How do you actually manage to deal with normies who don't know anything about what really goes on in the world...

How do you actually manage to deal with normies who don't know anything about what really goes on in the world, especially when you know everything you know?

Lucky for me I'm a NEET shut-in, so I don't have to face normies 99% of the time, but for you guys that are in society, how does it even work?

How do you not just feel annoyed, frustrated and constantly at odds with everyone around you?

I stoppe caring after Trump won and just ignore them.

What I'm basically trying to ask is, how do you keep up the facade?

Don't you feel annoyed at having to constantly put on some fake-normie sheep-tier ignorant personality just to get along with everyone?

Is getting a GF really that important to you?

I just don't even bother or try to piss them off for something to do

I'm a semi-normie who works 'in society'. The fact that you read some jpeg 'red pills' does not mean you know shit about the world.
The actual frustration is the realization that it's not possible for one person to comprehend the enormity of what really goes on in the world... then come here, where a bunch of NEET autists think they understand it all. *That* makes me frustrated. In fact it makes me downright furious.

> neets on an mongolian anime piss board believe they figuered it all out

I wouldn't exactly call being a neet lucky and dealing with normies and people who you don't agree with/dispise isn't exactly some difficult task, youve prob been shut away so long any social situation would be a challenging event for you.

how do I explain to a normie that they are a normie?
I obviously keep my mouth shut because I have no interest in alienating myself, but any advice?

Being an actor got boring. I just be as offensive as possible and now people leave me alone with their batshit crazy gossiping.
Jobs are for suckers.

Nah, I got a redpilled Japanese cutie. We shitpost in Japanese in public. It's great.

I can't keep up the facade.

So I just embrace it. My life is now be full-speed-ahead overthrow and subversion.

I consider most people I meet to be moist robots; AI sophisticated enough to perform a function but missing a soul.

Occasionally I will see people with souls and I have an instant and strong attraction to them.

Also I did psychedelic mushrooms in my early 20s and I see the world differently from most people.

I just lie to people I don't care to explain shit to because it's fun and otherwise subtly drop red pills on other people when they're ready to know about the matrix

First, stop assuming they don't know anything. You have already admitted they do far more with their lives. Will you concede the possibility that doing something requires knowing something?

Second, expand your sphere of influence by getting out into the world helping people. No one follows the guy that sits on his ass in front of a computer.

How do you guys who claim to not do a facade even manage to not be alienated?

The reason I dropped out of society is because every-time I'd get too serious people would instantly become fearful of me and avoid me.

We normally have Christmas here (my parents place) and last year I didn't hold back and ass-blasted some virtue signalling cousins for defending Muslims. They haven't been around since. When I destroyed them it was like their entire view of me as a person changed over-night, after 25+ years of getting along with them just fine. They want nothing to do with me now because I'm a "racist" for bringing up evidence about Islam not being compatible with western values.

I don't know. I felt kind of depersonalized when my friend had no idea what I was talking about with regards to news or politics. He didn't even know who Trayvon Martin was. Like what the fuck how?

I'm not part of the Aut-Right and know how to actually interact with real people, as well as concisely put forward arguments without comigg across as a sperg.

It's possible that they were "virtue signalling" and that there may have been some import truths that you tried to relay to them.
It's also possible that they know more than you think, and that your rant was at odds with their experiences out in the world. Maybe instead of dropping a whole bunch of Sup Forums autism into regular conversations, you should try and learn something about your cousins understanding of the world. Maybe they have Arab friends who are assimilating. Maybe they're genuinely out of touch. But treating all of society like a monotonous bloc of robots to be 'red pilled' is not a way to approach life.

Stop caring what other people's opinions of you are. It only matters what your opinion of yourself is. Living your life in actor mode to make people like you, will leave you empty. Plus it is entertaining pissing people off.

People who thrive solely on infuriating other people should be gassed.

Why does being red pilled make you alt-right?

I have never seen myself as being part of any political type.

I am apolitical, at best I see myself as an outside observer of the world around me.

It's pretty clear to see that western civilisation and Islam don't fit. You don't have to be be labelled with some political title to understand this.

Pearls before swine, people. You feign socially acceptable beliefs and keep your real shit for people you trust.

Stop letting words infuriate you then. If you cannot control your emotions, your emotions will control you.

I don't see why knowing things should have any effect on your social life, unless you live in some far left city.
Not a single normie I know talks about politics. If I say something about politics no one gets mad or has any strong opinions against what I say.
It's the normies who have a hard time relating to me because I don't listen to pop music, can't tell the difference between different phone brands and different car brands. I couldn't tell apart a Toyota from a Mitsubishi, and the sub-brands are a complete mystery to me. That is what makes me weird to normies, not muh politics.

