If the current world was wiped out and only a couple thousand people remained...

If the current world was wiped out and only a couple thousand people remained, and you were able to decide which political system to use, which one would you pick?

Limited democracy.

Service guarantees citizenship.




Monarchy is literally the only patrician answer

finally free from politics!!

some jew (op) survives :(


Arm the whole of the remnant and start society right with the dignity of a world made equal by equal starting access to weaponry.

Anarchocommunism with open borders

>which political system to use

Some of the best of all. Women and men would have to be "logged" to avoid any kissing cousins in 2-3 generations. This would also be a great time to eliminate any hostile races. The only way to win is to be the most brutal group. Eliminate entire blood lines as quickly as possible. Some times horrible things grow beautiful flowers.

Just my 2 cents.


Initially it would have to be some form of communism since skills and resources are limited. Then once the society develops and grows a direct democracy, then a representative one.

National Socialism

Constitutional Republic - what else?

>implying communism is efficient

A starship troopers guy, huh?

The one where we worship one of the last remaining computers with TRNG. We consult the digits for our future. Singlets need not apply.

Is this a trick question?

Un-ironically? Feudalism.

In very small and primitive societies, of course it is.
It just absolutely fails in large numbers or a developed society that has evolved beyond the barter system.

If youre starting over everyone needs to work for each other to ensure survival of the group as a whole.

Surprising from a burger, but correct

Something that would promote unity so you don't split off into warring factions and risk ending human life altogether

I don't know what exactly but that would be my #1 cause for concern after food/shelter were taken care of

political system = only whites allowed


That way I will easily be able to mass-murder the few thousand remaining humans. Rid the world of this plague once and for all.

There are pros and cons for this plan but ultimately the positives outweigh the negatives.


a couple thousand is too much for communism
the world would split up in multiple factions then maybe have some sort of anarchocommunism

I'd just try to use that rare opportunity to be Caesar.

t. Emu

Anarcho-capitalism is the only choice that isn't guaranteed to turn into garbage. I'm not saying it won't, since humans would be involved, but there's no guarantee.

that's not a political system.
that's an ideology / philosophical value system.