What psychiatric drugs are you taking?

What psychiatric drugs are you taking?
I'm taking Lithium, Olanzapine and Citalopram

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>White countries are force feed all of these (((drugs)))
stop taking your jew prescribed medication OP

Citalopram, lithium carbonate and aripiprazole


How many triple A's are you on?

I was on lithium for a while, smoked some pot while on it and had a seizure. NOPE

Bipolar I or II?
Yes xD

None. Why the fuck is everyone and their mother on several prescription meds nowadays?

None, I'm not a birth defect incapable of making wise decisions. Neck yourself Paco.

Zoloft and Wellbutrin daily, Etizolam as needed,
Gabapentin as needed, Marijuano as needed.

Useless fuckheads. You're weak.

good old prozac

dopamine in small doses and only only friends and family.

Escitalopram Arippiprazole Lorazepam

Weed and psychedelic research chemicals.

None. I'm not a weak-willed, hypochondriac millennial.

None. Perhap's that's good or bad.
What's it like on Prozac/Fluoxetine?

Wellbutrin, adderall, phenibut for anxiety

> Duloxetine (20 years of type 1 diabetes, even with Adderall IR for god-like mental gains, if that counts.

funny how countries with free healthcare have the highest consumption

*I should clarify, duloxetine oddly enough also blocks some specific nerve pain, specifically, the autonomic neuropathy that's far less common and less preventable than "diabetic" neuropathy

Surprised that France isn't appearing on that list considering our media keep repeating us that we are the number one consummer of antidepressants in the world.

Myself? I don't take any drug, ever.

OP confirmed idiot/atheist being made seriously mentally ill by other idiot/atheist snake oil salesman from big pharma. Way to play it jackass. See you on the most wanted list someday.

Vyvanse. Makes me more productive, but not jittery or crazy.

anyone in this thread seeing repeating numbers like 11:11 frequently + ear ringing / high freq sound?

Clean diet, exercise (lifting and yoga), and 8+ hours of sleep every night

None, because I like to be clear minded and don't need some expensive drugs (((they))) decided are good for me. People have lived without these drugs for all of history other than the last 40 years. And there is very little evidence they actually do anything above placebo effect.

HAHA are you a really relaxed man?

This has to be bullshit, there is no way Burgerland can not be on there

Set the time on your fucking clock and it will stop flashing those numbers.


>tfw we medicate for personality flaws now
what was wrong with shunning, the stock and pillory, or just general ostracism?
giving anti-social degenerates a veneer of civility by drugging them doesn't fill me with optimism.

Nothing, because i hope that every pain and every negative feeling i expierence, will fuel the hate in my soul, to one day stand up and turn this world upside down

I would really need antidepressants, but i love the suffering, because it will get me somewhere, it will lead to change

Zyprexa and Lamictal.

Helps me to forgive and forget.

Prozac. Doesn't help the anxiety though

None, and I never will be.

Y'all niggas are fucking dumb. I won't even take medication if I have a headache. You don't need this shit and it's fucking with you. It's no wonder I'm so "smart" when everybody and their dog is hopped up on some kind of drugs all the time.

Citalopram and Zolpiden.
Helps with anxiety and insomnia.

>Brain getting jewd

"I'm so different and smart hurr durrr"

Thing is, they just turn you into a non-feeling zombie.

They don't make you happy, they just remove any feeling you had.

OP is an dumbass, that statistics isn't usage of drugs.

Do you recharge yourself at night?

None. Never will either. Although I have been accused of being on drugs because I point out reality, to those of you on drugs.......

None, most of them are poisons and you don't need them.

Unless you're schizo, then maybe.

Missing the point, shitskin.

sertraline and quetiapine

>im like soooooo depressed lmao xD
why don't you guys just start hormones if you're going to act like neurotic women anyway

Currently weening off tegretol and building up on lamictal. Unfortunately I have to take these. It's not because muh depression

A surefire way to get jacked by the CIA is having leverage over their rebranding processes.


etiz source?

