I always found it funny how whites are so angry about mexicans coming here illegally when america was illegally obtained in the first place. Whites invaded native american lands and through deception, disease and war they stripped them of their land and yet have the audacity to complain about people coming here in search of new opportunities. How do you sleep at night?

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If the Native Americans wanted to keep their land then why didn't they fight harder?

pls tell me what law the puritans broke when they came here?

also tell me why you'd prefer to live in such a barbaric society as the native americans, that was rampant with violence and slavery?

>Whites invaded native american lands and through deception, disease and war they stripped them of their land and yet have the audacity to complain about people coming here in search of new opportunities. How do you sleep at night?
like srsly do you even understand that they were kidnapping their children, by the thousands, and keeping them in lives of slavery? often cutting off their fucking feet so they couldn't run away? how fucking clueless are you air conditioned keyboard warriors about the reality of human nature and the world??

>Americans came here illegally in the first place

Wrong. There was nothing in place in the new land for settling to be labeled "illegal". We came here and formed the great country it is now. Native Americans weren't doing shit. Stop falsifying history.

i like how these kids individually come here to make their statements after they loose members one by one on their shitty subreddit. How can you be so delusional you cant even understand what conquest is, of course you dont want invaders to invade why the fuck would you want to end up like the indians you stupid little shit.

>Hey I want you to be my hard working slave
>*Cuts off your feet*
>Now you'll be the best slave ever!

The NA tribes were degenerate. We are lucky they didn't take over.


do you understand that the natives marched down the "trail of tears" with their slaves in tow?
do you understand that they kidnapped white children as young as 8 or 9 and kept them in horrid conditions as slaves?
do you understand that they used to torture people as a public spectacle? for amusement?

and you're saying that whites should have gotten here and "been nice" to the fucking barbarians who did all of this shit and more??

fuck you dude. you're so clueless. you, and everyone in america, INCLUDING surviving native americans, are lucky as fuck that we came here and spared the world from that sort of vicious, barbaric existence.

and the indians illegaly setteled here and killed the white neanderthals that crossed the northen great glacier, see i can talk bullshit with full confidence too

yes you cuck, we invaded the WHOLE of Amerika (South, Central and North). Even the fucking Mexico was produced by the WHITES invading. So deal with it.

What is right of conquest?
Beaners and niggers aren't conquering, they're just leeching.

Then every country conquered by force (conquest) is illegally obtained.

We didn't break any laws you dumb fucking spic.

>Hey guise, you took their land and were dicks. Why don't you let them do the same to you?
How do you want to convince someone to join your position by basically telling them that allowing hostiles in they will be conquested?

>Indians are human
What a fucking joke

what is funny OP is that if you actually read the journals and diaries of the original settlers, the reason that tensions between the two groups originally flared up was because the natives were SO barbaric, and they were basically teaching the white children their barbarism. teaching them to torture innocent people for fun. teaching them to murder, kidnap, and do all sorts of fucked up shit. that the settlers eventually said "no, fuck this. we need to put an end to this bullshit, or else our children will become like them".

their point of view, and every one of their actions, were TOTALLY FUCKING JUSTIFIED. and natives weren't "just innocent victims" either. they were stealing from their camps. in many cases stealing their children, and doing plenty of other fucked up shit.

and when all was said and done, did whites viciously slaughter the natives as the natives did to their enemies? or as most groups int he world, throughout history, have done to their enemies? no. they marched them down the "trail of tears" and then cut out vast swaths of land, which they DONATED to them out of kindness and humanity, and let them live there, GOVERNING THEMSELVES IN A SOVEREIGN STATE.

that is an act of humanity, generosity and decency that is LITERALLY FUCKING UNPARALLELED IN HISTORY.

your bullshit is so damn ignorant OP.

not this thread again

Don't know why I'm biting but ok.
Europeans were Post Medieval and Indians were Stone Age. That's why they fell.
Now, should Americans vote to supplant themselves with a less advanced civilisation? Of course not.

Report bait threads, dumbfucks. Don't reply to them.

Oh look someone who doesnt learn from history!
>its ironic that """they""" did this and dont want ot to happen to them
My ancestors fought for this land and took it by force. If someone else wants it they are going to have to pay for it in blood and only a fool would charge any other price.

Worse you invented laws to bypass your own moral code and the moral code of the inhabitants.

Stupid argument.

You do realize that slavery was common back then in all societies right? The white settlers weren't any better, you delusional retard. Again, shit happened everywhere at that time.
Yes, there were you retard. There were a lot of broken treaties.
I'm arguing from a point of hypocrisy you fucking retard. If I went around punching people in the faces but then when it was my turn to get punched in the face, if I went around and complained about it even though I did the same thing, that would be hypocritical. It doesn't matter if I like or not.

