Keeps getting deleted, why?

Mods keep deleting this, maybe there is something here

Other urls found in this thread:

Heres what we got so far pic related


are you saying that i can make up any jumble of letters, numbers, and buzzwords, post it on Sup Forums, and if a mod deletes the thread, its real?

someone yet consider that there is a pgp key in these pages?

Old discord died
New one: (slash)5PJubz

wut dis about?

You retards have been talking about that hash/light-rail for 3 days now. Maybe intead of sperging out, start making more antarctica threads and he'll come back and give more hints/clues. Just an idea famalam

Is there? I didnt see one just a bunch of JPG code

I will start making thread and you can help just go to the discord and lets get this shit figured out

what is this about???


All the real hard facts are on my second post there, everything else is conjecture but some spooky user posted my OP pic and theres some wired shit going on

Some proxyfag trying to make sure there was a HAPPENING on the 23rd

the information of this stuff is older then the 23rd

saw that shit some month before

What if I told you that there is more exposed earth at Antarctica than you are lead to believe?

you mean pic related or wat?

Nah thats just the gibberish shit from AntarcticAnon. This code and that stuff, i saw that before. Cant remember when it was

Well go to the discord you could be of big help if this is truly a larp

i just crawl a bit for myself in that stuff. I coma back to you when i found something

We have to move now.

10 is better then 1 but suite your self