Hi guys

hi guys

i'm a semi-professional eSport player who is severely black pilled.

i have started lifting and working out, eating healthier, but i am struggling to fill the void that is the nihilism that this world is driving me into.

how do i cope?

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=KJV

masterbation and comedy

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 1&version=KJV

Matthew 7:
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Cannabis sativa

Won’t do your ‘eSports’ (ew) much good but that’s a meme occupation anyway

i play with professional counter strike players and make money but it's getting old

Which game? If it's league you are doomed to be depressed until you get out. Just look at dyrus

CSGO in ESEA's rank S

meaning you spend hours playing a game alone doing nothing in your room, looking for team aka looking for a job?

Find a new hobby

>not black pilled enough to hack

It worked out for most of the other professionals. Look at Shroud now.

you can't unless you unplug entire from the world, go innawoods, marry a virgin, and raise white children to fight in the inevitable (((race war)))

if you're over the age of 18 and still grinding S, you're legitimately a fucking loser. lol
also Few is a fat cunt lesbo

i am turning 18 in a Few months
you may know who i am


get a real job

stop wasting time with it if you never see yourself making a salary which like JR said is going to be short lived anyway. Why would you want to compete in a "sport" where someone like stew could come in and take your spot overnight anyway.

If it helps I used to be in your position in the Source days but I decided it wasn't worth it and got into real guns and shooting. Its more expensive but a lot more fun out at the range than at a desk all day. Plus you meet a lot of new people and shit.

1) get a new gig. pure faggotry;
2) no fap
3) lift heavier weights
4) eat vegetarian for two weeks (vegan if you can) and also avoid wheat and sugar, with lots of fiber... after the 2 weeks you can go back to eating thst shit but you'll be amazed at how better you feel
5) Nature: hikes and real camping
6) smoke weed in moderation and read great books and watch comedy
7) attitude is everything - you csn actually DECIDE to stop bring a faggot and to start being an unstoppable fucking beast.

good luck.

have kids

floppy? lol
if so, you'll do fine anywhere you go Ricky

Just never stop
Keep lifting, stay healthy, read some books.
Keep struggling no matter how hard it gets. Eventually you will overcome nihilism

The harder it is only makes the victory all that more sweet. Besides that, it wouldn't mean anything if it was easy.

sex, friends, booze, and fun

>i play with professional counter strike players and make money but it's getting old
Wait till you get a real job kiddo. The 8-5 will kill your soul faster than you can quick scope long A pit

You want to know the truth?


Find a purpose you can fulfill and establish a path to it, preferably something beneficial to humanity.

Considering you're a semi-pro esports player, you'll have some active publicity to help a cause, perhaps?

Name yourself, young pugger.

There is no point to life and all your actions are predetermined by chemical reactions. :(

>plays esports
>claims to be blackpilled
kys, nigger

Time for you to grow up, FAGGOT.



got it

Embrace the nihilism, because once you realize nothing has meaning, you'll realize that that's not exactly true, stuff has meaning when we give it meaning, and only when we give it meaning. take fiat currency for example, the only reason we value a $20 is because we and others value it.

Become a day trader, learn how to buy/sell stocks. It will go a long way in the future.

>semi-professional eSport player
Good goy

Hey man, I understand the nihilism.
I've been there. Its a silly joke. Someone told me about nihilism.
"At first you will be depressed but then when you realize nothing matters you will be happy again!"

That is not true. The thing about nihilism is that it is easy to start but hard to finish. You say you are an eSport player. I assume that has become your identity. When your identity becomes something as shortsighted and shallow as that, there is no way you can't fall into nihilism because how else can you find true meaning in something like that?

Not bashing your evocation, just remember that life exists past that. Your evocation is all what it is....a job. Who you ARE is way bigger than that.
Nihilism is the autistic birthchild of an existential crisis you don't even realize you are having.

Go visit people you love, whether it be family or friends, new or old. I don't know your situation, but if you can take a break off your job I'd suggest you do so. Enjoy yourself with people you love and you will remember what life really means.
>one last thing
It is clear you are missing something that your current life cannot provide at the moment. Find a way to remedy this for your future.

thanks user

you're spot on with the "existential crisis you don't even realize you are having", i'm almost there.

nah bro you're already there else you wouldn't be posting here about it.

If I asked "who are you" how would you describe, excluding any personal information (obv)


You have to learn to not care, and see the comedy in it all. Or just ignore the world and concentrate on yourself, but thats boring yo.

These times will be more historically important that any before, and you get to watch it in person.

Esports is a lie top shelf all rigged

first thing, not politics
third, be happier
don't think about the nihilism shit, it's a mind trap - problems tend to be bigger in your head than they really are. Talking about it probably helps as well.
find a time-consuming hobby
spend time with friends

Time to take control of your life and lead some young men on the right path. Start a family. Turn to God.