The depopulation of the white race requires that white people have no means of accessing that voice in there heads. Which acts like a compass to determine the difference between right and wrong instead it renders that responsibility down the specific moral and Intellectual elite.

This is where psychology comes into medicate and control the white race's moral compass towards complete eradication.

Goddamn. This shit should be illegal, and mental defectives should be encouraged to kill themselves. Worthless fucks.

i do

this graph shows a direct correlation between ssris and national cuckery.

funny thing is its countries that are very feminist, breakdown of relationships = depression

im a hospital nurse and basically everyone is on a ssri. kind of fucked up

None. I'm not a middle aged democrat voting woman.

Not him but leddit rc sources works. Practically all RCs are banned where I live so it's no use to me.

>'m not a middle aged democrat voting woman.
there are no womenz on the internet but for posting their asses on snatchchat. This is known.

That graph doesn't shows anything, here's a graph that shows something.
Defined daily dose is how much can theoretically a doctor recommend for usage for a specific illness.

wtf - You niggers are on more drugs than us ?

rc sources?

Photoshop him out to fuck with OCD people.

where do you live, VA ?

Zirmanclandapone, Munifrandapize, and Fruntonzingapane for my nuritanbine.

Flux Lab Supplies, IRC.BIO, DomesticRCs

No, defined daily dose isn't prescribed drugs, only recommended dose by doctors. It doesn't tells you how many per 1000 people have depression. Only how many out of those who have depression get advised by doctor how much to take.

Citalopram here

Don't give a fuck about stuff that used to (((matter))) and life is easy now

is this made up nonsense? wtf are these drugs ??

thanks fellow, just made an order from ohmod

Liqour, coke and marijuana...


Listen to this guy

i'm taking jordan b. peterson

no fbi man

i will not submit to your honeypot

Abacus and alcohol, twice daily.

Interesting how tge happiest nations on earth require the most medication against their depression.
Really makes you think what counts as happiness today.

I just take Ketamine from time to time. Scared of SSRIs

People think that telling yourself that you're happy is what happiness is.

That's the crux of everything that is wrong with the world right now.

Remember this next time someone posts that shit about Iceland or Denmark or whatever being the "happiest" place in the world.

fucking sauce mate where tf do you get ketamine?

i was taking Citalopram now just xanax for anxiety. Cita has been giving me bloody mucus every morning i wake up. Anxiety fucking sucks because i cant drive far.

But that's what it is. Now hold my keyboard while I spark this J and fill my sauce cup

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, that so many Sup Forums users have bipolar disorder

The drug of the Gods, Tobacco.

ever think maybe this society is making people sick ?

4 posts out of 66 unique? For this kind of website, 10% is weak. I'd expect it to be more like 21%

When is bipolar mpd?

When you start talking to yourself expecting other's to listen.

Then you get apophenia, then you get schizophrenia.

All bundled under the "Psychosis" diagnosis.

None, I'm not a degenerate. What is wrong with you faggots, go do sports and take a hike in the nature, it will do you more good than drugs

Thread theme song:

WEW now that got my almonds activated, gonna actually look at those studies.
You got anymore screen caps or stuff on this

Not anti depressants but Ive just stopped using lorazepam and several months ago stopped using zopiclone.. They are really hard drugs to come off of, are super duper bad for you, and are not intended to be prescribed for more than a couple of weeks to begin with.. But I was taking zopiclone the longest, for 2-3 years.

That being said, zopiclone is fucking awesome. One of the comfiest feelings was taking that stuff, getting some snacks and watching a carchase or someshit with Sup Forums

Sup Forums, /mlp/ and /x/

There's a merchant somewhere in there, fyi.

New studies are linking depression to inflammation btw anons. Most mental ilness/distress probably all stems from inflammation and bad immune system

> dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4871884/Depression-PHYSICAL-illness-professor-claims.html


I'm on Sup Forums

I deal with my depression like a real man.
Playing video games and jerking off to anime tiddies.

You start acting like james holmes and friends.