Why is the mainstream media ardently suppressing criticisms of Islam?

Sup Forums redpill me

Why is the mainstream media trying to suppress most criticisms of Islam? What's their endgame?

I've read theories that it's all Cultural Marxism - that the extreme left has given up class warfare in favor of a multiculturalist one. This seems obvious in the context of shit like BLM and muh oppressions etc, but they must know deep down that Islam is the antithesis to everything they hold dear in the face of liberalism. Perhaps it's all an ends justifies the means type of thing? Albeit a short sided and retarded one.

Another thought is that it's all obtaining new constituents for the liberal leading parties for major Western countries.

Why are religions like Buddhists currently under fire despite the many crimes and travesties Islam has inflicted upon the world? Why are faggots like Richard Dawkins who criticizes every religion under the sun under liberal ire because he criticizes Islam? What is the Establishment's end goal when it comes to hard promoting Islam as the "Religion of Peace?" Because to me it's completely against everything the West and more civilized Eastern cultures stand for.

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>fake jewish fertility cult with ancient egyptian name

Maybe because the so called "Islamic State" has actually nothing to do with REAL Islam?

Because they're doing a great job killing and raping and solving our fertility crisis

did he dieded?

Yes, however as we've seen on many Western nations, even a Muslim minority has called or petitioned for Sharia law. Which is the problem. It seems that once you give them an inch they try to take a mile.

Hey weeg

Jew manufactured globalism
Jew manufactured globalism

Any questions?

Is he okay?

Yeah except they breed like uncontrollable pigs themselves.

Because industry leaders, bankers and media persons don't give a shit about nationhood. It's profit at any cost, and cheap labor to replace a declining working class is all they give a shit about

Leftists and cuckservatives want rapefugees to destroy white countries. They destroy thinga even faster than beaners and sodomites. That's all there is to it.

Grab em

white = bad
non-white = good
it's as simple as that

the moment islam becomes a white religion, they will see it as bad

They hate everything we are.

I don't think there's any agenda other than "poor oppressed peoples we need to look out for the little guy :(((("

This makes the most sense.

So they're willing to allow Islamic takeover completely to fill their coffers - allowing everyone to be fucked by kebabs solely to fill their bankrolls. I hate the idea of crying a bout "MUH 1%" but I can't think of anything else at this point.

if you have time watch this


I mean, I am aware of extreme/radical Islam. I've learned about it via internet and mainstream media. Why does it matter if they "suppress" the information? News sources like CNN, Fox News or whoever else no longer dictate the flow of information. That's why it's absurd to blame any media entities for suppressing anything. Anyone who wants to find information can gain access to it, with an internet connection. All human enterprises are biased and corrupt in some regard...you can't blame the media (like Trump does) for influencing public perception.

It's the responsibility of the public to make sure they get informed from all angles. Like for me, I know in extreme cases islam is pretty horrible. But I also know that the vast majority of islamic people live peacefully and are very chill about it. If people refuse to see the big picture from all angles, well they're fucking stupid.

Whites are saturated with debt, they need to get more money from people but whites and blacks have nothing left to give.

Queue a new population, funding by the deathcries of the whites through massive taxation and the inevitable seizure of property once communism takes Europe.

Yeah, don't act like majority of normies don't get all their info still from mainstream media. Of course not. They won't take the time out of their lazy days to look into it themselves.

So you think it's all a work force problem? I mean it's harder for me to conceptualize because we just get the Mexin's to do it. Why not nice Christians non-whites?

The only problem with that is that the shit group their promoting does the most oppressing out of any culture on the face of this Earth.

Exactly. 100% agree with you there. My point is that it's the responsibility of the people to become savvy consumers of information. No one should get their information from just one or two, or even three sources. So we need to help guide the general public towards information that is grounded in logic and empirical reasoning. Rather, the media landscape is all too often sensationalized and dramatized. I still don't think you can blame "mainstream media" for reporting with bias. Of course they're going to report with bias! CNN reports with bias. Fox News reports with bias. Keith Oblermann reports with bias. Alex Jones reports with bias.

