How isn't capitalism the ultimate form of cuckery?

How isn't capitalism the ultimate form of cuckery?

Capitalists are hiding $14 trillion in ofshore bank accounts, more than enough to give every American the best healthcare, housing, and education in the world for free.

But you would rather be raped 24/7 by capital through insanely unfair medical bills, mortgages, and student loans, than question the "feel-good" narrative you're emotionally invested in.

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because in communism they take that $14 trillion right in front of your face and you can't do shit

Yes. And so is shilling for the SJW agenda of said capitalist jew billionaires, you shill bootlicker.

With a few fixes people like me have an opportunity to help do the raping. communism cant give me that.

The OP pic is an amusement park in the DPRK. A ticket costs $1, vs. $100 in capitalist countries.

>why does everything cost money
Yawn, try harder kid

Welfare is cuckery.

Funny how suburbanite americunt leftists worship North Korea, which isn't even communist: it is an ethnostate that is against sodomy, race-mixing, kikes, trannies and other degeneracy you hold as sacred.

>People have money.
>Money raises my quality of life.
>I deserve their money.
>They deserve nothing in return.
Impressive logic, kys

Why don't you live there if you think it's so great?

Communism is robbery to benefit the top government officials and leave the rest of the people poor and not free

Most people in antifa are anarchists, who actually hate communists more than fascists (just read their twitter).

That's because "sodomy, race-mixing, kikes, trannies and other degeneracy" are a function of late-stage capitalism. The only solution for those things is the abolition of capitalism.

Most anarchists, left-coms, and socdems would never defend the DPRK anyway.

>People have slaves
>Slaves raise my quality of life
>Slaves deserve their rights
>They deserve nothing in return
Impressive logic, kys

you haven't described capitalism
you have described fractional reserve banking
you won't find any support for that here

so you're solution to all this is having an autocratic government take everyone's rights away and have parasites and hard working people be on equal footing ?

>that's not real communism you capitalist pig

right, and you have the blueprint in your mind to a wonderful utopia where everyone is equal and suffering is a thing of the past, you communist faggots disgust me, get a job and stop being so envious of people who are more successful than you, communism is just one excellent intention but a horrible judgment in a nutshell.

How do you propose we get rid of fractional reserve banking without getting rid of capitalism?

Did you really just ask how protecting your own resources isn't cucked? Do we actually need to explain why protecting your own resources from people who would use them to start pointless wars, engage in surveillance on you, and give the rest to their crony buddies is a good idea? Jesus fuck, commies are stupid.

>parasites and hard working people be on equal footing

what do you mean by this?

gold standard

>start pointless wars, engage in surveillance on you, and give the rest to their crony buddies is a good idea

That's what's going on right now though, under capitalism.

According to Marxism, the state is just a tool of the ruling class. The state does all of that because it serves the interests of capital.

Hahaha, you fucking deluded retard. Do you even believe 1% of the trash you're spouting you worthless subhuman?
You want communism so bad? I'll show you real communism, come right here to me, work in my stead and give me 100% of your earnings. Don't do it and I'll fucking rape and kill your whole family in front of your eyes before sending you to a gulag where you'll die a few months later.
That's what communism is, bitch.

Then why do most people who lived under communism (e.g. Eastern Europe) miss communism and dislike capitalism?

What you're saying is, people actually like being raped, killed, and sent off to gulags, which is illogical.

Fact is: the powers that be massively benefit from FRB, so they have no incentive to abolish it. Only under socialism is a gold standard possible in the current balance of class interests.

>That's because "sodomy, race-mixing, kikes, trannies and other degeneracy" are a function of late-stage capitalism. The only solution for those things is the abolition of capitalism.

Can't disagree with that.

More like (((((((THE POWERS THAT BEEEEEE)))))))



Holy fuck stop using the economic Cuck argument
It's so vague and unclear that it could be used for literally anything.
Breath air? Lol, stop being cucked to the oxygen Jew!
Wash your hands? Cuck to the soap corporations!
The word is LITERALLY meaningless

no, you get rid of the FR bankers and their networks
i.e. Rothschilds