Russell Brand:Capitalism is main reason for drug addiction

British comedian claims the capitalist system stops people from caring about each other.
The comedian told activists that the public is encouraged by the "system" to ignore suffering addicts in order to avoid undermining our economic model.Brand,a former heroin addict described drug abuse as "amplified consumerism" as he claimed the problem would be better under socialism.
Speaking at a conference in Brighton organised by hard-left pressure group Momentum,he said: "If you have large numbers of dissatisfied people and the only way they can change their lives is through alcohol or drugs, then of course they're going to do that."

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he looks like a fascinating mix between a champagne socialist and an horse

Why does he think people will care for each other more if the responsibility of caring for people is given to the state?

>Thinking private sector gives a shit about anything at all,except for money and profit

He looks and acts a lot like pic related.

Drug addicts need purging desu. They’re literally the chink in the amour lf any society, even mkre than jews.

One may wonder how come Cuba has no drug problem,but countries there like Mexico,Columbia or Brazil do and on such large scale.May it be that the larger government can control it?


Good thing they have something to blame instead of taking responsibility and admitting that drug addiction is a symptom of being a weak piece of shit.

Did he explain how a centrally planned economy is going to make people satisfied?

How did i make so many typos?

Diversity and multiculturalism is what's caused people to less caring.

>few days before general election

Why would anyone take him seriously anymore? Even his own supporters turned on him when he started drinking Labour cum.

Brand described his addiction years as worst in his life and a living hell

All societies and cultures have drugs they tolerate/use and others they ban.

..isms are not really responsible, people would still want to get off their heads even under a socialist nirvana.

in the dictionary under "champagne socialist" there's a photo of this horse standing right there

>Socialist/Communist peddling horse face talks shit about capitalism
>Forgets that he went out in a socialist convention without mask on to sell copy of his book name revolution

Yeah nah he is a disingenuous cunt who needs to be gutted and strung up with his own intestines.

Also always relevant when it comes to Russel Brand

>Cant control his own actions so he thinks we need government to save us from ourselves
I would like too see the look on his face if Corbyn ever comes to power. whos wealth does he think will be getting redistributed?

the argument falls when you simply say no one forces them to do drugs or drink alcohol. they don't have the will to deal with their problems without it...

How does he explain the high drug use in socialism?

He is a millionaire and he has been in a bunch of films with the aim of selling shit ton of tickets.

He is the UKs biggest hypocrite he told people not to vote in elections because all politics is the same then he voted for Labour/corbyn.

Why doesn't he give away all his wealth and lead by example??? oh yeah cos then he won't be able to afford his drugs.

Real Kino there.

This. Typical Leftist in that respect.

This guy is demonic.

Is there really a globalist jewish network controlling the world's economy or are we just making excuses because we have failed to succeed within the capitalist model?

He will just blame capitalism

National Socialism?

Truly a man of the people

Wtf I love communism now

no, actually a genuine question from somebody who has taken many red pills and wonders whether it is the red pill itself that is making him sick.


>"vowt layba weev got to keep tha tour-ees auowt"

I don't think how many of you realize how fucked we are when the old people die. People my age LOVE Russell Brand, socialism and government funded programs whilst at the same time hate being taxed and government in general. They are living contradictions and the first true Marxist indoctrinated generation.

>its not my fault im a weakling that turned to substance abuse
>its society's fault

I do hope UK and friends will go full commie
You have to witness it for yourself.

They won't go full commie, because it's impossible
Nobody can't reach REAL and I mean (((REAL))) communism
Unless they would dissolve country, let everybody in and smoke pot while enjoying that everything they got they have to share with others, even wifes

Too busy trying to find their next meal to have any time for drugs.
No. That's retarded.

That's because real communism is a fantasy dependent on the state's ability to transform human nature. Impossible in practice since there is massive evolutionary pressure for self interest. But don't let that stop us from experimenting, one genocide at a time.

Cunt is a pedo

I hope something makes you weak one day, and you regret ever thinking the way you do right now.

Well now I understand how he got job to host MTV awards back then.

This is how my kids cull you Russell. You are an idiot

How media promotes absolute imbeciles as intellectuals, exhibit A: Russell Brand


He's right in a way, capitalism means people have disposable income to waste on drugs. and you're not going to be looking for drugs when you don't even have a any food with communism.

Only people can care about other people. Political and economic systems never will. Whatever the system, it can be abused. Hence the main thing is to figure out how to limit such abuses.