So my point: stop complaining about how biased media groups are. They will always be biased. What can we do to help people become better consumers of information? What can we do to filter the garbage information out?

It's a shit test on the scale of entire societies. The western female has identified white males as beta orbiters (they have been taught so their entire life plus from experience). Plus they are convinced they are on the winning team (see Trumps election; those tears were very real they could not believe that Clinton didn't win). Media, society, parents etc. have programmed their brains this way. Islam on the other hand spreads their views in many cases with ultra violence. Although it's grusome and horrifying to watch there is no doubt in a female brain which male is the stronger male. You can't even compare suicidal Jihadists vs whiny internet meme white betas.

that's because of the (((NFL)))

africans and arabs are useless for labour

because a muslim is a walking robot, they don't even understand themselves.

So you think it truly had everything to do with reproductivity? Because in all honesty Western civilization has held world dominance for centuries now. The most money, the most technological advances, the most viral cultural norms, etc.

You think this is all a product of feminism getting way the cyck out of hand? That's actually quite interesting.

I like how well thought out this is, however, I have almost no hope on relying upon the general populace to ever become active enough to take seeking of information into their own hands. Do you think we're fucked because of this?

Yeah but this is no reason why Western Establishments are cucking themselves so hard for them.

Complete colonism requires the colonisation of colonisers.

I worked for an online publication for 4 years before getting a job at a conservative think tank, and here's essentially what I was told while I worked there:

>1. Islam is not the enemy. Terrorism is a symptom of a bigger enemy, which is inequality.
Most journalists believe this, without any training. Unlike what most people on this website think, most of these news outlets don't brainwash their journalists into thinking this, because that's how journalists come out of the university system.

>2. Conservatives and the rich are to blame.
This one got under my skin while working. I had to bite my lip many times while I was just hanging out with workmates. They essentially think of conservatives as racist/sexists that just hate anyone brown, which was obviously wrong because I am a Sikh and a conservative.

>3. A wrong is justified if someone else did something worse.
In effect, if you killed someone and we find out that you had a rough childhood, guess what? You are a victim, not the aggressor. Now, the reason why this one pissed me off is because its a determinist argument, which is fine if you are a determinist across the board, but these guys, especially women, applied this SO selectively that my jaw would drop sometimes at the stories our own "publication" was posting.

Honestly, don't get into journalism if you are a conservative. Just go straight to think tanks or politics. Fuck these people.

Digits of truth


Whelp....I wanted a redpilling and this certainly gave it to me. I was a one child type of person. I'm seriously considering begging my spouse for an eventual 5.

This was crazy, however it still didn't answer the motivations behind the mainstream desiring to promote this horseshit. What is their endgame? The politicians, the cultural Marxists. Why? This will only serve to fucking more people over in the end.


They seek to destroy white cultures and white societies so they can grab the power upon our weakness.
Muslims are historically speaking the best at this job, so it's muslims who get imported to do it.
Of course the socialists who're (((in the know))) have a slightly different opinion on the matter, in that the goal is one Jewish world gouvernment.

So are you saying that journalists are innocent byproducts if the over liberalized universities? Who's influencing the unis Then? And at what reason and cost?

I guess for the most part I was wondering why the establishment is fighting so hard for the benefit of Islam? What's the reason and the gain?

Do you have any historical texts where the Jews really find this to be beneficial and or endgame? I'm not challenging your claim per say, it's more like I would wonder why they would desire this so much?

It's a great question. Do I think we're fucked?

I think we have to develop new sociological tools and teach young people from a very young age about the manipulative nature of media. If you think of media consumption like drugs, we are a thoroughly addicted society, speaking from an U.S perspective. We need new tools. We need new language and traditions, and culture surrounding the management of media consumption. Right now our addition is out of control and deeply influential to how we process the world. Most people don't even fully comprehend how corrupting and distorting the influx of media information has become. The enormity of this problem is so profound it's hard to even articulate. In the last decade or so, we have kicked this media thing into hyperdrive. It's definitely fucking with the minds of kids in a very, very frightening way. I don't have the answers.

