Left wing pagans think blackies and mudslimes can be norse

>left wing pagans think blackies and mudslimes can be norse

fuck off, this is ANCESTOR worship, hence it must be your ANCESTORS. You cannot believe in European paganism unless you are actually European

Other urls found in this thread:


These were also your ancestors. Worship them.

I'm not related to sub-humans, sorry

>Be actual sub-human
>N-no you!

Find your birth mark. Stare at it and wonder how it got there. Those black and brown spots on your skin.

Mhmmm but dumb dumb if not with bbc how are we gonna get mana to cast spels?!?!?!?!?!

>This is what pagancucks actually believe

>muh ancestors
Your ancestors were apes.

too bad Sup Forums's virgins couldn't even lift that

Last time I remember, white people weren't covered in huge nigger splotches nor had the face of an ape.

>tfw pagan
>tfw a local member of a pagan groups surname is mehmet.
I don't even understand why they want to worship our gods, all i know is they fucking shouldn't.

The first patriarch of kung-fu is an Indo-cracker.

no it isn't he is one himself

Last time i checked a world map, europe was right above the middle east, where their ancestors came from.

And you do have the face of an ape rofl. Your a fucking homnid great ape. The traits carried over from albinism just keep you from seeing the truth but its there. You're an albino descended monkey man,

I don't know why you're always posting these pictures, Tyrone. They literally prove you wrong.


Arg! They're not proving nuthing ya hear! nuthin! tyrone!

Im not even black. Nice fear.

Their brows and cheeks are not typical for Europeans though.
Like I understand the theory, especially since Hinduism was created by the ancient Aryans, but the people in those pictures always look extremely off.

paganism is absolutely degenerate

Arg!!! theyre not us! Okay buddy okay. Its gonna be okay. Just do me a favor and find that birthmark for me. If you could just post a picture of that and timestamp it for me.

pic before this, top right david duke

Looks like matt damons son in this one senpai.

You've been told this probably hundreds of times by now but I guess you're faceblind or something. These albinos look nothing like white people. Even shit brown arabs from Yemen look more like whites.

Lmfao they look closest to you than anyone else. Your in denial. You feel that? Thats the price of your pride. Heavy isn't it.


Also you didnt have to come from indian examples exactly. But I think its absolutely downright pathetic how you try to run away in circles from your own clearly obvious albino origins. Very cowardice. The shame is real.

Weird how as they get older, they like more and more freakishly loo.
Also look at the soulless eyes at the 2nd kid. Fucking terrifying.

It's truly sad that those left-wing ''''pagans'''' really think that paganism is some hippie polyamorous wiccan bullshit.

Germanics threw fags in bogs. They killed their enemies. Honour and pride was everything. Men only had one wife.

Butthurt turd boy detected.

I got other pics of them

I don't even understand what point you're trying to make. I don't even see a problem in being associated with south indians. They are an intelligent and civilized race, but you're just wrong and your pictures clearly show it.

lonely nazi larper without sexy blue eyed gf detected

Youre a fucking monkey faggot.

>Muh Marvel has a Civic Nationalist Cartoon Norseman in it.

>indo-european people
>is actually surprised albino indians have a semblance to white people

burger education

If theres no problem? Why isnt it common knowledge? BEcause youre ashamed. Because those south indians originally came from black people who had cacuazoid "Skull shape"

Phrenology is bullshit. Your entire world is bullshit. Race doesnt exist. A race has winners and losers. You have masters.

Dont pretend its not a big deal. It will go msm. Its just a matter of time. I figured it only few years ago. Soon the whole world will know.

Alright that guy in the middle is slightly convincing.
Everyone else looks like a mutant though. You win this round. My who life would be flipped upside down if I found out white people exist because of a genetic mutation.

Except its not indoeurope rofl. Its the fucking middle east. Dont try to sugar coat it.

"b-but we migrated!"

Yeah and you came from albinos too and covered it up from the world.

ok, why can't i transfuse marrow to a black person or vice versa?
most likely that mother and that child will be able to transuse marrow.
So skin is not the only part to the race question.


Without the help of those mutants you'd never be here.

as i said

burger education


have a read here

I bet you won't dare to have your world view questioned so you probably wont, you pussy.

My ancestors :)

The joke's on you, India, the Middle East, even China, were paler than they are now. You can track the darkening by observing the various conquests by darker tribes and the spread of shitlam.

Its because they retain their vitamin d while whites constantly are drained of it. Thats why you drink milk and calcium foritifed orange juice. You replinish your levels with only 10 min of sunlight while it takes 60 for the black man. His bones are heavier. This is where the myth blacks cant swim come from.

You tried.

Every race exists because of genetic mutation you retard. But the doesn't mean we're fuking Indian albinos like the one poo says we are.

antifa prefers dildos this is nothing new
>captcha select the hammers

That was the joke

jokes on you, the dark gives birth to the light.

Joke's on you again. The Nazi ideology is buried in the hearts of all sane white people, the Nazis are in the classroom, the boardroom, the armed forces, the police, the surgery. The ones you see in the street are the ones who have the least to lose and so are more bold in their actions. You wet your pants over Trump, wait until you see what happens if you keep kicking us.

"HLA markers used in matching are inherited. Some ethnic groups have more complex tissue types than others. So a person’s best chance of finding a donor may be with someone of the same ethnic background"


>this is ANCESTOR worship
I thought it was Odin worship?
Also if Blacks have 1% European then they have European ancestors and you can not deny them their right to worship.
>Germanics threw fags in bogs
no they didn't
Tacitus never said "all Germanics" only "this specific tribe living in Southern Germany"

>you can't be a certain religion because of skin color

this is next level autism

Elba isn't a civic nationalist, he literally said British film and TV should be represented by London because it's now 40% non white. He hates white people, he's a black supremacist who can't speak out clearly because he lives in a white nation and would lose his career. You're fucking dumb, only a turnip would support Africans playing European gods.


Youre not albinos. But you are descendents of semetic arab and african albinos. And you are the descendents of black and brown people. And the birthmarks on each and everyone of your skin's is a reminder of that.

>poos are indo-european
You wouldnt happen to be that Pajeet in Sweden would you?

So you're saying white people are like superheroes? OK if it helps you sleep at night. "My life is shit, and it's not my fault, I'm not one of the X Men."


Au contraire


Dat ass tho ...

Im so S-startled!

This is my America. The good out number the evil and always will.


okay explain in a paragraph how europeans got there.


Read it yourself you mung, you dont even dare you antifa lib pussy

look even if that was the case, we have since further evolved to be much more attractive and smarter than that.

Our origins don't actually matter, all that matters is what we are currently

How long are you gonna keep baiting for btw?
Until you run out of replies or what?

Okay so basically you have nothing. Wow.

Yeah they do matter. You cant run from reality. You cant hide the truth from everybody. And stop butchering your own language(The jews gave it to you, the phony phonecians made your phonetics)
You didnt evolve. You mutated. The chi ken evolved from the raptor. Dogs were domesticated from wolves.

They wish it was bait mate. Its not even shit posts. Its in your face logic you wont get anywhere else.

>not fascists
I know northniggers are undeveloped and uncivilized but at least please make the effort to understand your own sub-par myths.

How moronic do you think I am?

Enough to larp as crusader when you dont have courage enough to talk to women.

Well considering a significant portion of me is, in fact, European, then that makes me pagan by default?

leftists pagans are a bad joke