CBA to respond to all you fucks

primitive savage apologists are so damn pathetic holy shit

>too backwards to come up with the idea of society or government
>people show up with weapons that literally shoot death from their hands
>trade land you don't even own or care about for weapons to continue killing each other off instead of recognizing and uniting against the threat of a race 1000+ years ahead of yours
>let this go on for a hundred years before realizing your side has made literally zero advancements while the whites are still marching towards the future

I have no sympathy for native americans. When something that game-changing shows up on your doorstep, you either adapt or you die. They got by far the best deal of any race in human history that this has happened to.

Why do conservatards act like whites were any less barbaric? Hello slavery? Did that go over your head? What about lynching? And yes, killing 100 million native americans was so kind and generous. Thank you so much white man.

>You do realize that slavery was common back then in all societies right? The white settlers weren't any better, you delusional retard. (You)
>Again, shit happened everywhere at that time.
oh except whites are actually the ones that ended that practice. not natives, who showed no signs of ever advancing their civilization out of the dark ages, and who continue to live like shit today, despite being granted their own (fucking huge) lands and reservations, where they can govern themselves and do whatever the fuck they want.

Because you're not a human being.

Hello child sacrifice? Scalping? You are full of shit or brain dead.

>What about lynching
good times good times
we really oughtta bring that back

As if the Spaniards didn't "illegally obtain" Central and most of South America. Mexicans can beat their own selves with a birch branch if they're worried about who has clean hands .

>whites ended slavery
>most of the negros that got "lynched" in the past had actually raped white women, and escaped justice because there were SJWs in the justice system back then too (that's something media won't tell you)
>native americans were vicious, barbaric, warlords who kidnapped white children, cut their feet off so they couldn't escape, and kept them in slavery. they deserved to be purged from the planet.

We bought the territory from Mexico.

>when america was illegally obtained in the first place.
Was Mexico somehow obtained legally?

OP is a fucking moron.

America wasn't governed so there were no laws
So they didn't invade illegally

illegally? show me the law in the native american rule book saying dont invade?

Consider what you are saying. Americans know that conquest is founded on the subjugation and slaughter of native citizens, as you have already detailed. You're calling them hypocrites now because they don't want the same done to them?

So... you have a problem with the fact that the smart men, ala white men, actually know how the universe works and the mechanics of migration of social animals actually matters to those animals it displaces?

Fuck off moron.

>I always found it funny how whites are so angry about mexicans coming here illegally
not mad about that, im mad at my own people and govt for allowing it to happen, we have the means to stop it. if a bunch of foreigners barged into your house and said they had every right to be there and its racist for you to do anything about it..... then you call the police and they say...... no were not gonna do anything about it even though the law says we have too..... oh and if you try to get them out of your house physically we will charge you and put you in a cage with rapistss and murderers.......

>Whites invaded native american lands and through deception, disease and war they stripped them of their land

yeah, but heres the difference......., we won. the current fight could still go either way..... hence the hubbaboluuuu.

1. It's cold, brutal, unfair logic. Just because people want to conquer some place doesn't mean they do or should want others to do the same to them. It's like that in any conflict.
2. I remind you that current americans aren't the people who conquered the continent. They are people who just live in a country and want (on average) this country to do well, upholding values and laws they were brought up with. That includes having people follow lawful immigration policies DACA circumvented as Obama pushed it through without moving it through proper channels while lying about it (claimed that no dreamer will be on fast forward for citizenship).

Native Americans didn't even practice land ownership, nor did they have a nation.
Europeans turned a bunch of shitty stone-age tribes into an actual civilization, you're welcome faggot.

There were no laws back then to break you dumbass.

show me the law then you alcoholic feather duster

You are looking for a lawful justifying way, but there is none. It's a matter of values. Should the sons be charged for the crimes of their parents?
Answer is quite obvious, but you won't get any sympathizers in Sup Forums, specially when it comes to immigration. Ofcourse every now and then you see people supporting "legal" immigration which is code for whites only, and deport all mexicans.
Now that you have seen their responses the answer should be clear, you don't ask for daca, you demand daca, and make sure congress shoves the law down their throats, just like President Lincoln and the republicans shoved the 13 14 and 15 Amendments.

>Stole land that "Belongs to no one."
Belongs to someone now doesn't it.



>Hau, my name is Sitting Bull Washington. Welcome to United States of America I created, white man. Fuck the king, fuck the redcoats. The great chief has spoken.
Is this how it went?

The Declaration of Independence specifically mentioned how murderous, brutal, and savage the natives were.
You have been fed a false history of leftist propaganda.

fuck off faggot, we are in 2017
stop make bad shit happen in real like
( aka curently ) with history for justify wrong going of anything fucking faggot.

that like the retard who say it okay for muslim to kill everyone because of the crusade

aka you are a dump retarded faggot

read more book