K-Pop is a Jewish plot to get white girls to like asian men


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Asian men are betas at birth and have no creative genius.
Niggers are lower than dogs, very creative but still ancient de-evolution.
Mexicans are fucking retarded or give retarded-ugly babies or grandbabies. If you get SUPER lucky your hispanic mezo babies are not below 110/and ugly -- SUPER lucky

white men are your only option.

wait wait... i thought k pop was plot to get white men to start bleaching

>woman gloats about being a whore

Is this real?

>K-Pop is a Jewish plot to get white girls to like asian men
it's not just white girls and it's not necessarily jewish

it's not really any different from any other surge in media+sex appeal (anything from one direction to beatlemania); it's just the first fairly successful non-white one

more girls are into kpop than guys by a large margin

no, no, no, you got it all wrong. k-pop is a russian plot to push the far east into a FFA zone


1. Yellow/East Asian/North East Asian male w/WF is minor infraction
2. raghead/beaner/spic/injun/dothead-paki w/WF misdemeanor
3. black men/white female felony

I've never seen a white girl that wasn't severely mentally damaged interested in Asian men.

Only weirdo anime bitches like chink penis.

That tweet is fucking hilarious!! At the same time women are filthy animals and need to be replaced.

how much money is the pentagon putting into kpop?
reminder: more asians are committing suicide than fucking white women

They never stay with Korean men. At least not our girls.

I've never seen girls drop a fad so quickly until I saw girls date Korean guys for 3-6 months or meeting their parents. The posters came off the wall, the facebook posts disappear, the music in the car changes straight back to normal, the hair, the clothes, the boys. Fucking crack up. I like Koreans but we don't mix well beyond casual hookups.

who the fuck wants to fuck small asian penis? not even asian girls want them.

Ill need more proof to corroborate than the zipperheads are using their fame to systematically slay white poon. Kpop is pretty autistic and harmless

As a yellow man I feel jealous and enraged when i see a white man with an Asian girl.

I feel the same way when I see white male with a hot Latina.

I also hate it when some nigger or beaner-spic with hot white women. When Im a hard working (2 jobs) yellow man.

Especially if its a liberal white male (super cucks)

White women are getting riced en masse here, most won't even touch guys who aren't asian.

>jews are plotting to get the two smarter races to breed
Well.. I mean hapas still have their problems, but whatd be the point?

Is it a jewish plot to redirect niggers to liking korean women? or vice versa?

>white women getting riced en masse here
Nice try, faggot

I don't know maybe you have more reasons but Europeans & Koreans are both peacocks in general so their women like them more than ours.

fuck you nigger-beaner-spic-raghead-coon-cracker-honky-peakerwood.

It cant be too big, white bitches love my 3 inches of man meat.

Besides any penis over 5.9" is an assault weapon as an sexual assault weapon.

you yellow men are so beta. I'm a 6'4 foot chad and I'm getting tight yellow pussy on a daily basis. But don't worry, I wont make children with your yellow monkey women. I dont want mongrel kids.

behold the face of AMWF & BLACKED threads!

I will give you my anecdotal evidence as an American exchange student at Yonsei University that 75-80% of the exchange students here are female and the overwhelming majority of that portion are here out of kimchi fever

It's literally just a fad
Korea is literally "Hypebeast" the country right now, it's cool and hip to like korean stuff from food, culture, fashion and media.
It'll pass my man


Jews want them to like black and brown guys. *This* is meritocratic. No manipulation or covert propaganda is pushing this, it's organic and about as fringe as you would expect. East Asians are successful capitalists now. They earned it.

Jews want them to like black guys. *This* is meritocratic. No manipulation or covert propaganda is pushing this, it's organic and about as fringe as you would expect. East Asians are successful capitalists now. They earned it.

I've actually noticed (((they))) have been getting suspicious of Asians. You're going to see major MSM outlets starting to criticize Asians and Asian countries HARD in the next few years. It's not going to work. We're going to see a lot of based race and gender science coming from China anyway because they don't give a shit.

American-funded newspaper in Hong Kong also promotes bmaf

too late you people already have made lots of half breed AmeriAsians (EuroAsians/Eurasians & a some Afro-Asians) due to US military bases in Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan (til 1979), Thailand, and Vietnam (til 1975).

Thank you make sure you wear that condom, fucking cunt.

