Be a jew

>be a jew
>get masturbated to death by hitler

Other urls found in this thread:

>be a jew
>get cremated to ashes in 30 minutes

>be a white boy
>cry impotently on the internet while 99% of your people see you as a mentally ill wastoid that needs to be institutionalized
fucking lol, you delusional faggots are living on borrowed time at this point.

>be a jew
>get thrown into a "bears and eagles" cage by hitler

>be a jew
>get raped by specially trained nazi rape dogs

>be a jew
>get electrocuted cartoonishly into dust by a rube goldberg machine

>be a jew
>survive getting gassed six times

>be a jew
>escape getting gassed because you're hungry

>be a jew
>get tossed into the pit of knives

>be a jew
>get killed by james bond villain contraptions

>be a jew
>take a ride on the holocoaster

>be a jew
>ride hitler's roller coaster of doom

All this costly shit when you could just let them freeze to death in one single nght.


>be a jew
>get balls chewed off by nazi dogs, escape in a pile of clothes

>be a jew
>get released from your jew execution camp

and despite all this, you own fucking people would throw you to the wolves if you dared to question even one of these ancedotes
fucking LOL

>be a jew
>see hitler personally burn your father alive at the stake

>be a jew
>die in poop


Fuking KEK

>be 20,000 jews
>get vaporized by a death star laser


Someone should make a cartoon of these and solemnly narrate from the books.

>be a jew
>never let anyone forget the 6 blompfbrillion

Why didn't they use it to win against Commies?

>be a jew
>give your ice cream brand Holocaust connotations so the stupid goyim never forget

>be a jew
>die by dig dug

>be a jew
>make it illegal to question it

Be jew, come back stronger than ever and destroy Germany beyond repair. Just like the Slavs. Just like everyone else. And I hope to God Germany goes away for good with this migration crisis. Fuck Germany. Fuck the EU. Fuck subhumans pieces of filth. Enjoy Merkel for another 4 years, motherfuckers

>make it illegal to question it
oy vey

>Be amon göth
>the terrible camp commandant featured in "schindlers list"
>be arrested and thrown out of the SS for embezzling jewish funds and mistreatment of prisoners

Gee i dont remember THAT in the movie!



That's kinda hot, tbqh.

somebody post the
>get gassed

This is not about standing for the anthem. This is a plan by trump, who has been laying in wait since 1985. He is planning to destroy the NFL so that the USFL can be re started. The New Jersey Generals will rise again. Trump could care less about politics, he is only using the presidency to get revenge on the NFL for destroying the USFL. THE USFL WILL RISE AGAIN!!!! GENERALS FAN FOREVER!!!



>fucking lol, you delusional faggots are living on borrowed time at this point.

who, you?

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I know right? It almost seems made up.

>6 milion volts