Why do we have to die?

Why do we have to die? Why do all good things have to come to an end?

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Because thats how life works, theres nothing you can do about it.

So that they dont end up like naruto.

It's okay op I'll leave your favorite figurine on your grave

Because it's illegal to do the experimentation necessary to successfully pull off the kind of immortality I've designed
>learn how to create artificial copies of D.N.A.
>systematically replace old decaying strands with brand new fresh sets
>use this to prevent aging and create replacement parts for extremely worn out or damaged organs
>go a step further and improve the human bodies natural strengths

Just believe in Jesus, and all will be fine.

At its most fundamental level, entropy. Every system decays. It's a fundamental law of the universe.

Life without death is like anime without waifus. Sure, it's still something I suppose, but ultimately pointless without.

Without death there would be no drive to accomplish anything. Life would become meaningless and eventually the only emotion would be just "existing"

>Without death there would be no drive to accomplish anything
it's the opposite, because death happens i don't really care what happens to me before then.

Death is a fundamental part of life.

But yeah, nobody wants to die, or see people close todo you dying.

because that's the end of life , death. What's a story without a ending?

But I'm no story, just an observer. I don't need an end to something that wasn't a story, and i don't want to stop observing

Stop smoking that shit nigga, its bad.

Too bad, you're the main character whether you like it or not, go progress the plot already

Firts of all, do you believe in god?

Plenty of people want to die.

I make myself the same question from time to time, and I just end up being depressed as fuck.

Life is theoretically the result of some random explosion in space. There is no meaning to life, and living is just waiting until we die and cease to exist with nothing but a corpse left

Well, it depends of the circumstances you are in, I mean, if you are suffering from a terminal then of course you will rather die that go through that suffering.

Maybe if you're enjoying life you wouldn't come to thinking about that question. Do you think Chad Thundercock is going to ask questions about his existence when he is enjoying it?

Why not though? why not ascend above this simple design? If we were not meant to become better, why would we have been given the aspiration to?

*terminal cancer for example

But unfortunately for whatever faggot put me here, I was given the free choice not to do so and a personality and mentality that allows me to be fine not doing anything productive. I'm pretty lucky I think, because I was born without being interested in this world and these people, so I don't care if I don't do anything for it.

But I enjoy it. The thing is, I dont know why, but its just a thought that comes to my mind, and I cant control it.

Do you consider your life a good thing?

There is not such thing as dying, at least not for me. Im inmortal.

Being inmortal isla overated though. You will get tired of it sooner or later.

Organisms grow old because nature doesn't need them any more. If the purpose of life is to procreate and replicate successfully - this is the logic of the so-called selfish gene theory - then it helps to stay healthy long enough to generate children and provide them with food. Immortality arrives with your offspring, and is only guaranteed when all your children also have children.

Different species place their bets on life's roulette wheel in different ways. If you're an oyster or a salmon or a fruit fly, the process is over quickly enough: lay a huge number of eggs somewhere safely and die. If you're a tigress or a dolphin, the process isn't so simple: you have to bear the young, rear them, provide food on a daily basis and guide them to maturity. If you are a human, you get a little bit of extra grace: you can be useful to your grandchildren, so there is some evolutionary pressure to stay alive that little bit longer. And then there's the bonus: being human, you have all the resources of society and technology to keep you safe from predators and healthy and active for just a bit longer. But sooner or later, the biological clock begins to run down. Cells that had faithfully renewed themselves begin to fail. A heart that pounded away in perfect synchrony begins to run down after a couple of billion beats.

Joints that withstood rugby, football, rock'n'roll and the gymnasium treadmill start to creak. Skin that bloomed in the spring sunshine begins to weather and flake in life's autumn. Brains shrink, spines curve, eyes begin to fail, hearing goes, organs become cancerous, bones begin to crumble and memory perishes.

Ageing seems inevitable but, for some scientists, it isn't obvious why this process is inexorable. Human chromosomes seem to arrive with their own lifespan timing devices called telomeres, but precisely why and how telomeres are linked to ageing is still not understood. There are genes that seem to to dictate survival rates in fruit flies, nematode worms and mice, and these genes almost certainly exist in humans, but what works in an insect or even another mammal may not be much help to a human anxious to hang around a bit longer. Even so, in the last half of the 20th century, life expectancies were increasing everywhere in the developed and developing world, wherever there was appropriate sanitation, nutrition, education and medical care; and small groups of scientists had begun to ask whether life could be extended indefinitely.