Imagine being a doctor in a mental asylum and having all your patients yell insults at you while punching at the glass dividers (ANTI SEMITE!!!! RACIST!!!! FUCKER!!!!) Knowing true world history is a burden on the mind. Having the thirst for knowledge is a curse. Some days, there are things i wish i didn't know about

“Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.”

― Alexis de Tocqueville

This user, you did the right thing.
Also if people completely stop talking to you because you talk shit about Muslims then you're better off not knowing them anyway.

You have to figure out how to get by in the world. It's not going anywhere. Humour helps. Just pretend to like normie things, like Harry Potter, unbridled lust, egalitarianism, soccer, etc.

I just consistently try to wake them up. It can get frustrating, people are either scared or too proud to admit they got something wrong. But it happens, bit by bit people are changing. My social media feed used to be all trump bashing. But after months of debating people, my feed has changed. Rarely trump bashing now except the odd few who are too stupid or too much ego to let go. A few weeks ago a 60 year old man who was very fearful and stubborn in the past admitted to me "there might be something to this pizzagate thing" and now he asks me what i think rather than angrily pretending he knows what is going on from listening to cnn. Takes resilience, confidence in yourself, and not caring what they think. I care about them as people and want them to wake up for their own sake, but i do not care what any of them think. Since this all happened, trump, pedogate etc...i have no romantic drive. No sexual drive, and my emotions are dulled. I'm in pure thinking mode for the past year, getting a relationship has such little importance to me now, much bigger things at stake than my personal needs.

People are ignorant, stupid, arrogant, meddling and selfish.
None of them know any better, I keep myself calm with the reassurance that they will all be dead and forgotten just as soon as I will be, and none of this really matters.

I have no clue how I do it. I'm in a group chat with some annoying liberals. I try to be subtle like I said the nfl shit is just about muh drumpf and not the original issue and are saying shit like they didnt say or do anything when the nazis were "running a muck" and how they're mad about kneeling but not flying confederate flags. Get me off this ride

I don't deal with them. keep work as work, keep political opinions as political opinions.

It's the whole 'red-pill' myth that people buy into on here.

All Sup Forums does is exchange one set of beliefs for another and claims it's the truth. The belief structure of this place mirrors that of mainstream society yet is just contrarian.

People who take Sup Forums seriously are just as brainwashed.

Fuck off, nihilist.

That's like saying truth is the opposite of false therefore they're the same.

Agree, amplify, or ignore. Some people are lost already, no point in putting yourself at risk.


OP is easily impressionable faggot. You are a NEET degen. Hang your self infront of your mothers room you fucking failure

First off, quit believing Kikebook has any relationship to reality at all. If it did Hillary would have won in a landslide.

Nothing wrong with being NEET is you can afford it and if you have something worthwhile to share with the world, the world will want it.

If I had any face to face interaction with normies I wouldn't be here.

one of my few friends just has to bring up trump every now and then, yesterday spouting off about how his tweets must be on a time delay so the rest of the white house can stop any bad ones from getting out. else we would be at war with china, russia, etc.

he just parrots the media narrative

I go to the gym a lot so I just play the gymbro persona around normies. A few well placed "dude, bro" and no one suspects a thing.

hiding your power level is for faggots who can't stand on their own
since it implies your dependency on others tolerating you when it should be the opposite
making everything they know not only useless but meaningless

Just politely inform them that a secret society of jews, who adopted an ideology written in obscure academic papers 50 years ago, which were intended to create a society where semites could play out a kabbalistic fantasy, are actually pulling the strings behind every important event and that the only people you can trust are virgin NEET shut ins who post on an anime imageboard and share infographics filled with fake pictures and dubious sources because they have realized, already ripely aged into their wise 20s, that everything is actually the fault of the jews.

I see people who have been high status successful millionaire individuals for decades get utterly shit get on and hated for having the wrong opinion in 2017.

Trump got lucky imo.

another faggot neet thread. Go get a fucking job. Racist coworkers will swap conspiracies with you all day. Hell your boss might rant every day about the kikes. You don't know this because you're a faggot neet with no work experience. You're literally the definition of a nigger.

sage sage sage and you are all faggots.

How can you be friends with people like that?
I don't have any friends that aren't red-pilled, probably also why I only have 1 friend.

there's a difference between power & strength user
power is nothing but the illusion of strength weaklings cling to
it always crumbles when challenged

I weezy jeezy

By not being a NEET shut-in and realizing that what people like (You) do and think about has nothing to do with my life.