What's Sup Forums's tax policy?


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Tax the poor so heavily that they do whatever it takes to get rich.

Flat tax.

Tax evasion.

The right answer is no tax at all

Find and ride the sweet spot on the Laffer curve.

Flat tax is essentially taxing the shit out of the poor and the consumer culture idiot.
It is a good tax policy.

Abolish the government. The law of the land should be the bill of rights.

the only right answer: tarrifs and a VAT. Plus land tax on any property other than your primary residence.

tax the kikes

In your world, how does the government get money to run?

Tax is Thief

Tax those with land >1 acre 5%
Tax those without at least 1acre of land +5%
Tax those (adults) who are unmarried +5%
Tax those with divorce(s) +5% each
Tax the (adult) childless +5%

This should help to foster a healthier society.
The sad thing is that most whites are taxed at a higher rate as is than the highest under this system

We tax the shit out of the poor with tobacco and alcohol taxes, lottery and casino gambling, etc. We probably can't hit them any more.

Tax jews at 100% of all income. Flat income tax of 20% for everyone else.

Zero percent taxation. Fund the government by foreign conquest and expropriation of people with low IQ who happened to acquire wealth (e.g. the Kardashians) by virtue of inheritance or luck.


No taxes, but you do need a Sup Forums pass to see this pic.

>estonian proving to out-jew the jews themselves. TFW illuminati = estonia and kalevala is NWO notebook.

Taxation should always be spent back where it is paid from.

Road tax should pay for roads;
Welfare and gibs should be paid from only income tax;
National health services would be paid by people liable to be ill- and likely the more ill you're likely to be the more you'll pay;
Education should be paid for by those it has educated;
Government should be paid for by those who support it.

I'd eliminate corporate taxes at the federal level. Make people responsible for tax payments. You'd put corporate tax consultants out of business, and get them out of politics.

Taxes are theft

I'd much rather have taxes levied locally at the city level. States and Federal should use tarrifs and other means to get their budget. The reason is that tax damages would be limited to a geographically defined area and the people voting for the taxes would be the only ones feeling the effects. If a tax policy makes a city fail, relocation is easy and a stable system would emerge. It would also limit government on a large scale because when politicians fail they couldn't tax people out for their failure. It would make for a more responsible government.

The US didn't have an income tax for 100 odd years

>Targets Jews to pay more in taxes

tax based on penis size

I like McAfee's view on taxation
Goverment should reduce taxes to 0% and instead gets it's money from paid entry to national parks, getting a dollar for every 1000 miles you drive on public roads et.c
It worked in the U.S until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson (same president that broke America's neutrality/isolationaist polices and introduced (((the federal reserve)))implemented taxation

Bulk of taxes should come from land value tax with exemptions for primary home up and family farm up to a small value.

Export/import taxes to steer towards trade balance and to punish leeches who think they can avoid the LVT.

Unironically jews would be the ''break glass in case of emergnecy''. Often they would be kicked out, theyr property seized, only to be allowed to come back like 10y later. While amoral, there were little to no international powers to oppose that in medieval ages.

Jews need to pay Jizyah.


Tax evasion is the moral responsibility of anyone who desires and end to retarded government expenditure.

>The US didn't have an income tax for 100 odd years

You don't need it in an agrarian economy with near infinite land. Neither is true any more.

10% Tax for everyone.

Only infastructure, justice system, police, army.
Maybe some other stuff.
Cut all the bullshit out.

Black men would stop lying. So this could be genius.


Property is theft.

>I don't have original ideas.

The US didn't have an Income Tax until like, 1937 or something. It was well beyond just an agrarian state. In fact, the Income Tax was introduced as a (((temporary))) measure to fund WW2. It was just never abolished afterwards.

Taxation is theft.
A state only exists to serve the people. The government handles niggers (it should) and it handles basically everything people don't like. The moment it stops doing that, the state is set to fail. It only makes sense to have people have a choice with what the government can do. You might say "well this can only end up with rich kikes running the government". Well, at that point, the government isn't worth a shit and really any defense for the country in this perfect country is private militias, so if this perfect country's populace are red pilled, they will stop those kikes before it goes from America 1850 to America 1930.

You cannot justify taxation at all. Why the fuck should I give the government 50% of my money so they can give it to Becky with her 5 kids at the trailer park and Shanique with her 5 nigglets. I'm also not OK with them giving my money to kikes who use the government as a career. Why should I pay a kike to write laws for me so we can all go to prison for stupid bullshit? Roads are pretty good, but it's not like people can get together and cooperate to create a road system...

tl;dr: Taxation is theft because the government won't spend it how we want it because they can say "fuck you" with your salary in their hands

>Tax evasion is the moral responsibility

Ancaps can't refute this pic.

Income tax depending on how rich you are, extra tax on luxury goods.

Good one.

Not if they track you down and throw you in prison.
They'll tear your house up from the inside out looking for all of your Federal Reserve papers.

Anarchists will give all on the DOTR, fag.

t. /gsg/ pro

Giving women all the power and allowing them to create shitskin abominations.

Inverse Jizya. Heterosexual White Christian Males pay 0%. Flat tax for all others.

