You'd call a vet who fought for your right to protest traitor?


His veteran status immunes him from criticism?

You just made this thread, fuck off. Not everyone is concerned with American twitter drama.

Someone who beliebs in free speech.

Debunked copy pasta. /sage

You have a right to free speech and I have a right to think your a faggot.

t. Retired Marine

How bout #TakeAKnee when a cop pulls you over.

He isn't protesting, he's having a stroke m8.

Benedict Arnold fought for this country, doesn't mean he wasn't a traitor.

He's perpetuating a refuted lie that is intended to, and has already, get police officers murdered. His veteran status is totally meaningless here. This idiot should bury his children.


fuck your grandpa

>Be senile
>Great-grandfather who you think is your son asks you what the best stance is to shoot from cover
>Points some kind of computing pod at you and it makes a loud noise and bright light that temporarily stun you
>Briefly become convinced you're back on the beaches and accidentally kick a neighbor's dog
>Great grandson makes tweet related while you fall asleep in front of a John Wayne movie

i have a feeling gilmore is a jewish name

thank you based grampa for killing the jews enemy


is this really what he fought for?


Brennan Gilmore is an ex government operative, senior adviser to Senator Russ Feinstein, and CNN crisis actor. He gave two interviews on CNN at Charlottesville, pic related

I need to know how many nips or krauts he killed before I care. Just being a veteran doesn't mean much anymore since every asshole wants to use it to prop up their arguments.

so, does that mean the football players are protesting football? Are they protesting America and it's flag?

Their protest doesn't seem to match their complaints. That's the problem. BLM has shitty public relations.