White Racists, fuck off

Asian-Americans are NOT on your side. We will not be used as tools to perpetuate racism and injustice.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=Asian penalty on SAT&oq=Asian penalty on SAT&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1l2.2580.6399.0.6631.

Coming to fuck your women :)

Get back to work

non-Jap detected
You're probably some pissed off small dicked Vietnamese faggot feeling left out for not getting PC points from the Left because Japanese-Americans BTFO of blacks and Mexicans socioeconomically despite suffering exclusion and internment meanwhile your gook ass grandparents drifted into San Francisco bay on a bamboo raft and received welfare for 40 years straight and still couldn't get higher than 1500 on their SATs

>come to white land for education and high standard of living
>bitch about whites
I'm so tired of it.

That's because he's around jewish doctors all day and he thinks they are white


what a bold and powerful statement

i love how this ugly gook fuck spends his waking moments trying to be one of the first to comment on drumpfs tweets every single fucking morning with that kike with the 500k bot followers.
trump literally lives rent free in these niggers heads

That's nice. We don't really want you here either.

Can confirm.
Asians think they're allies of niggers.
Stupidly they can't see how much niggers and liberals hate them for the fact that they contribute to society instead of leaching and causing problems.
An asian friend of mine got redpilled on niggers when some awards show nigger made fun of chinks blatantly in a racist way

All non-whites are "allies" against Whites. Nature is about competition, they are like wolves working together to take down a larger prey.

white society allows this chink to be a successful doctor yet he wants to play the "fight white supremacy" card? Wake up white people the people you are letting flood into your countries HATE you


mexicans would unironically have our back more than asian men would.
(im not talking about illegals, obviously)

Aren't Asians MORE privileged in most fields compared to whites?

Love of god, I hope this faggot is a chink.

Please don't be Korean, please.

No, just like whites they suffer from discrimination in the form of affirmative action.

go play with your negro pets...that will work out just fine Chink...

not bad doc

but nobody #TakesTheKnee for white supremacy like your daughters

>>>white racists
Why is it acceptable to be racist if you are a minority

This mother fucker was hauled before congress being accused of ILLEGALLY PURCHASING fetal corpses for testing.


You don't speak for all of us ching-chong. Fuck off.
When the war comes you can be a roof-korean or die.

must be nice to not have a penalty on the SAT.

google.com/search?q=Asian penalty on SAT&oq=Asian penalty on SAT&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1l2.2580.6399.0.6631.

oh wait. you do.

Jap American here.

Can't wait til Trump makes being a kike illegal.

Guess you'll be waiting infinity years because he's got Bibi's penis lodged in his ass and a brood of Joo convert kidz.