Look Korean prince marries Ukrainian (American from PA).

holy shit is that actually him

If anything it's a plot to further emasculate asian men. they're already stereotyped as being nerds with small penis, so putting a bunch of Korean twinks in the media will only hurt their rep more.

yes Tenda Spencer. He has quite the lolcow history.

Also PLA and KPA need to liberate and save Western Europe (Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, UK) from those dirty Arab-muslime, rag heads, towel head, Turkish shits, North African Sand diggers, in return they get the surplus white women as payment and reparations (8 Nations Alliance, Russia is paying quite nicely all those delicious Rus-whores in China).

>jewish plot to make white women love asian bois
>jewish plot to make white women love nigbois
And the main reason is to get white women away for the BSC (Big Slavic Cock). But hilariously enough, it's disproportionately jewish girls who fall for the BBC meme.

>be literal Asian ROYALTY
>the only white pussy you can score is some peasant kolkhoz farmer

>believes kpop is a jewish plot to get white girls
>ignores the fact most men in his country look like beached whales which is why women are leaving in droves

Better than some nigger, beaner spic, Persian-Turk-Arab-Armenian raghead, Paki-dot head towel head, or some dirty Polynesian.

White men should rescue these white women.

>asian mon
top fucking kek

dis custin

The fact that you have to spell your little acronym out is just sad

wtf? are those russian hookers in macao or some shit?

Hi Slav bro whats wrong with Korean, Chinese, Hong Konger, Taiwanese, Japanese men hooking up (marrying) with Slavic goddess? This time its worse cause where not raping thing like the Mongolian invasion?

My chinky cock is loving this Укpoп cyкa!

Trump is going to pay them good money to watch them pee.

This is the body language of a girl that doesn't have feelings for this gook. She's not looking at him. Nice try.

No its just karma, all those white men who fuck cheap Asian whores in Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan must have been Ameri-Slav (White American of Slavic descent).

The trending page on tumblr is always full of k-pop stars. Your theory holds up.

Wealth and power is a very alluring thing.

Literally 5 white men on earth are threatened by asian men sexually, and they're beyond saving. This constant AMWF trolling on all the threads isn't getting anyone mad. It's pathetic, and makes no impact. Sup Forums gets mad at BMWF because that's actually a thing. No one cares about this. You're actually kind of bumming me out

LOL nope

Hard to tell if the baby has Down's or if this is the natural state for chickslav babies.

What about the Sand-digger-rag heads with white female and the Beaner-Spic w/white female.

BTW this is AMWF, because US army ladyboy x buck angel airman

white women are turning to kpop because american music is full of niggers, whores, and white boys wanting to be niggers
in the 90s, and even early 2000s, and everything before it was incredibly uncommon for people to listen to music they didn't understand

the last white boy band i heard of was one direction and i'm not sure if they even exist anymore

Go look at the dislike ratio for amwf porn on any porn site. White men are pretty insecure about the pairing for some reason.


Its been happening for a long time

And get this i was bored so i go on xhamster even though im on like day 22 of nf and I click amatuer and on the first page is a cuck video, where of course a white bitch fucks a nigger, but get this he fucks her in front of her boss not her husband and the boss is asian lmao while the nigger is fucking her the chink is licking her toes and shit lmao


20% of one direction is muslim.

why does everything need to be a conspiracy with you people, sometimes its just bait

Fuck K-Pop, someone posted a thread about it being a jewish psyop to get white men to be into asian grils a couple of days ago and I listened out of curiosity. Now I can't stop listening to this stupid ass shit, it's addictive, maybe he was right.

But the upvotes for BMWF and cuckolding porn is through the roof. It's a strange phenomena.

I'm strangely comfortable with this.

BE WARNED asian males. white women are worse.

Well I didnt like the Serbian man marries Chinese girl, but I found a Korean man marries blond Serbian chick.

I love that Lucy Wilde and Katerina Hartalova damn you got some hot women in Czech Republic.

Damn no Serb girls married to Chinese man (plenty in Novi Sad and Belgrade Blok 70).
So much for PRChina-Serbia relations.

Chosonese (Korean) visits Serbian wife's hometown

Kpop girls are mostly plastic surgery whore.

Watch Kill Me Heal Me desu :3

>BMWF because that's actually a thing
only in porn

Bro please explain, what is happening?

