Kneeling reason

NFL semi insider here, Trump has screwed up big time. The NFL isn't really worried about stadium numbers or ratings, they are worried about TBI. Recuritment at the HS level is dropping like a rock on the east and west coasts (South still looks good). Parents don't want their children exposed to brain injuries and with the recent reports it had become even more damning. If you want any hope to help trump and get back at the NFL pivot the message back to TBI.


literally who gives a fuck?
they pay these guys millions to destroy themselves for our enjoyment and everyone wins.
if you dont want your kids in football then dont have them play

We're trying to destroy you nigger white kids aren't going to ever sign up because of brain injuries and we are trying to take away your boomer revenue you fucking kike.

4D chess MAGA revenge of USFL IS REAL


OP makes a good point, this angle would be a nice touch to the anti NFL fodder, remind everyone daily that their kids are bruising their brains daily and watch participation drop.

>Not worried about money

Yes I do work for Jews, but I can tell you they are never worried about free cash flow, but they do worry about lawsuits.TBI is such a big issue right now there is worry that players may bring a collective class action against the owners. The owners are using this to draw away attention, that's the only reason you see the owners out on the field.

Good to hear. Hopefully football goes under and we can go back to baseball.

Fuck thats a good point, why would billionaire owners willingly get cucked by negros? People say its cause it makes them money but it would nevereffect it enough to be worth it for them...

...but if they were desperately worried players were going to begin sueing?

You got it even if it's a trickle at first. Start by reminding players they have recourse against the owners and watch the dominoes fall.

Yea and im a astronaut, fuck gotta here larp

They will be worried about cash flow when Trump cuts off their 503(c) status and they have to build their own Stadiums.

>oh shit man CTE is so dangerous it makes you kill yourself
>and it's so easy to get playing football!
>well then how come former NFL players don't kill themselves at a rate higher than the general population?
>don't think about that

I would post proof, but I'm in bed currently awaiting the alcohol to push me to sleep. I only work for an analytics firm and am just a small cog, but every meeting with owners reps to go over the data we spend 90% of the time taking about how to bury TBI.

but it's important newsworthy stuff


Meant to quote
Most of our findings show suicide to be the extreme cases, but rest assured there is a higher rate when you account for non traditional suicide such as driving you car into a wall.

surely a bunch of brain damaged tattooed niggers know what's best for our country politically.

>worried about brain injury

>underrated post that the youngins won't get

>indian knows about USFL
lmao wut

The X-files died in the 90s like everything else good in the world

nobody cares about niggerball, kys

they are shitting themselves over this and you fucking know it.
Shit larp is shit

Trump doesnt have tattoos and hes not black