, and expect more confusion and strategy than you are able to foresee. Expect you will encounter unexpected levels, and acknowledge you can not fully sort it out so soon.

........ will continue in reply.

The pope is a marxist opportunist


I will always like South American bants.


>the signatories represent a “tiny, extreme fringe of the opposition to Francis” and do not include any cardinals or bishops with formal standing in the Catholic Church.

>“The Catholic Church that has more than 200 cardinals now and more than 5,000 bishops,” he said. “And they couldn’t find one.”

Wow its fucking nothing.

Cool, eastern popes are better

>Is this normal?

reminder that this pope said that the right to not migrate also exist.

I thought he was infallible

I was just listening to Peterson and thinking I need to start attending church again. If Catholicism can uncuck itself i guess it's time to go back.

>first pope to actually do as jesus did

Cathocucks, ladies an gentleman

Ah yes, let's purge it of any Europe traditions and be like Jews fucking based

I don't. But we still pay attention.

B-but muh Novus Ordo goy!?

Being a pedo and trying to destroy civilization with mass importation of achmeds is one thing but fucking argentinian?

Traditional Catholics : the Pope is infallible. You don’t get to question the Pope and call yourself a Catholic.

Traditional Catholics : We are questioning what the Pope is saying, so he’s a heretic.

Really, I would of never guessed.

>is this normal ?
Technically something like this hasn't happened since 1333 ad. But they do appear to be following the guidlines for when a Pope does into Heresy, which he did.

You're right, he has submitted to the demands Luther wanted on the Church, and we can now all see the disaster that doing this has caused.


Good goy lap up what they tell you. Thinking is hard!

They said his ideas were heresy, but so long as he hadnt made them canon the office was still not in heresy. So he's fallible but his office is not.
Basically, we have schrodingers pope right now.

>(((60 priests)))
I wonder where they come from

>the Pope is infallible. You don’t get to question the Pope and call yourself a Catholic.
That part kind of developed later

But the catholic church considers the Pope the "vicar of Christ" or Christ's earthly representative. If the Pope is a heretic then that is calling Christ a heretic, as the Pope is Not representing himself, but Christ.

Perhaps now Catholics will realize they have been heretics all along calling a sinful human Christ's representative. The catholic (universal) church welcomes you back from the heretical Catholic church brothers.

Reminder that loyalty to Peter's Successor is the most conservative value, being a reformer in favor of conservative values (Amor Laetitia) is still being a reformer
Just wait for another conservative Pope and accept that these things are cyclical
I think disappointing that a SSPX Bishop signed this, there's some commentary on Catholic groups that maybe it's to prevent reconciliation because then Rome would use it as an excuse to get rid of Summorum Pontificum
Still not ok to meme schism and shame on you clowns who do

Benedict is still the true pope
Also this is why you never choose from outside Europe
Jan Pawel 3 when


Excommunicate this pope. Put in a based one, new crusade now!


You forgot allowing the divorced to obtain the sacraments in a state of mortal sin.




Tedious reminder that papal infallibility applies only when the pope is speaking ex cathedra on matters of faith, and that since the doctrine was formally proclaimed in 1870 has only been used once (and on a subject that had nothing whatsoever to do with immigration)

What about a pope from NA or US?

The civil war began in January right after Trumps inauguration and the Pope's illegal seizure of the Knights Hospitaller after 1000 years of sovereignty.

abdication doesn't count, this is a larper

>actually emulating jesus is a disaster

Athiest detected

This is not normal. It is not normal for a pope to commit heresy, but since Vatican II it is fairly commonplace for popes to commit heresy. This is because Vatican II documents are full of heresy and blasphemy. Pope John Paul II had an interreligious prayer service with protestants, bhudhists, jews, hindus, etc... Putting other faiths on a level with the Catholic faith is an abomination and an act of sacrilege, but is it heresy? For the most part, John Paul II was more subtle about committing heresy than our current pope is.

As user explained above, Catholic dogma is unchangeable. A pope can inerrantly proclaim a dogma, but he cannot change dogma. The Catholic Church can only proclaim the truth handed down by Jesus. The truth is unchangeable. It is CONSISTENT. This is like a witness who changes his story: he is no longer a reliable witness.