The most likely situation is yes, we are all fucked. However, I think perhaps a crazy new religion might help us, like if some sort of neo-Jesus figure emerged and people were suddenly compelled to live in a more restrained way. That's a little far flung, but I do think we need a new calling to life, people desperately, desperately need something new to believe in that isn't on television, movies or smartphones.

In all honesty though perhaps the internet is the new tool to wake people up. I'm hoping so. I know there's a lot of retarded click bate sites.

But then again, perhaps the internet could be just as big of a problem. Mainstream websites being bought out, echo chamber formations...

And then Gen Z is more conservative. Is that because of the internet's influence?

I don't know. It's certainly bleak.

I meant bleak in general. I'm excited for the political pendulum to head back right after 30 years of leftist policies to be sure.

>Maybe because the so called "Islamic State" has actually nothing to do with REAL Islam?

sounds exactly like a byline that the BBC would run, so i'm gonna conclude that this is bait and you are either shit-posting or using a proxy.

Women ruin everything

I think the internet is definitely part of the problem. But it can also be the solution. I just don't think we have learned to use it responsibly and with enough restraint.

An example I like to bring up is facebook comments. How often do you see complete strangers out for blood in the comments section? Or how often do you see similar behavior here on Sup Forums? WHY is that?

The internet helps us connect better, but weirdly, it also helps us dehumanize other people. We don't see people we argue with online as complicated, three-dimensional images. We see them as very basic avatars that represent core ideals that WE ourselves reject. We seem to reduce the significance/humanity of strangers online because we're not invested in whether their opinion actually matters! So what's the point of the dialogue then...? It's basically ideological shadow boxing...you decide what they believe, they decide what you believe, no one REALLY takes the time to consider alternative views, or *gasp* come to a compromise or an accord.

All this to say...how valuable is a such a dialogue on facebook, or anywhere else online, if no one ever intends to change their views or reach compromise? Like, WHAT IS THE POINT of it all? Perhaps we're just boosting our own egos, forming echo chambers as you mentioned.

But anyway...it's just so *weird* that we have this power to communicate with people all over the world, but all too often we use it to argue, spread lies and mistruths. There are also countless positives about the internet. My entire career is based on the internet....so I'd rather have the internet than not. I think our society just needs to develop a better culture surrounding our approach to this awesome power we access.

After the New Testament was established the Jewish Rabbis saw their community diminish quicker than before, and they vented their frustrations by writing the Talmud, a spiritual revision of the old testament in a a way.
The Talmud is inundated with quotes that denounce any non-jew as a barely qualified slave, and the idea that Jews are God's ultimate chosen people comes from that collection of scripture as well.
Jews who have been brought up with the Talmud and study of the Talmud have been brought up with the belief that they truly are the closest people to God, and that all the goys are designed to be their slaves.
This is why so many globalists are Jewish, and why they relentlessly deploy the Jewish status of ultimate victimhood.
To those people, goyim are not even yokels. To be Jewish is to be human, to not be Jewish is to be sub-human.

Why do you think they project the ubermensch mentality as an utterly racist phenomenon when it's been nothing but spiritually emboldening?

>criticisms of Islam?
> does not mean just blame the jews

Dumb American conspiritard, to criticize any religion is to attack femininity and the role of women in religion. This is therefore a direct attack on feminism and to criticize it, is seen as misogynistic.




Because Je Suis Charlie.

That sounds understandable. I'll look more into it. But I must ask: Do you think Jews who don't study the Talmud are problematic as well? Or do you think them to be our next door neighbors with very few problems with non-jews?

They merely follow orders of their masters. It's never been their job to report the facts. youtu.be/nhF27s4W9PE
One America News is the only legitimate news network. Only a couple of years old, most people don't even know it exists. Need to spread the word.

