Why are so many young people liberals? Is it the way they were raised...

Why are so many young people liberals? Is it the way they were raised? It seems that even if you have a slightly different opinion from these "open minded" individuals on nearly any issue, that they'll go full apeshit on you with baseless arguments.

pic unrelated

When they gain more experiences they become more conservative

Those still stuck in liberalism never left tutorial island

You know why. Every day we discuss why.

If you're not a liberal when you're young, you have no heart

If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain

Millennials are actually the most conservative generation to date

Millennials and Generation X are liberal, but will become conservative over time. Generation Z however is already majority conservative, and will become more conservative overtime.

Because they are young they haven't gotten tired of constantly feeling like shit, seriously being a liberal only results in depression or neuroticism

We're fucked when (((they))) invent soma

i have or had a liberal friend who got into an argument with me how everyone who voted for trump was uneducated or stupid. I showed her pic related.

She hasn't talked to me since.

They were raised by retarded boomer/gen x'ers who have no idea what culture is, they come from unstable families, they're taught to turned feelings of self-pride into guilt, and on top of it all, college enrollment is getting higher and higher every year.

Cradle comfort, mr slide thread.

It's taught as an extension that someone will always accept, and take care of you. Then reality hits you in the face if you ever make it or peer outside the crib.

There it is!

It has to do with herd mentality. If you take them one on one, alcohol included, they will vent their frustrations about their leftist friends.

you dont understand what "liberal: means. HINT: its not what "libruhl" means when you hear it on the radio

neo liberals vs classical liberals vs neo conservatives vs socialists vs anarchists vs communists /national socialists vs delusional Ayn randian libertarians

>Why are so many young people liberals?
Lack of life experience.

Liberalism appeals to weak-minded people. Young people are naive and an ideology of "gibsmedat" sounds really good. It's only when some of them get older and begin to understand that wealth must be earned through hard work that the ideology loses it's appeal.
Reality is that nobody who doesn't work and pay the normal amount of taxes should be allowed to vote in our nation. If you don't contribute, you shouldn't get a say in politics.

I am an early Gen xer. We were no where near this crazy when young... most of us were more we hate government types and did not go around demanding shit.

19 yo user here. No, gen Z is conservative, right wing and will destroy millennials and boomers degenerates.

We know you faggot. Social liberals or what we call 'liberals' are progressives and egalitarian. If we meant economically liberal we would say so.

Because they've never worked for anything and had to pay taxes. Taxation is theft.

The left is idealistic, the right is realistic. The right knows that there will always be inequality, and has to make sacrifices. Leftists unintentionally pave the road to hell with egalitarian laws and policy that don't work. If you ask an 8 year old if everyone works together and everyone gets an equal outcome is a good policy, they'll agree. It's because they don't understand reality or compromise. Hard leftists are just people who haven't moved past the 8 years political ideology.

because they have no clue about the world and still have utopian dreams. So they thing electricity comes from the plug socket and money comes from the cash point and it's totally unjust that not everybody can have whatever he or she wants.

Juveniles are completely dependent on other people (mainly their parents) for everything, so of course that's how they think the world works, that if you want or need something you should be able to just appeal to some greater authority (government) who will then provide it for you. As for going apeshit when you express a different opinion, at that stage in life even the most withdrawn of little shits feels like they've learned everything there is to know, and that their mind is brimming with ideas that no one else has ever had, so when someone else expresses a position or idea that they have never considered they become violently afraid that they're not quite as special as they thought they were.

This, they've at least got youth as an excuse for their naivety. Old leftists are degenerate scum.