Amoris Laticia is the document causing this controversy. AL is a wordy document that says it is okay to give Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried. According to Catholic dogma, founded on the words of Christ, divorce is not allowed:
(Mt 19:6-9)"Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. [7] They say to him: Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorce, and to put away? [8] He saith to them: Because Moses by reason of the hardness of your heart permitted you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. [9] And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery."

Historically the church has never allowed divorce, and the only exception is called an "annulment". An annulment is where the Church court rules that a marriage did not take place. So it is not really a divorce, which is the severing of a marriage.

Catholicism is a joke. Nothing but child molesters.

The pope is only infallible when he speaks ex cathedra, not whenever he feels like it, and even then, he cannot contradict the earlier popes if I'm not mistaken. Is this he fabled burger education?

>proud of being an Anglican
>even after he admits that it's very existence has no moral authority
Jesus Christ

Way too leftist areas. It would be very hard to find a redpilled person west from the V4

>only used once


Just off the top of my head it's been used for the ascension of Mary into Heaven and to clarify that women can't be priests.

Or get rid of it.

Obama engineered the removal of the real pope and installed this marxist to get some moral justification for his policies.

No, just (((Protestant))) education. They just can’t wait to show off their profound ignorance.


That's what a 155 IQ gets you.

I don't think you know what Marxist means.

Well he was crucified, it was the followers he organized that in turn organized and let Christianity be born.

Fair enough, I'd support that decision.

On this topic specifically, I'll share my understanding with you. Shits been bad for a long time. People tried to fix it, but failed. People since have either had to small of brains, or to small balls to do it. Recent attempts revealed those in control would go to great lengths to smear anyone who tried. 60 priests is nothing. This is either testing the waters to gauge response, or a bluff, showing a false hand. There are thousands of priests who see the truth & I believe they will show themselves soon. They have in the past. There are many many more sspx priests, as well as other sects, who have faded from view, implying submission, but did not submit. When it happens it will happen bigly. When it happens, there will still be people who resist and smear and shame, it's to be expected.

I highly suggest you read dogma. Read the most fundamental pre Vatican ii stuff available. Be careful when contrasting with current teaching. It is very difficult, the work of a lawyer, when determining what is and isn't heretical.

Don't mistake the people for the church; don't repeat Luther's mistake. This is not the end of the world, good WILL prevail, have faith.

Because of the 'legal' complexity of the situation, the lack of consistent history available online, and the sheer vastness of knowledge it takes to understand this stuff I suggest shying away from attempting to figure out who to hate and who to believe. Let those better equipped reveal those truths to you, we are not far off now. It is difficult to differentiate between mistakes of your local priest, your church, your diocese, your catechism, country, government, media, etc. There is a plethora of unique distances from the true church evident across the world.

I only give this warning because I fear many people will do more harm than good to themselves. The risk is persecuting the wrong person. It's better to dwell on what you know is right and just, than to dig into matters you cannot understand.

No he isn't. God is the true Pope (father). That mere man is a heretic with a goofy hat.

This has potential to be almost as big as the 95 Thesis.
People could leave the church in droves to get away form this heretical fake Pope.

These are bad times for the church and hence the world.

The pope probably stepped on a few too many toes. He probably took the pedo network away from those priests, so as a result they're gonna replace him. After all, we can't have a religious leader that is not a pedo. That would simply be going against tradition.

>still a white Christian

You Sup Forumsacks forsake your heritage and ancestry for the Jewish god. Disgusting.


2/2 Communion is a sign of unity with Christ. A person is not allowed to have Holy Communion if he is in a state of mortal sin. Adultery is mortal sin. If a person divorces his wife and remarries, Christ says he commits adultery. So people who are divorced and remarried are living in mortal sin and are not allowed to receive Holy Communion.

So if Francis signed a document allowing people to receive a sacraligious communion, is that heresy?

How so?

If the pope actually acted like Jesus he would be shreding usury and demanding it be made illegal, and that Muslims gtfo because theirs is a false path to heaven.

the dope in the vatican should be cooked in an oven and gassed to death in a concentration camp for being a kiked niggerlover