I saw a bunch of stormfront comments that they would prefer white woman with another white man but dont mind her with the Asian guy, but they get more angry and hateful it they see white chick with a nigger-coon and Beaner Spic.


My dick can't tell it's plastic, I do think certain nationalities look better than Korean though, like Japan and maybe some parts of China.

Ever heard of Obongo?
Colin Kaeper got no dick?
plenty of half breed niggers

which makes sense why there's more kpop fangirls
white girls want pretty boys to listen to their music
that's why:
the beetles got popular
girls loved the Back Street Boys
emo bands like green day and my chemical romance got popular
that's why the bard has always been portrayed as young, kinda feminine type of man

little girls need these type of clean men that help them transition into a woman that seeks a stable man. otherwise they end up as a 30-year-old woman watching k-dramas with their cats and wishing they could take a flight to korea


eurasian tiger

Chinese style whorehouse. The girls are usually lined up this way to make you feel like you were in a harem

is it really worth caring about?

>confirmation bias
Seriously in that pic..I don't get it..I mean, don't you have eyes in your head?
The first deers have a very distinctive body shape and facial structure.
The chimps have a pretty different facial structure and headshape as well.
And the last pic? Muh basically just skincolor and small variation on facial features, determinded by a few genetic allels, very light genetic differences.

I seriously believe you racists just can't see the bigger picture.
If anything these pics prove that you retards are lost and only see what you want to see.

Ukrainian women being whores as usual.
Though I shouldn't talk with the memeporn, kek.

Looks like its not just white boys, even Spic-beaners are getting salty over this!

Nothing could possibly make Asian men attractive. Same with the women. They will ALWAYS be reptiles.

This. My best friend freshman year dated an Asian guy. She's a total weeb with mental issues. Didn't break up with him despite the drugs, abuse, and him cheating on her. Football bat/10

Stop bringing us into this.

really makes me go "huh.."

That white girl is such a fuckin cornball lol


hmm what's the problem here?
Why do you care about him?

And white boys who think there beaners-spics.

Weeaboo white chick marries Chinese guy

You are middle eastern, I lust for a hot Persian girls too.

>American Pop
>dirty beards
>no dancing

>no niggers
>clean shaved
>not boring

Honestly if I have a daughter I'd rather she listen to Kpop.

i don't know
trying to blame "blacked" threads on one guy doesn't make a lot of sense to me
it completely discounts that trolls exist everywhere, and that blacked threads are basically guaranteed replies

i mean is this guy also the same person who does the same on Sup Forums those few times, and also makes interracial threads on gif?

just seems silly to me and you people just looking for a single enemy

personally, i want to know why yellow fever threads sometimes disappear for a while but when they're back, they're hourly

this, look at top 40 charts

All people are racist, get over it!

also doxxing with little proof and over stuff on the internet is just petty

Are you sure there're no nigga shits in Kpop?

all the pics he posts on the incel forums seem to appear here around the same time. He's part of the reddit azn crew that talk 24/7 about hating white males and how they love to trigger white males with amwf and bbc porn lol.

Daily reminder


Maybe they just don't like it? Dislikes aren't always made out of insecurity. Like cuckold porn plays on obvious insecurities white men have about black men and that's a key feature. Disliking AMWF stuff is mostly "get this away, it doesn't turn me on" which is not the same thing as insecurity. It's more dismissive than hateful

This is pretty much how it is, yeah. I'm actually convinced a lot of the "hate" is asian guys larping

lol dude white dude are somehow WAY more insecure about AMWF. it's honestly bizarre. compare the tone and tenor of AMWF vs BMWF threads here or on porn vids. white guys practically become hysterical about AMWF while just casually disdaining or even enjoying (in the case of porn) BMWF.

that's the kind of shit that just seems like conspiracy crap to me

Because we're not into watching foreign guys fuck our women unless it seems like they're better at it than us. That's really what it boils down to.

yellow fever threads (amwf) are mostly made by the self-hating hapa-chinklet and r/asianmasculinity
blacked are made by alternatively shills, trolls and bored people looking for (You)s, kinda like every Sup Forums btfo thread, but they've become staple so I'm guessing it's some kind of post-ironic 8th layer satiric communication.

>This is pretty much how it is, yeah. I'm actually convinced a lot of the "hate" is asian guys larping