I just hope that, when the time comes, I can go with a smile on my face.

>implying life isn't meaningless without the notion of death

I like how you think user.

Why couldn't Spike just get over the whole Julia thing, it made him miserable.

That's not how grief works, user.

And he had Jet and Faye, who loved him like family, Faye didn't try hard enough to stop him leaving.

His mind was set though, there's no way he would've not gone



I've lost consciousness due to blood loss before. Didn't know it happened until I came to. Find that comforting, and a good reason to not think about death. When you go, you will never even know it happens, so why worry about it?

Life isn't even real.
I'm not even real.

>tfw been not-alive much longer than i've been alive or ever will be alive
Thinking about that usually calms any anxiety I feel about death and refocuses me on my life. Mileage may vary.

I think she tried as hard as anyone really could (including shooting up the inside of the Bebop as he walked away). He was gonna go no matter what, even Jet knew not to try to stop him during their last conversation.

See you space meme boy

Should i continue bebop? I watched like 3 eps but didn't really care for it, the music was good though

>and a personality and mentality that allows me to be fine not doing anything productive.
How about you seriously ganbatte and try to do something productive? Only then you'll be able to affirm that there's nothing in this world that could interest you.

anime has really ruined my line of reasoning

If someone you loved was willing going to walk into an ambush, would you forcefully injure them to stop them physically going?

I dunno man, I just work here

>Current year
>Expecting to die

Unless you're a tremendous oldfag, the dice are in your favor. There's too many scientists making too much progress. You've even got two completely separate ways to win, biological or digital immortality. As long as one of those pans out over the next forty years, you're going to be shitposting for a long time.

And that's a good thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. All your ancestors died trying to win, and you get the chance to actually finally win.

Speak for yourself, i'm not planning on dying

>implying either of these possibilities will be anywhere near refined enough for widespread public usage during our lifetimes

If all good things have to come to an end, does that mean I'm going to live forever?

Even shit decomposes.

Hey, you're right! Thanks user, I was really worried there for a second.

It's fine, you suffer more in a hour of life than you will suffer for the eternity after your death.


Yes, but you can't lock someone in a box forever just because you love them or care about them. He was going to look for closure to his past with Julia and Vicious no matter what. Faye did the same thing for her past and got her memories back, so why can't Spike try to get his own closure, even if it's dangerous? Saying she "didn't try hard enough" implies she had a chance at stopping him, which I don't think was really the case for Spike.

>You die
>It just begins again
>You are forced to shitpost in here in an endless loop

Rebuild of shitposting: You can (not) have a life

Never fear, the sweet release of death comes for all, whether you invite it yourself, or simply wait until you waste away to nothingness.

Why would that even matter? If it was exactly the same each time, it would be no different than just living once.

I want to live forever, the thought of not existing frightens me

You stop existing every time you go to sleep, yet you got over the fear of that years ago. What's holding you back this time?

Do you really want to live forever?

he lost the only person he cared about and killed his nemezis, nothing more to do on this earth

because I already know what i want, and it isn't anything that exists on this world or possibly even within this universe. My goals don't lie here, so i have no need of helping to maintain this place

I only sleep because
1. My body makes me
2. I need it, for know
3. I'm probably going to exist again once i wake up

Of course. I don't get all the people who say they wouldn't, even if no one and no thing else existed, you could just go into induced dreaming and live out a fake world within your mind. And until then you just get to enjoy seeing what the fuck is up with the universe. there really is no way to lose, unless you're the kind of person who gets attached to other people intensely. To be honest, I've always liked it best when I could sit alone and think and daydream.

All of those are true for death as well.

>you could just go into induced dreaming and live out a fake world within your mind.
And what if that's what you're already doing? Or rather, what I'm doing.
There's only so much a human brain could realistically handle anyway, but if your mind could exist forever and learn everything there is to know, it would just cease to 'exist' because there would be nothing to differentiate it from the universe itself. Death is inevitable.

The real question is, why do have to be alive? Why did I have to be struck by this curse called life? I just want out.