When did you realize your race was inferior?

For me, it was when I looked at the iq of races and saw Asians were ahead of whites

Bitch I don't even know what race I am.

>A Jew
>First Post Best Post

I love this time line.

>For me, it was when I looked at the iq of races and saw Asians were ahead of whites
That was the moment I realize my race was superior. Weird.

Why is chinkland full of asians again?

High test, high IQ, high religiousness, courage, histroy, etc. It's great, what's not to like?

lets not get hung up on who is best. lets be productive and think about who is worst. who needs to go because they drag down every one else

from my standpoint its either black people or muslims (im aware thats not a race so black muslims might be the correct answer but they seem to get less media attention)

>higher iq
>countries are still shitholes
>only good asian countries were occupied by whites i.e. hong kong, singapore, south korea

yea ok.

>>countries are still shitholes
What are you comparing them to? Asian large cities are just as modern as US large cities, and their small cities are just as shitholes as US small cities.
What is this utopia you are comparing them to?


Asians cheat on tests. This is obvious.

>chink IQ is measured on the cream of the crop not the retard chinks dwelling in some backwater village
>the whitest states in america have IQs of 103-106
>asians lack creativity
>asians lack emotion
>contrary to the yellow fever fags your average chink women is ugly asf whites are the best looking race
>whites are also the most athletic and strongest race beaten only by blacks in running, every other area they dominate

tl;dr Whites are still the masterrace

>Whites are still the masterrace
And who controls them?

>Asians cheat on tests. This is obvious.
Cheating is for niggers, which I think is the reason why USA is not dead last in these statistics.

Never? It's a shame I'm such a shabby example of it, really.

Whites could easily have done the same to kikes, but they didn't even have a civilization, instead whites conquer and rule based on better qualities. The only quality kikes have is subversion and backstabbing.

When I had history class about Mongol Hordes

under fuckin rated

NatSoc IS just a revision of Marxism.


When I visited Singapore and Hong Kong. Their cities are truly superior in how they deal with density and transportation compared to aging western cities full of niggers and spics.

Well I guess it's more accurate to say that they are both an offshoot of fascism.

please, stop.


You're not wrong.


Superiority isn't that important. What matters is that your people are free from others because they will ALWAYS work against the interests of your group.

>tfw you're too dumb to communicate verbally and instead opt for hieroglyphs
You're nigger-level stupid.

Communicate with what? Laughable claims that only equally laughable libertarians make? National Socialism and Fascism are the complete opposites of Marxism. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a reddit educated retard.

>National Socialism and Fascism are the complete opposites of Marxism
You saying that with a straight face?

Well then name them. You accuse me of not being able to communicate yet you cannot even present your own argument.

Immediately. That's why you need to return to Mexico so Whites can't oppress you and you can build your magnificent civilization on your own.

When I realised we hadn't achieved all of the things white people have

Well, my race doesn't even exist...