They know Islam is the biggest turd on the planet, if they wouldn't know they wouldn't be censoring it.
It's what the jews want.

That's the confusing part. Why are feminists championing this shit the most?

Are you of the opinion that they subconsciously desire the opposite of what they speak? That they desire being 2nd class citizens? Sounds very robot to me, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Islam is a religion of peace.

I guess I just don't understand why the Jews want it. They have world domination in their texts. If So, how do they hide it all so well?

It's hard to say why exactly. We don't know the real endgame for ZOG. What I do know however is that they are serious about white genocide. It's not a myth at all. The way they react towards the idea white nationalism leads me to believe that they really do want to break white people and get rid of them through generations of population displacement.

>So are you saying that journalists are innocent byproducts if the over liberalized universities?

I would hardly call them innocent, but yeah universities are somewhat to blame. Another thing is that the people that choose to go into this field already have a left of centre bias, so that also helps push all publications to the left.

All I am saying is that there was no top-down dictats from the management on what to write, like what a lot of people think here.

>Who's influencing the unis Then?
Again, it's the same. People that go into teaching at Uni level are also leftists. They, in turn, teach others to be leftists.

>I guess for the most part I was wondering why the establishment is fighting so hard for the benefit of Islam? What's the reason and the gain?

I think they just see themselves as the protectors of the weak, so they are willing to overlook things that Muslims do that are bad, because they think that historical and modern injustices may be lost on the reader/viewer, so it's best to just not write about the local story about the imam preaching hate or the rape gangs. That's my best guess and I think it's accurate.

Here is something that I think operates at the base level of every liberal: If we criticise Islam, society will just go ape-shit and do another holocaust, but this time against the Muslims. They all think this, I am convinced.

>What's their endgame?
White genocide by population replacement through migration.
If they hide the dangers of islam, whitey might take them in with open arms.

Like you said it's hard to know why. They benefit of the system white people have established for them. Why would they want to destabilize it? Why would they want to invite Muslims in to garner that destruction - doesn't Islam currently hate them the most out if every culture?

because jews

Holy fuck. You think the Pope was placed in that position for Zionists motives?

It just seems so absurd given the strong arm the Vatican had back in the day.

What's the purpose and endgame of white genocide though? Is white culture not the reason why so many in power find themselves in said positions? Would it not hurt them in the end? Especially with Muslims at the wheel as a majority?

Why do the Jews want this if they're overwhelmingly in positions of power already?

One day you'll see a scene like that on the streets of Berlin, and the media – and most Germans – will be ok with it.

>What's the purpose and endgame of white genocide though?
Identity-less, border-less, race-less, low IQ nations ready to joint a world government without opposition.


fear? stockholm syndrome? some kind of credible threat? reatrdedness?

About journalists - this little piece of art represents their world.


Didn't your father literally genocide muslims? Why have I seen you defending them recently?

Because Muslims vote Democrat, and Democrats need every vote they can get no matter how contradictory or hypocritical the values of every group they represent.

(((They))) want a new slave/serf class of poor people and Islam is a religion of poor dumb shitheads more ignorant and more poor than the average white trash.

(((They))) want to use them as breeders to create a new race of half-breeds, who due to them being devote Muslims and being poor as fuck, will serve (((them)) as happy serf parasite, utterly dependent on government welfare, ignorant due to their godless religion (meaning they won't question (((them))), and serve as thugs to kill anyone who doesn't get purged/bred out of existence, who tries to stop (((them))).

The black humor of all of it though, is that Islam will never fully be subservient and will most definitely BETRAY (((them))) first chance they get.

>teach young people from a very young age about the manipulative nature of media.

The media is as pernicious a force on society as any 20th century ideology. They are a social un-good and civic poison. Children should be trained to recognize and reject propaganda and the institutions which propagate it.

The newspaper must go the way of the chamber pot.