For each difference from the above model, you pay a 5% income tax.
For each additional identity you add, you pay a 5% income tax.
Jews pay 30% base plus others. Or they would except they've all been gassed.
Each time you make a donation or gift in excess of 999 dollars to any political organization, foundation, party or candidate or PAC, your taxes will permanently increase by 5%, to a maximum of 95%.

Capital Gains taxes are another matter, but will increase at double the rate for political donations.

0% taxation for me, whatever % for those who still want to pay them.

No, there must be tax for roads, health care, emergency services, school and military.
The high taxable income is already their Jizyah. The ones who should pay additional tax is lesser races for enjoying the privilege of first world living standards.


Someone should seize all of that fat cucks money until he finishes the last 2 books. Cocksucker supported Hillary. He even dresses like some homo leather daddy.

ten outa ten

Once we seize the means of production, we won't need to tax anyone at all. The state will receive all income, then issue out stipends.

Fair Tax.

You can choose not to pay rent. You can't choose to not pay tax.

>statist BTFO

60% Goods and Services tax and 0% income tax

Whatever tax rate we need to fund our war against international jewry.

tax the dykes calling for gender equality into high hell

Very high inheritance tax, very low other taxes.

Escalating tax for higher wealth is the only way to do it, close to 0% for those that are in poverty and around 35% for the rich is probably good, provided tax evasion loopholes are shut.

Flat taxes only sound good to middle class retards with no conception of value scaling whatsoever.

100% inheritance tax, if you don't like it then don't die.

>You cannot justify taxation at all.

Taxation is a rent the community charge on the commons. You get the privilege to sole use of part of the commons (and you're allowed to spread the delusion that it is property) for which you pay taxes.

That said, democracy only works in a white ethnostate.

Unironically communism.

However, communism has never worked and will never work because of human corruption, so the second best choice is minarchy-like minimal taxation.


>You can choose not to pay rent. You can't choose to not pay tax.

You can leave the Nation(tm).

It is perfectly possible for a single person to own enough land the size of a nation. In an ancap world he, and every other land owner, has the exact same entitlements as a state.

There is no difference between a true land owner and a state.

>if they track you down
Tax evasion is not for the dumb and poor, user.


There's no such thing as ownership without a state.

Not paying the rent violates NAP. GTFO.

Nope. Feudalism.

> Escalating tax for higher wealth
Does not work in the long run.
Being rewarded for being retarded is counterproductive and leads to destruction of society.

majority of tax evasion is accounting error

>There's no such thing as ownership without a state.

There is no such thing as ownership without violence. That's real world thinking though.

I'm for the moment framing the argument in terms of ancap natural law though. From that point of view a land owner has the same moral entitlements as a state creates for itself in the real world by force.

>Nope. Feudalism.

Same difference.

>There is no such thing as ownership without violence.
And there is no productivity without slavery.

Well the American's use to finance there armies only with tariff's. At least tariff's are a choice and they can be invested directly to maintaining the border that collects them.

Grand strategy general, one of the generals on /vg/. In vicky 2 a common practice is to tax the poor as high as possible and the rich as low as possible to encourage promotion of capitalists. Also liquor factories.

>/tg/ shitpost it's the best shitpost


Sales tax only, completely eliminates the need for bureaucracy.

You could make it a progressive rate by exempting food and toiletries.

Nah, I was joking. Neither are theft, since property is a creation of the state.

>And there is no productivity without slavery.

Exactly and that's why we tax. We are enslaved to the landowners, in turn we enslave the landowners to our proxy, the government. So we can all be enslaved together.

Freedom for all is impossible in a world with limited natural resources, so slavery for all is the only equitable alternative.

Tax breaks for middle class! I couldnt even get claim my 17yr old kid last year! Pay in 40,000$ get 1,800$ back while people with 2 dependants in lower tax bracket get 8,000$ that maybe paid in 4,000$ so they can go make Walmart richer really pisses me off!

We need a Federal natural disaster tax. If you want to live in a hurricane, earthquake or other natural disaster zone, don't expect the government to help unless you have paid the price to live there.


tax everyone to hell

Someone should seize all of that fat cucks money and make him stop writing, he hasn't written anything worthwhile since the 80s.

>slavery for all
There are requirements for it to work. Guess some.

No they can buy their own damn insurance. Im not paying for it! If i was stupid and lived by a volcano i would have fire insurance! This isnt the first time Houston was flooded they should have had flood insurance!

Every dollar should only be taxed once when it changes hands.

Strange way to put that but that is kinda correct.
Individual forms of life compete against each other and they depend on eachother when they compete together as a bigger organism qgainst others

>Fuck the government
>don't need muh insurance
>Oh fuck, a hurricane. FUCK, CAT 5++++
>Bail me out FEMA

No, they need to just stop the,welfare population 2 kid limit.

Fair Tax (National Sales Tax) implemented after repealing the Income Tax amendment.

Losing Ground, here in American and the bell curve read the books!

no income tax, taxes should be simpler, sales tax is ok, maybe not property tax, tax corporations hard but prevent offshore dollar whoring and outsourcing

Joe le tax
C'est sa vie

5% flat rate on everything + pension contribution from your paycheck

That wont work you are paying for welfare babies with those taxes their kids get braces yours dont! They have to put a limit on the children these leachers have two kids no more!