Carnival Phantasm is my favorite Type Moon anime series. Is this normal?

Carnival Phantasm is my favorite Type Moon anime series. Is this normal?

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Yes absolutely

No Absolutely


>not fate/zero
someone with good taste? disgusting

answer hazy, try again

Care to dance?

finally a carnival phantasm thread

Wow seibah really is a shit

if you like comedy lol

What the hell do you want me to say?

Saber is the best, screw you hipster contrarians

I always fap to illya at the end

shirou is best girl

i thought we went over this user

This series held up very well.

Look at her. Worst swimsuit. Worst taste

Isn't it considered a fact by now that Phantasm Caster and Phantasm Dark Saber are tied for best girls?

But why though? Isn't there other shows for you to fap to Illya?

>not liking based f/z from godbuchi
bad taste

Basically it's that or pris

I couldn't get past the first eight episodes

seemed like someone took the fate brand name and slapped it on a pile of festering feces

Zero was good but let's be honest user, any real Fate/Type Moon fans fun meter was totally maxed out watching Phantasm.

Should I do tiger dojos before or after I finish all the routes?

There's no porn in there just so you know


>any real Fate/Type Waifufags fun meter was totally maxed out watching Phantasm

Just play it normally and get the rest when you're done.

Actually the series was just all around great but if that's all you see you might consider getting your eyes checked.


Fuckin berser-car

It's pretty good but I feel the episode where the guys try and date all the girls at the same time is severely underrated.

Thanks senpai

Yes, because other TM anime are boring.

illyas castle a best

Best episode I think was the beach volleyball one.

I keep wanting to watch this but I haven't read the Tsukihime sequel yet, played Melty Blood, and Witch On The Holy Knight is never going to be translated into english.

I only get to watch it for the first time once, I have to do it right

Yes, because UMU.

That shit was gold


I watched fate stay and literally used Wiki and watched short clips for the rest. I turned out okay.

They're not see through! She just wants you to see.

even if you download nasu's brain into yours you still won't get all the references because it's that deep

B-but she wont be in the next episode!

Are we even sure this series was real? Just think about it for a minute.

Thought about it.

Kimi To

I enjoyed CP a lot, just saying the other user has bad taste for disliking F/Z

Read Kagetsu Tohya soon
It's pretty cool man
Also don't bother with quiz without answers from Nrvnqsr unless you have perfect memory


>What's with this ridiculous anime?

Tsukihime is my favourite Type-Moon anime.

This is normal.

It's not normal. It means you have good taste. What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

But Tsukihime is VN
But anime would probably be fucking great
But in truth Melty Blood would probably make for better anime


>Ahh,right. It's time for the ending theme! Let's run!
>Huh? Why?
>don't you know?
>there's a jinx that says people run during the end in a good anime.



What did they mean by this?

All the best parts of the franchise with parodying of the bad parts. What's not to like?

Saber a best.


Don't know, several episodes are pure gold but majority of them is so fucking bad. It's something like read FHA again with tons of bad jokes.

Carnival Phantasm was excellent. Seasoon 4 fucking when?

Shit taste, user. The only bad episode was the one with Sakura and that one was worth it simply for the Shinji shitposting.

3 more years.

Thats a funny way to spell Arcueid

I can't decide whether Race or Final Dead Lancer is my favorite episode

Because I read the translated manga a lot of the turkeyhandle scenes I watched for the second time. Shit was still golden
Only complaint was that best girl didn't have her own scene

Literally Twilight. Get out with this shit.

What are you talking about? That was one of the all time best ones. We saw Sakuras true colors on that day and I enjoyed every second of it!

>I'm such a fool, even though I have such a great body.
(Just one of many great quotes)

Carnival Phantasm gave us this scene. Truly the greatest scene in the entirety of Type Moon.

Bazett is truly under-rated and underutilized which is why her appearance in Prisma Illya was so good.


Why is this anime so stacked? Best Type Moon characters, best Type Moon series and the best Type Moon intro as well? What can't this anime do?

>What can't this anime do?
Make prototype popular enough for a full-fledged anime and/or OVA.

At least we got a PV

It's common knowledge that Carnival Phantasm is the best thing to come out of Type Moon.

>Bazett is truly under-rated and underutilized which is why her appearance in Prisma Illya was so good.
Because she's dead.

I mean, it's hard to utilize her given she was someone who was retconned into the history with a canonized fan-disc/extra content disc but during Fate/Stay Night you never actually see her nor is there any reference as to who Lancer's master actually was as she was killed before the war even began.

Worms please. Get off Sup Forums and back inside sakura.

What did Illya mean when she told Tiger season four was impossible?

If you take issues with Retcons then sorry to burst your bubble but Nasu and Retcons go hand in hand like Sabers and Maids for Takeuchi.

Also Bazett would have won the war had she joined, it would be unfair to Shirou to have him only get bad ends.

See! at the end she totally says it.

>If you take issues with Retcons
I don't, I am just explaining why there is no content with Bazett.

I like her character but it seems weird to see how someone would complain about her being "underutilized"

She is underutilized by not showing up enough in future works.
The best we've gotten is Prisma Ilya and Capsule Servant where she reveals she's of the Boxer Class but really, there's much more that could be done with her character.

Fragglerock in itself should be something worthy of at least seeing why she only had three in time for the war. I don't think she would be the kind of person who would slack on making Fragglerocks.

Holy mama, Bazett needs her own spinoff anime with this being her everyday outfit.

>Also Bazett would have won the war had she joined
Well, she actually joined this war. And she was killed, what a shock. I mean she is strong, but not so smart. Her death is an obvious consequence.

Well yeah but imagine if you had Jouji Nakata inviting you over to his place.
Would you say no? I don't trust you would be able to deny him, user. Even if you knew he was Nero Chaos and Souren Araya as well.


I want to cum on Arc's big, milky inverted nipple having tits, and I want to cum on Akiha's flat, perky nipple having tits too.

They really should have added a lot more ecchi/nudity in Carnival Phantasm. It was the only thing holding it back from being one of the best anime of all time. Most of the shows are based on porn games anyways.


It would have been better than DXD or Love Ru.

Just imagine all the crossover Yuri that could have happened.

What do people like about this series so much that more shows and spin-offs keep getting made?


Back to Youtube comments, kid.

>Sakura's true colors

The sad thing is that there are some who actually think this is true and enjoyed that flanderization.

I've never watched anything by type moon but god damn if that op isn't one of the catchiest things I've ever heard

No, everyone knows Phatasm is canon and just takes place in another universe. The creator said so himself. The best to to think about the characters in Phantasm is they're basically themselves but drunk. How they act is not a lot but it's there true self coming out. Just watch the characters and you'll see what I mean.

What the fuck I'm reading.

Best protag Sup Forums?

What the fuck is that eyecancer image?

Do these make you like that shitty character? Because I hated her in all the main material and her voice is fucking awful in the anime


Rider>[power gap]>Rin>Saber>[power gap]>Sakura

this is the only correct answer.

as someone who knows nothing about type moon, shiki ryougi

The truth

It's caster fantasizing about Saber.


She's a lady. I personally prefer Rin.