>Why is the left allied with Islam?
First two minor points
>The left believes everyone is exactly the same, therefore, if you become richer and more successful, it is because you ripped off someone
And taking this line of thinking to it's logical conclusion, the West is only rich because it exploited the innocent rest of the world; the West is oppressor and the third world are victims, and we need to rectify this situation by flooding white homelands with low IQ brown people
>The left believes all cultures are the same
It is bigoted to think that the West's culture is superior to the dirt-poor shitskins of the world, so we need more multiculturalism. The left believes you can just dump all of them in America and they will magically conform to their leftist progressive way of life. Yes the Middle East has some "problematic" issues but people are all the same and interchangeable so we can bring them here and show them some pamphlets on how you shouldn't rape in public swimming pools and voila they are assimilated.

However these two points are minor points because the REAL answer to your question is
>The left has allied itself with Islam because they both want the downfall of the West

Just a scratch

Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS (the Islamic State)

>'le class warfare
I bet you wholeheartedly believe trickle down economics is real.

remove yourself

Irrelevant to my question. I am saying that the left/communists have abandoned class warfare for cultural warfare.

i don't know french well enough to read this. is it in english anywhere?

It would entirely depend on how they have been raised.
Just like a strong Christian upbringing proved to be beneficial to blacks before the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action reinstituted cultural slavery and external dependence, the Jew's upbringing will determine his prejudices and his ability to respect reality.
Similarly whites have lost their Christian upbringing, making it incredibly easy for the state to play God and enslave us like it did blacks.

Islam hates the west and everything they represent. That's why they are being injected into western countries, to destroy and destabilize them from within. They are literally biological weapons, just like weaponized immigrants.

That's really all there is to it. WW3 has been going on for years now, and it's a war against the west, and anyone of European or white heritages. And we are losing.

Well, just like PKD said, the caliphate never ended.

Redpill yourself new fag. I swear to god, this board desperately needs a cultural marxism sticky. It spare 2/3rds of the threads made.

You're wrong. It's the other way around. The West is destroying Islam. Specifically it's destroying it's core conservative values. Already daughters of jihadis are wearing makeup and skin tight jeans and going out by themselves in Western countries when this was unthinkable 60 years ago.


Islam is the new black people. They need 24/7 move-heaven-and-earth advocacy because liberals know that they can't possibly stand on their own two feet.

Here's something those of you who are bored can do. Every time you see a headline like this, replace the word "white" with the word "Jewish". See how that goes over.

Societies are extremely unstable.

In the past, issues that could potentially upset the system could be buried away. Newspapers/Politicians could curate issues away (to some degree).

The internet has obliterated that lever. Information cannot be suppressed as effectively as before.

Mass multikulti the natives do not want. The public were shielded from the magnitude and consequences of it. Problems were kept regional so society did not see the bigger picture (think Rotherham etc).

If Joe Public knew how prevalent the problems were through the country, they would lash out. Which is what is happening now.

tldr: Societies are inherently unstable. In order to keep stability whilst pursuing policies that the people do not want (GDP growth for mass multikulti), politicians and media maintain the collective delusion as long as they can. It is now out of their control and they are panicking.

1. They weren't real muslims!
2. We must censor social media!
3. You can't think that, it is racist!

take the /mypost/-pill

Why would be okay to criticize a religion that says your life is forfeit and its every faithful's duty to enslave or murder unbelievers?

It's not the 17th Century anymore. The Enlightenment has already happened. No one actually believes all the things written in ancient holy books. It's just culture at this point. That's why the Middle East is the most peaceful region of the planet, with very few incidents of mass rape and women being arrested for driving cars.

You have a good point. Often these people justify their silly beliefs through mental gymnastics and semantics.

Eg you have the Buddhists fighting back against Muslims and they see the Buddhists as bad because they're treating the Muslims as a group and not only fighting the specific terrorists that attacked them. It's some retarded logic but they figure out a way to rationalize it in their minds.